Spirituality documentary: inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – The Power of MEDITATION ☯4

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Part one of the film Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds. Akasha is the unmanifested, the “nothing” or emptiness which fills the vacuum of space. As Einstein realized, empty space is not really empty. Saints, sages and yogis who have looked within themselves have also realized that within the emptiness is unfathomable power, a web of information or energy which connects all things. This matrix or web has been called the Logos, the Higgs Field, the Primordial OM and a thousand other names throughout history. In part one of Inner Worlds, we explore the one vibratory source that extends through all things, through the science of cymatics, the concept of the Logos, and the Vedic concept of Nada Brahma (the universe is sound or vibration). Once we realize that there is one vibratory source that is the root of all scientific and spiritual investigation, how can we say “my religion”, “my God” or “my discovery”.


Bianca Lee Maré says:

Omg!! Where is the rest of video???

Entertainment for you says:

Thanos is coming Thanos is coming!


This was a cool video 👍🏾💪🏾

Peter Q says:

In the BEGINNING "time" The Creator creates the HEAVEN "space" and the EARTH "matter"…

and TODAY since Einstein Relativity they are still trying to figure OUT …Time-Space & Matter…

Read "The Bible" seek and you will find all you need to KNOW not literally but KNOWLEDGE beyond human comprehension but for those who seek to KNOW The Creator!!!

Men with their puny Brains will NEVER be Gods no matter what superhuman effort they may train themselves to be we are but DUST and to DUST we shall return

vellaW says:

May I invite you all to clean your karma? In India, they know that karma controls life, illness and death. Yet, in India today, more than a million people are cleaning their karma. In the West, 1000s of people are doing the same thing. The Indians are right, you see. Here is a simple 35 minute video that will show you your karma and tell you what to do with it. http://www.instant-freedom.com/fast-path.html
And, if you want to take a further step, please click on Second Attention on the menu.
Good luck.

KCCAT5 says:

It says it's 58 minutes long but it stops at 30 minutes. What am I missing?

Pam English says:

Please post music used

Intergalactic Guild of Sciences says:

Excellent general wisdom here. Get out of the FAKE world and into advanced consciousness. Dr. Thor Templar, IGOS

J P says:

Hubble Space Telescope… taking pictures of everything but the Earth imagine that LOL

Seth Bush says:

Mofia in usa making a real movie to god theyll all be in purgatory when they die killers in usa every state

Seth Bush says:

Usa mofia making a real movie playing jason bourne≧∇≦

B H says:

There was no big bang… The universe is simply in motion. Vibrations vibrations.. wake up!!! Nothing is big and nothing is small. It is all a perspective and you are the center of it all. That is why you can't see the end. Your physical brain has obviousl boundaries, but inside you can imagine beyond infinite darkness…

Indigo Isosceles says:

30 minutes of blank screen and no audio. you waste my time.

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