Happiness and a Stress-free Life

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) on “Happiness and a Stress-free Life” in New Delhi, India on April 24, 2018. After his talk His Holiness answers questions from the audience.

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anthony sultana says:

Dalai Lama ,he have the spiritual power ,to connect us with,our mother earth ,spirit earth,and the big spirit. This is what every living thing need to understand .When you understand ,these 3 things ,your life will become harmonic,and painless..All other religions are,scams ,violent, painful,and full of diseases.

liu yun says:

Long live hi holinese

Anil Parekh says:

🕉️ interesting lecture

norbu lobsang says:

Long live His Holines and thank you my guru.

DB says:

He has authentic laugh and humor. Thank you your holiness and sharing your wisdom.

Tempa Bhutia says:

Most amazing, I have come across many non-believers reading his book while on my travel by train or plane during my official or business trips. The answer they gave was, he is realistic and logical.. Messiah of Peace and Compassion. Happiness the sole purpose of all sentinent beings.. Practically I also want me and my family and the whole world to be happy. Long Live His Holiness. The only Religious Persons who talks of the well being of the 7 billion human beings and all religions.

Tempa Bhutia says:

Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama, most logical and practical religious leader of this century…. great thinker and philosopher of old India Nalanda Tradition the oldest University of the World- when there was no existence of Oxford, Trinity or Havard, UCLA etc. , Nalanda University now in Bihar State…. the teaching of the great thinkers and philosophers of the Nalanda University most relevant( viz. Shankarrishta, Atisha Dipankara, Nagarjuna, etc.) in this world of turmoil and strive. The ancient knowledge of India most needed for universal brotherhood and religious harmony (Securalism – the old age India tradition).

Arlo Cordell says:

please accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and we can meet up in heaven!!!


Nonsense talk

Lam Le says:

Tuyệt quá


Please, Bless me and my Seven billion human family, HH THE 14th DAILA LAMA .

Ee Chuan Seng says:


