Conversations with God  Audiobook written by Neale Donald Walsch Book 1

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Conversations with God (CwG) is a sequence of books written by Neale Donald Walsch. It was written as a dialogue in which Walsch asks questions and God answers.The first book of the Conversations with God series, Conversations with God, Book 1: An Uncommon Dialogue, was published in 1995 and became a publishing phenomenon, staying on The New York Times Best Sellers List for 137 weeks.

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quannga99 says:

Where was that god when the Jews were being decimated?

judas brute says:

I've read the CWG series and my life experience has always been the same. God is a horrible evil being that plays favorites. when I die (continue) I am spitting in it's face and kicking it hard in the crotch. with every fiber of my being I curse and loathe you God/Jesus! you are a disgusting freak!!!

Addicted G*59 says:

wheres the rest of the book?

saida tribak says:

Please I can’t Hear this video can someone fix the volume

Kristin Gallo says:

2:07:58. I marked this to find where I left off.

joe alfa says:

read the message comments backwards from me and piece it toghter

Raphaella Velasquez says:

I've heard this womans voice before.

I Makoto says:

Thank you for the great work ♪

Archie Warren says:

Hi there can some1 do all of these books please 1 to 4 namaste 1001 joy 1001 namaste

Manu Forster says:

1:45:27 "… I'm showing you in stark terms that the world exists the way, because you have chosen for it to…"
1:50:07 "… the greatest teachers know this…"
1:51:12 ! "… for have I know not said, 'Ye are gods?'" //? Jesus (? –> See John 10 & Psalm 82 )
1:52:07 "Such was Jesus' compassion that he begged for a way and created it… The grandest teaching of Jesus Christ was not that you shall have everlasting life, but that you do!.. You are the creator of your own reality…"

1:52:56 "… the laws we are to remember…"
1:53:43 "… deny me you must… God would never make such promises. Only the Devil to tempt you into denying God's true identity …"
1:58:35 "… people of like mind can work together to create a favored reality… miracle-producing power in combined thinking/ common prayer..!
Matthew 18, verse 20 ►
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
(See also the esoteric concept of "Egregore" or "Tulpa"!)
2:02:21 "… the realm of the relative… we may know ourselves experientially… In creating… the realm of the relative, I have produced an environment in which you can chose to be God, rather than just being told that you are God… you may experience godhead as an act of Creation…"
2:03:47 "There are only two places of being: Fear and Love …"
2:05:49 "… What do you think brought you to this?.. There are no coincidences in the universe…"
2:11:05 "… love or fear… Fear is the energy which contracts…"
2:15:56 "… purposeof life … the more you are, the more you can become…"
2:28:37 "… God doesn't care about the ultimate outcome… the ultimate outcome is assured…"
2:39:07 "… Some people are willing to actually listen…"
2:40:42 "… 'What would happen, if everything I thought was wrong?' …"
2:43:22 "… not from or through outward observation…!"– 2:46:28 "… a question that has been asked through the ages… Your very request is a statement of lack!…"

Keith Colapietro says:

If the sound doesn't work (as it doesn't on mine) use headphones or an external speaker.

betteryou TV says:

Conversations with God Continues here

Vicky lou says:

I love this guy so much.. I always knew God was so much bigger that religion!!!

Clint Ennen says:

I'm about halfway through this audio books and while I have found a lot of Truth in this book I found a lot of contradictions as well. We are supposed to be hearing from God in this book and then God States that the Bible is just one of your books. Not God's book… But this is a book, so I'm confused on how this should be listen to any more than any other book? Can anybody clarify this for me? What am I missing…

doramaso says:

His voice is horrible. Just read the fucking book.I cant listen to it!

Ponk 80 says:

It sounds like god has a big ego in this one.

Ponk 80 says:

If life is not a school, then how come that You are the only one who were told this? And everyone who had an out of body experience, tells the exact opposite? This doesn’t make any sense.

Maria Roberts says:

There's no sound to this audio book, it is only hissing, 😳

Bob Smithers says:

Mr. Walsh being a fan of Alanis Morissette either doesn't know what she is or his part of the satanic movement.
Glory be to
Jesus Christ.
Almighty God.
Jesus Christ is not a religion. Jesus Christ is an individual one to one relationship with yourself and him.


so grateful you are posting this .. i have all the cwg original books ( 1-3) and the audiobooks.. i purchased but this will help the others i try to help convince to read/ hear the books before they buy it.. some are in need of this book as we all were when we found it.. and they dont want to spend the money or dont have it sometimes so this helps them make the jump.. whoever posted this u seriously will change a lot of peoples lives..

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