Does Federal Bridge Link Princess Di’s D’Alma Tunnel to the 47th floor on 9/11? with David Hawkins

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David explores the technological signatures of two of the most controversial crimes in history


Jason Goodman says:

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Jon Boy says:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOLD S H I T !! No one cares !! BYE

Algo Rhythm says:

David may be one of the last few intelligent men who get air time. Keep it up because his reason is very important.

gamzee makara says:

"Jason Goodman is on the payroll of a man named Arnon Milchan. Arnon has Jason doing work partly out of blackmail. Jason was at parties with a producer named Brian Singer and there were underaged boys and girls. Jason was being paid $2788 a week and its now up to $3500 a week."

bdaze777 says:

Haven't been able to figure why the split with you guys and Field???

hendershotjarvis says:

LOVE you!!!

Alex Tamsula says:

Two days before Princess Di was killed, August 29, 1997, I was in a grocery store and heard a voice in my head say, 'Di, Princess, Di.' Imagine my surprise when she ended dead two days later. This is why I call myself 'Criswell'. If you say I'm making this up I'd say, 'I wish I were that clever.' @ AlexTamsula on Twitter. #RedPillBill

notathome13 says:

Root key – Same theory apples to public certificate infrastructure as used in ssl certificate for all forms of e-commerce. Use private unsigned certificates or open certificate providers who have not given root certificates to five thumbs cartel. This will then make these lives harder as will need to try and crack it.

Amy Murcia says:

You sound so ridiculous Jason kicking dirt in Field’s face. You sound like a child even bringing it up. Saying that you can’t trust what Field McConnell says, his knowledge and reputation stand firmly on their own. You’re bitching about trolls talking bad about you and yet you are doing the same exact thing……so you’re a hypocrite!! Sounds like you care more about money than giving people the truth. You are acting like a petulant child. I have unsubscribed to your channel btw.

Heather Stanton says:

Jason u are being immature regarding Field! He still is a smart and good guy regardless of what you think of him. You really should lighten up and let bygones be bygones!!

Reggie Gorney says:

Can you speak to your problem with Field Mc Connell

Mr. Solitude says:

Owen Shroyer went balls to the walls today. Asked why Trump is catering to Nancy Pelosi instead of his base. Questions why we should continue to support him in 2020. And feels that today is Trump's worst day in office. Attaboy, Owen, for publicly holding Trump deservedly accountable. Damn proud of you.

Pendle Eldnep says:

cloning waypoints using another vehicle – re Diana car crash – white Fiat car.

Pendle Eldnep says:

tesla – invented the cordless phone ? it's just a radio comm.

gastroinfo4u says:

Hi Jason, my name is Tonia. If you would please message me. I would like to come on your channel. I have a youtube channel gastroinfo4u. A video titled Please Share. I am connected to a machine 18 hrs. a day. I have almost died three times within a year & half. The last time I had sepis & lost half my blood. I need to get what has been done to me out to the public.

Richard Obrien says:

Field Mconnell is a complete dick. Best thing MR Hawking did was part with him. Hawking is pure class with an 18 inch fore head

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