IN THE CURRENT MIND OF ME as what I recognized , perhaps the words of Buddha ( Prince Siddharta ) is like any existent or nature , is just an arrow / a signboard pointing at ME , pointing at what I am , a mirror that reflecting ME.
Awaken to own nature , one realize he is EMOTION that travelling in a natural process leading back into a state before he existed , into a state of nothingness .
I am EMOTION . I am desire , love , anger , hate , greed , ego , fear , worry etc and I am travelling in a natural process leading back into a state before I existed . Into a state of nothingness .
Change and decreasing is the natural nature of this process .
This natural process of becoming ME and leading ME back into a state before I existed is recognized by ME as “ Buddhism” and I like all others existent regardless living or non-living is a “ Buddhist” and “ Buddha” is a state before I existed . Buddha is a state of nothingness .
The one that changed is Buddha . The one that changing is Buddhist . The process of changing is Buddhism .
So Human is Mind + Physical Body .
Mind is EMOTION + Referrals .
Referrals is a form of knowledge / faith / beliefs / experiences / skills etc .
Emotion is the one that propel a human . Emotion like others living has a natural nature of growing .
Emotion is generating referrals by using physical body as a tools to sense /detect .
Thinking is the action of emotion in a process of knowing / understanding to creates “ Referrals” .
Emotion is feeding on referrals to grow and to travel in life .
As emotion growing or as referrals increase in mind , mind will expand .
As mind expanding is like a balloon and pressure inside the balloon increases , pressure resembles suffering .
So as emotion or referrals increases , suffering increases .
Emotion is feeding on referrals to grow and referrals is generated by physical body as a tool / by emotion action of thinking in a process of knowing. understanding, accepting .
Emotion is travelling by hopping on to referrals by referrals in a journey known as life .
Life is emotion that travels.
Each moment , emotion is hopping from referrals to referrals living the life , like a monkey hopping from tree to tree but each moment , the hands/legs of the monkey must hold on to a branch .That is the nature of understanding and also the nature of living .
So to generate referrals , emotion is hopping from referrals to referrals in a process of knowing / understanding .
Emotion then hopping from referrals to referrals in a process known as living . Emotion is feeding on referrals to grow and to travels in life.
But concurrently as emotion ( Buddhist ) is naturally growing ( in Buddhism )…….emotion is also travelling in a natural process that pulling it back into original state before emotion existed ( also in Buddhism ) , into a state of nothingness ( Buddha ) .
Time is the nature of this journey .
As emotion trying to generate referrals in a process of knowing / understanding …there is another natural process that react in an opposite nature / reverse manner that returns emotion back into the mind .
Just like when you throw a rubber ball onto a concrete wall, the ball bounce back to you .
If the mind is of less emotion / less referrals …the mind will received back this returning emotion and this process is REALIZATION .
Realization is a process that without holding on any referrals .
Only realization will reduce the growth of emotion. As emotion reduce in growth, mind will contract.
As mind contracting is just like a balloon losing air , pressure inside the balloon decreases …suffering reduce .
So only realization will reduce suffering .
Perhaps the words of Buddha is about REALIZATION not something one should understand or know as knowing / understanding will lead to creation of referrals that will only lead to suffering.
The reason I claim Buddhist Teacher is misleading is that Buddhist Teacher is apparently holding on referrals in mind not only they will suffer of this but by teaching it to others , the holds on these referrals will increase .
Buddhist Teacher is apparently teaching others to understand / to know / to experience Buddha’s words that will lead them to create referrals in their mind ….their mind will expand and they will suffer .
For the last 16 years and after communicated with hundreds of Buddhist Teacher from various background all over the world. I at a current mind that claim all Buddhist Teacher are in greater suffering holding on to an expanded large mind filled with referrals .
I currently of a claim that all Buddhist Teacher are robbers that robbed Buddha’s words , acted with the nature of parasite feeding on Buddha’s words and is a “ Terrorist Of Mankind” for misleading Buddha’s words and leading people into a path of greater suffering in the name of Buddhism .
I am now STILL exploring the reason / nature of a Buddhist Teacher teaching Buddhism and cordially invite all Buddhist Teacher to debate with me AS TO CHALLENGE THIS MIND OF ME .
Regardless what / how , everyone is a teacher to me that provide a great source of realization of me .
My name is Ee Chuan Seng from Malacca , Malaysia and I am not a troll or a spam . I will be responsible with all these claim . My email is 1988csee@gmail.com

Hitesh Pupreja says:

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Hi says:

wow HH speech left me speechless . thank u for sheding light of extremely wisdom

sushmita rai says:

Long live his holiness.❤❤❤❤

DragonRoman says:


Rudra says:

Dalai LlMa is an Honest Practitioner , acknowledges Indian Sources unlike Western Plagiarists and Idea Thiefs- Vipassana is " Mindfulness Meditation " in the West !! What a Joke !!

GaaaT T says:

your precious life depends on the way you use your mind. be kind always! long life His Holiness

satyanand dwivedi says:

H.H has best mocked to so called neobuddhist.

satyanand dwivedi says:

Your holiness Dalai Lama world can't be free from nuclear weapon unless world's two most powerful countries will not initiate and exemplify denucleaeisation process by destroying their weapons.

George Andrews says:

Nothing is good or bad, it just is. “Karma” tries to rule some things as good and others as evil.

Zeng Pang says:

No such thing as happiness and stress free. You live and you stress, even you were a king you would feel stressed and feared, because you would fear and stressed you might got toppled one day.

Sylvie Lopez says:

Long live H.H.Dalai Lama 🌼🙏🏽🌼🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🙏🏽🌈🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🙏🏽🌻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌼🕊

Thomas Pflieger says:

Long life his holiness, you will be always in my heart

Ven Shimul Barua says:

Namo buddhay
Great jobs


I love how he always starts his talks with….Brothers ans Sisters.

Carla Ballesteros says:

Dear Dalai, thanks forma your teachings, i feel ir Is posible ti actividad like one team, a big family all of us

Dilip Palwekar says:

long live..his holiness.

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