Neale Donald Walsh's "Who is God?!"

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Close – New – A Full Length 108 minute DVD production. A lively presentation on God and Love at the Fort Collins Lincoln Center, Colorado. Also includes an Interview with Neale Donald Walsch on the nature of love, and special guest Master Young Hee demonstrates how to find and develop self love. Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality,Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives

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Kelly Greenlee says:

Please read your Bible. This man is a false teacher.

Aaron Myers says:

in all your studies with the real true God, The bodily resurrected Lord Jesus Christ it's a shame you never met him, the god you speak of is the god of separation and confusion.

Kai Tsurugi says:

Awesome! CWG was truly life changing 🙂

Tanner Sandell says:

I am trying to find a video where he talks about when he was HOMELESS and he said the reason he was HOMELESS was so that he could get clear. Does anyone know that video? Pardon the big words but I wanted to make it noticeable.

Jason Rowley says:

It's utterly pointless to comment on these Christian rantings. To all who have read his book AND understand it, be thankful you aren't lost and enjoy this ride called life as we remember who we are.

Dylan R. says:

We are all stardust. Which came from a big explosion- let's call it God

christopher hansbrough says:

only if one says jesus is who he says he is the the only one who truly honors the father. we are not all gods or all god. we are clay and he is the potter. all remarks to disown what i just said may now begin. ready set go…..

TheWebcamcomedy says:

im not being funny, im being me. "god"

Michael Maiorano says:

cum hoc ergo propter hoc buddy.

Also consider how your beliefs in G and a theist's beliefs may not be incompatible if you change the definition… this is the entire purpose of NDW's work.

Correlation ImpliesCausation says:

Only one what? Gods are imaginary. Wake up.

Correlation ImpliesCausation says:

Ewwwwwww Walsscchhhh. He is such a gross dude. There's some scandal gonna break on him I imagine because there is a LOT wrong here. Oh and I read on ripoff report a very sincere TEN PAGE report on how Walsch had ripped off a poor man and manipulated him and then showed up *at the guy's place of work* to harass him more when a seminar was going on in guy's town.

Fucked up piece of shit who has sperm donated for and then ditched 9 children. Can you imagine being a woman in his life!?! *Vomit*

Dave Furgess says:

old bearded hippies are the worst! pass the granola man!

Royal Borne says:

Some of them Neale is saying is taught in Christianity. Doesn't seem to be new, and yet I still feel something is missing. With his explanation it now make much more sense. Just like, the indwelling of God in us; we are the temple of God or the kingdom is in you…all in the Bible. He's right, there seem to be separation bet God and man, when there is only One.

Shobhit Ray says:

u want to find God…jus stand in front of the mirror…"u will see God" …@love urself @respect urself ..

ThePeopleAreFucked says:

haha he used a great goerge carlin line and just added a "n´t" to make it his own…thats pretty funny -.- i liked the movie thou

Gi says:

hes using things that are common knowledge to most mystics and seekers but he is treading on a dangerous delusional path where he thinks God is speaking to him. "he who is first shall be last"

Renee S says:

How depressing….you people are all so closed minded. NDW has done a great job trying to communicate a great new way of thinking, being, and acting – God knows the world is a really messed up place and the way we're doing things now just isn't working. His material make more sense to me than anything else I have heard. Jesus tried 2000 years ago too, but we only heard what we wanted to hear and much of his teachings were misinterpreted. Let's not repeat history…

Lorien Exler says:

As far as energetic consequences the energy from your thoughts emotions and beliefs draw to you the same energy in the form of people and events. Everything is energy and we're electromagnetic. This is a universal built in teacher. Those who are mentally sick or filled with built up anger because of society's unevolved mistreatment of them generally experience more mistreatment in the form of 'punishment'. This is what God is trying to stop.

Lorien Exler says:

CWG also states that God is within all creation. That means you. People are connected to God to varying degrees and some aren't connected at all. If you think God is a schizophrenic male representing half the creation who orders the genocide of whole cities you have a problem.

Lorien Exler says:

There are energetic consequences. God is saying through Neale not to judge

Lorien Exler says:

Those that are accusing Neale for writing in the CWG books that "there is no right or wrong" obviously haven't understood what is being said or read it thoroughly. It states clearly there is no right or wrong meaning there is no limitation to what you can do on this free will planet; there is no religious form of judgement coming from God or the higher realms—no lynching, no electric chairs, no hellfire and brimstone, no decapitation, no burning at the stake. But there are energetic conseque

Lydia Lawrence says:

Simply being born here does not make this 'our' planet any more than being born in 'insert your town here' makes that your town. The planet 'belongs' to all the people who reside here. 'Belong' is a misnomer. Earth belongs to no one except maybe Gaia herself; although Gaia is the planet's sentience just like our soul gives our body life and movement. The new message from Creator? Evolve or start anew. All the answers are within each and every one of us.

Lydia Lawrence says:

only if you allow it. the 'law of attraction' suggests that we 'get' what we attract to us; by our thoughts. envision the world you want. and then see…

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