His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Response to a Question about Refugees

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s response to a question about refugees during his public talk in Rotterdam, the Netherlands on September 16, 2018.

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Katzalin Olcoz says:

I completely agree. No one ever leaves their country because they want to, but because they find something better outside of it. Refugees and migrants ussually leave behind countries in very poor conditions. Specially with refugees, I agree that the focus should be on making their countries of origin better so that they can eventually return to their homeland (which is what everyone really wants).

I also think that the Dalai Lama was referring to a mass migration issue in particular, and not regulated immigration. He himself had to leave his own country, but has also negotiated for Tibet to be given back to Tibetans for over 50 years. So, while her understood that it was not safe for him to stay in Tibet, he did know that he had to work to solve the situation.

leandoer says:

proto indo europeans will destroy this islam cancer my european and indian brothers will prevail

BEYOUND Redemption says:

I am a 3rd generation Tibetan refugee born in india. Though I can or we can apply and get the citizenship of India very easily but still we choose to stay as a refugee. Since my childhood days I always heard his holiness the dalai lama saying that one day we have to go back to our motherland Tibet and it will be the responsibility of the Tibetan refugees to rebuild our country again therefore study hard and sincerely. Coz the Tibetans living in Tibet are deprived of these basic things such as education and free practice of religion etc. Even though today, in Tibet the Chinese are in majority. In my life time if Tibet gets freedom then I will surely return back to my motherland. Tibet for Tibetans, free Tibet

TheMarker2015 L.S says:

As a native European from England. I fricking LOVE Dalai Lama. Ignore the stupid leftist questioning he's grand wisdom πŸ™‚

marcus l says:

Never a truer word spoken. Its a pity that the BBC News(UK) twists the Dalai Lamas words to support leftwing views on immigration so that it sounds like he was saying the total opposite. Peace.

Robert James Chinnery says:

Virtue signalling

BAT says:

Thank you, your holiness! The situation in Europe is that we need a Buddhist spiritual leader to say the obvious. Our Christian leaders have long submitted to Islam and no longer wish Europe to exist into the centuries to come.

Ezee says:

Hold the exact same view.

Chris Cruise says:

So sick of self hating white liberals. You’re cancer to your countrymen.

Rathernot Disclose says:

That is ultimately the most compassionate course of action. If they stay in Europe, both europeans and immigrants will suffer needlessly due to their cultural incompatibility, and if the suffering in their home countries is ignored and no effort is made for them to return and fix their own countries, then the people there will just keep suffering more and more.

General Nick of the Holy Zest Empire says:

I wish we had this guy as our Pope. Frank is a disgrace to Christianity.

L Mtz says:

𝐌𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝟐-𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: current migrants are leaving their countries not for political reasons like HH Dalai Lama and me but to disrupt and demand entitlements they weren't able to receive in their own countries… in the case of the Dalai Lama and me, we can't go back to our own countries because of political reasons (Communist China and Cuba)… In addition, we both respect our adoptive countries, him India and me the US which is farther from the truth of these new migrants who want to force their way into places their aggression is not welcomed!!!

zombiepixlez gamer says:

I'm not a Buddhist but this man is awesome

Cliche Guevara says:

Based and Redpilled

Sam Ota says:

This girl is brainwashed

slindauer2008 says:

Excellent & subtle. Thank you! Give shelter, then refugees must go home & rebuild their own countries.

Adam says:

Europe for Europeans

lobsang tashi says:

Dalai Lama said we must build society between us and them divided into many parts in the world and after leaders like me can sit on political stage comfortably and teaching continuing their ancient culture way of living.

intelligence wisdom says:

Europe is for Europeans! Dalai Lama knows.

ss ss says:

What is it with these ugly, liberal European woman who just don't get that uncontrolled immigration is a ticking time bomb for our very existence.


Dalai Lama has wisdom beyond most, his insight is from a place of love. Make your home better for your people, stand-up for your own people, not out of hate for other peoples but for love of your own.

Morgan O'Brien-Bledsoe says:

If we don't send the good people home how is any country other than a European country or a North American country supposed to get better? If we keep all of the good people in our country's, the ones that might actually put in the effort towards making their countries better, they can't get any better. All we would be doing would be continuing the problem. To have a good country you have to have good people in it. By not sending them home we're keeping the good people from these countries and forcing these countries to remain shitholes.

Ivan Buraz says:

Much respect.

Fixed Face says:

hopefully the next dalai lama will be a fat, disabled, retarded, gay, ugly, mu5Ium tran5 woman

lu na says:

how about we don't even let economic leeches enter OUR country?

Arnold Teras says:

Western society today, in many ways, have shifted far too much to the left, in my opinion. With the massive decline of religion, the concept of secular "tolerance" has become their God, in a way. People are free to go on supporting it, but I do not know if it is ultimately sustainable. How much really can tolerance be pushed or forced before it eventually becomes "intolerance"?

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