Eckhart Tolle – The Never Ending Present Moment

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Timothy Stratton says:

When did you throw up? I threw up at 12 minutes. The lack of honesty is literally sickening. If the poor souls in that room really wanted to learn what silence is about, why would they sit there for an hour and a half listening to someone “assist” it. The stillness and silence that Tolle rapes and mocks here doesn’t need his assistance. It’s holier than him. It is its own power.

The whole room vibrates with the most nauseous form of ego worship I’ve ever witnessed. No silence detected. I began to have a hard time at the very start when during his mandatory guru-appointed silence, he appeared upset by the rustling of papers in the crowd. A delicate little flower not to be disturbed. Then, by about the 5th time he said “some people …” followed by an insult of everyone but himself and his cult followers, I had to go and puke. This guru is useless. A true guru doesn’t allow cult worship of himself like this. In other words, no one can name a true guru. They’re rare, secretive and not only don’t seek fame, but actively avoid it.

A true worshipper of silence and stillness won’t worship his own ideas about it to SUCH a nauseating degree. Nor would he invite others to do so. Nor would accept payment for doing so. This right here is precisely what is wrong with the world and is exhibit A of the ego worship and cultural conditioning Tolle supposedly sets out to eliminate

Jean-Yves Caro says:

– Que comprendre des lumières de Mr Tolle ( grand, en anglais ! ) alors que j'ai laissé mon anglais à l'école qui, de mon temps, ignorait l'anglais ?

Jocelyn Henkel says:

Hey, what's wrong with a little help? How about the Lord's prayer and take that with you through out the day…and the golden rule is good too….at least he's trying.

timothy jensen says:

I find extremely close “micing” really annoying. Please get a better sound person.

Chris To says:

Thanks for sharing this <3

luker48 says:

I feel like he’s the type of dude to get a pet tortoise or sloth and watch it for 12 hours straight.

cretaceo strapulazza says:

The nowadays Buddha HAD to have that face

Tom Tuttle says:

Nesta Webster

TnT The Random Channel says:

I am love, I am God, I am me, I am you. We are all in this together. Remember you are loved. You are light. You are beautiful. You are enough. You are worthy!

urmila joy says:

I love when he acts out something to explain

Sutra and Seed says:

a never ending stream of brilliant insights into the human condition… thank you for all the belly laughs Eckhart

urmila joy says:

Thankyou for saving my life

Glória says:

Too much adds. No way.

Christopher Moody says:

Can someone do an audio mashup of him saying " No one cared who I was until I put on the mask".

Tetra Hedron says:

Echkart Tolle is like my father.😊

pax north says:

Huh. I caught a glimpse of him once. He was driving an SUV along a waterfront road, going around a bend. No audience present obviously, but he still had that silly happy at peace grin on his face. My sense is that this is no act.

Carpenter Family says:

When he pauses in silence for what seems like an extended period of time ( ~ 15 seconds ) . . . why does he do that ? When he does that, what is he doing ( internally ) ?

Carpenter Family says:

38:38 The less conscious, the more the ego needs to have enemies in order to feel its sense of identity. True of groups. True of individuals. But more powerful and dangerous in a group collective.

David Marshall Taylor says:

I am aware of the awareness that is aware of itself being aware made that up in meditation,, ❤️

Trent Hogan says:

He's a highly enlightened genius, wonderful insights and tools for life.

Kjetil Mikkelsen says:

I found power of now 9 years ago. Whenever I need a reminder I search up Eckhart on youtube or read his books.

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