WHAT THE SECRET IS ALL ABOUT – The Law of Attraction Dr Joe Vitale | London Real

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Dr. Joe Vitale is a spiritual teacher and author known for his appearance in the hit movie THE SECRET.

He has written 70 books that include the best sellers The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, which dives into the Hawaiian practice for wealth, health and peace.

He is best known for his ideas on the laws of attraction, abundance mentality, and hypnotic language.

Watch the FULL EPISODE here: https://londonreal.tv/e/dr-joe-vitale/


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeMrFire

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrfire

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Steve BB says:

hermetics watered down and telling half the story.

Jonathan Yeo says:

It's very simple: It's not that you don't have to take action, it's that you take action proceeding from the posture of BELIEF, of ALREADY HAVING YOUR DESIRE.


You are so much like me brother check out my channel I'm a versatile multi-talented guy just waiting to be discovered I have the Charisma than to Z azzam the strength of power the ideas and the talent


If the action does not make YOU FEEL GOOD you are NOT in ALLIGNMENT. We were not educated on HOW to take action.

Lee Autpsy says:

You have to reprogram your subconscious while you sleep bc your brain is still active during sleep. While you're awake you're conscious and it's harder but can still be done. Record yourself saying positive affirmations calmly and put it on repeat all night. Go to sleep. Might take a few weeks. But once you breakthrough, you'll notice a difference in your life. Research positive affirmations and that's how you reprogram yourself. Now what you say will be your NEW program that you still act on while you're conscious or awake. Right now your subconscious is probably on autopilot being controlled by the things you hear and see on a daily basis. Good luck!

Jim Tzikis says:

How this guy justifies the Dr. title ?

Mr. Blunt says:

Awww I was hoping I could sit on my ass all day and just bring my opportunities to me like a vacuum! 🙁

hlb0111 says:

Joe Vitale is a money-hungry dirt bag.

Xeronimo74 says:

The 'Secret' is utter bull.

Yolanda Young says:

THE SECRET!! The book, CD and audio book and Movie that changed my life for ever!!! 😍😍💖

Owen fox - New Age Sage Clown Transformer! says:

Shoulda said this as clearly as this IN THE MOVIE!!! Lol. Great to be clearing this up! 👍

Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of 'Time' says:

Meditation then action!!!

Aadi Skywalker says:

The secret movie and book suck because most of the people get the concept wrong because they fail to convey the message clearly to the audience… And we all know our thoughts become things but nothing happens unless we take massive action.. To be honest I feel like "Think and grow rich" by Napoleon Hill or "The power of positive thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale or "Awaken the giant within" by Tony Robbins convey the message clearly than the Secret.. But the secret got the most sold and people are always leaning towards the law of attraction than the law of action 😊

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