Stuart Wilde A Remarkable Life. A tribute by James Wild

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Thank you Stu for all the wonderful times of laughter, love and friendship. You will be greatly missed. Lyrics by Stuart, music by Richard Tyler – Heaven’s Stars in Motion and pics from my camera
heaven’s stars in motion
sunlight to earth devoted
ocean’s wings will guide thee
darkness is gone behind me
forest light all a quiver
oscillates a fast shimmer
open door silver sword
loves’ love to us afford


Dano Pierce says:

A beautiful soul and spiritual teacher who has influenced me tremendously.

Cynthia Ennis says:

Truly beautiful tribute…tears of sadness & joy mixed. Thank you, James Wild. The music/lyrics are totally out of this world beautiful! Just like his love for all! Wonderful to see all the love & happiness! Wish I had the privilege of knowing him. I found out about him only last year.
(Just noticed it was 3:33. 😊)

Marian McAfee says:

I just love him. Thank you for making and sharing this. ❤️

Philomena Dias says:

I believe Stuart Wilde is watching over all his students who are richer and awake because he brought awareness and onwards we march because he made us live life with courage and dignity. Blessings Stuart.

Dano Pierce says:

I was just a young lad when I picked up my first Stuart Wilde book, the Force and I am still listing to his talking teaching and occasionally go bak to the books especially the force. His philosophy has profoundly influenced my life especially when I had few mentors. I still have so much to learn. IN many ways he was a metaphysical scamp, and that trickster quality really spoke to me and is yet still a part of me that needs development. You are given a life, an opportunity, sometimes some of us are given some tough circumstances, set backs, illness, and grievous losses. You can't allow any o f that to define your control, you. I have learned to keep going back to the center, the Force within and find a new way to adapt, rise, and blossom no matter where I am.

Elizabeth Davis says:

His affirmations audio casettes greatly improved my life.

ElementZ Z says:

A beautiful man thanks for all your great teachings to humanity. I know you are still kicking around the infinite universe bro! Love and peace

Thuso Idwani says:

i call this a place where every child has someone to consider a hero, someone we look upon and say I WANT TO BE LIKE THIS MAN

Othmar Rey says:

Nice that you're gone so beautifully 
the way you've always wished 
a heartbeat, which can happen better and fly up in to the endless sky
traveling you always loved so much,and then let go the body…nice
and you're just traveling , without any words
We hear you still
we still have that pleasure to drink from your wisdom
and we embrace to keep you without attending
the world here liked it and has given you tasks
you did it like no one packed
and left us a lot
we see you again, and we are with you
many thanks for all that you have done like
We hold you in our hearts alive, not a problem
do we have
   in  Love  Light   and much more  LAUGHTER

Tarot-Journeys says:

This great man has been very inspirational to me! May God Bless you and your family, thank you for sharing.

yitzak shamiir says:

Read many of his books ,never seen his pic until recently.Nice tribute to a man who made us sit/stand up and think beyond the obvious.Thanx.

Roque Chi says:

I miss his quirky vids up on here…  still, he is only a thought away.. lova ya stuie.

LettyK says:

Remembering Stuart 12 months on….
God Bless and thank you, Stuart…. am sure you still walk beside us… sending much Love <3
And thank you, again, James for this video, and Richard for the heavenly music…

Istarian says:

Hi James.  I posted a rare Stuart Wilde audio today (in hounor of Stuart) if you or anyone else would like to look.

Thanks again for this tribute. 

Alex Bratson says:

With all due respect to all his fan, I can not accept the fact he was a smoker and drinker, I believer a healthy mind comes from healthy body, and obviously alcohol and tobacco are not categorised as healthy items!

Caroline Wickham says:

Only today was drawn to pick up one of his books – I own several bought in the 1980's – knowing he'd inspire me again. But, something moved me to go to the computer in the middle of the night …didn't know of his passing. Miss him! Thank you, James ..beautiful music, happy natural moments of our much-loved teacher.

wthf5 says:

Thank you for putting this tribute together. It was really cool to see Stuart in these pictures. I've never had the chance to catch glimpses of so many candid moments. Wow what a full life he had here. Totally inspiring!

LettyK says:

I have left my condolences further down these comments, but just wanted to say I was looking at Stuart's last couple of blogs on his website which seem amazingly fitting for final blogs. If anyone is feeling low and wobbly and in need of reassurance, have a look at The Messiah's New Brightness …… just wonderful. Thank you, Stuart … <3

Sol luna says:

P.s. Stuart new a great deal about Taoism 'I use to listen to him talk on his Cd's & it was evident he knew far more than many of his time'. In Taoism we do not consider death as do most mortals merely a transition which will take place, simply put we step into the dimension that which runs here. The Way

Sol luna says:

Dear James
Thank you for sharing these precious moments of Stuarts life and family; this was beautifully done & certainly one could feel the love. Stuart gave much to this life; and to those people that he shared wonderful growths with. Blessings in Tao

YouAreCreators says:

Rest in peace wise sage

lightshinejoy says:

Beautiful James, thank you

And thank you, you Scallywag, wherever you may be!

Istarian says:

The Holy Spirit isn't real. Stuart Wilde made that very clear and so have a few others. The original trinity is The Father, The Mother and The Son. It was men who took the womans role away from the trinity. The holy spirit is rubbish…

Read Stuart Wilde's article Om and Ka or I think he spoke of it in Gods Gladiators.

Om and Ka, Yin and Yang, Father and Mother are all the same things…

The creators of the Matrix movie knew it too (The Oracle and the Architect)

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