Accepting the Present Moment; not the Life Situation! Eckhart Tolle

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Steve Mora says:

How long is the present moment? Present minute or the day?

Djuna Barnes says:

You can pretend sorrow doesn't exist to try to go trough life but sorrow do exist

Carla Gruber says:

When was this Recorded?anyone knows? Thanks..

Marta Vera says:

He is the master of unfuckwithability šŸ˜Š

Eric Cartman says:

Iā€™m going to write a book called ā€œThe Strength Of The Presentā€ then make 15 million dollars and go on Oprah.

Archer De Angelo says:

"The only real truth is that we are all on our own path to finding our own truth"

Michael Cummings says:

love it, his order says life is a joke, but god save the establishment….

mike patterson says:

Live In The Flash, Of Your Minds Eye.Peace;-)))

scott costello says:

This dude changed my life.for much better.listen and learn

Robert Burnett says:

I found Tolle thru a friend while in Cambodia. Needed him at the time. Then thru Tolle found Osho and others. But old mind prisons still occur. But know have hope.

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