How Do Top Spiritual Thinkers Define God? | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

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How do the spiritual leaders of today define God? Iyanla Vanzant calls it her “everything,” while Michael Singer says it’s his source. Watch more thought-provoking definitions from the best of Oprah’s Soul to Soul conversations. For more on #supersoulsunday, visit

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How Do Top Spiritual Thinkers Define God? | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network


Mark Boutilier says:

Christ Crucified. John 14:6…🎁✝️🥰

Cornelius The NUFun Drummer says:

All of Earth is experiencing a technological takeover. It's tip-toeing all around. Let us each take time to Sing and make the intent to become aware and move out of Creation, making a NU UNUversal position.

This IS, and lays bare, the REALest message throughout All Of Creation. A Truth of the Highest Order with no comparison. Pure and Sincere. It is time to recognize what is happening all around us:

Chi qc says:

God the Father of Jesus.

BDiaz says:

I can’t with uppity White women who try to tell us who God is.

drinny26 says:

When you start labeling GOD as “he” you lose me.

Brahim Borhi says:

Only God can define himself. How can you? How can you say he is everywhere? How do you know that? He created everything but does he have to be in his creation when he is uncreated, almighty and all knowing?

Daisy445 says:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD.

If we want to know God, he has literally written us a 1000+ page profile detailing who he is and what he stands for, called the Bible. He tells us his many names, his qualities, his likes/dislikes, his goals on Earth, and examples of how he has interacted with generations of humans, and how he interacts with US today.

These people don't have a clue who God is, because they have not picked up his Word. Their ignorance has left them vulnerable to Satan's voice that says God is unknowable, or that he is whatever YOU want to make him. Then when the time comes for them to see God, he will tell them "I tell you the truth, I do not know you" and they will be thrown into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Logan Bothwell says:

Read the Bible!

Looney Tunes says:

I don’t think man can even possibly start to know enough about God to even think about beginning to define him. If God exist, man cannot even begin to know anything about something on that level.

Illuminism Mindset says:

God is intention.

Mike B says:

Oprah and her quacks…

Jared McDade says:

Law is the strength of sin. Not God

willie Lugo says:

Some of us are evidence driven like scientists while other are Faith driven. It's all up to you and what you believe in no matter what religion you were brought up in. Do you feel connected with something greater then yourself you must feel it in your heart and Soul.

Jack Green says:

It is not humble, but egotistical to claim to know the mind of God.
Also, It is egotistical how Oprah thanks God for her success. She is implying that God deemed her worthy to be made successful and punish starving children in Africa. God does not exist, you megalomaniac. – An evolved atheist

zack jones says:

I define God as a spirit that resonates into three personal and transcendent beings. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. God is my savior, creator, sustainer, counselor, and father. Jesus Christ is the incarnate being of God, he is known as the Bread of Life that came down from Heaven, to pay for the sin of the world and Salvation is purchased by his own blood. The God of Abraham spoke the World into existence, created man with his own breath, he's eternal and unchanging. The Hebrew name for God is Yahweh which means the Great I Am, no other beside me and no other above me. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the last. He is Love but full of Justice. His word endures forever.

How to know God?

Many people have their own distinct concepts of God who is. However that can be very misleading. You can't be saved by your own righteousness. You have to confess your sins and believe that Jesus Christ paid the penalty of sin and death on the cross, and that he rose again on the 3rd day. It's through faith in Jesus alone that we are made righteous in God's sight. God is holy and perfectly just, so he has to punish sin, but God became a man by the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and took the punishment upon himself. You have to trust in him for your eternity. Once you do that, God dwells inside of you, through the Holy Spirit. God just wants to be a relationship with you but due to our fallen world, we separated ourselves from God. Thankfully God is full of grace and mercy and that he gives everyone an oppurtinity to know him.

Repeat this player

Jesus, I come to you
to say I accept you as my Lord and Savior
I believe that you died for me
I believe that you rose for me
I believe you are the Son of God
forgive me of all my sins
and let your Holy Spirit dwell in me
I want to know you Jesus
I know I'm not perfect
but I'll put my trust in you
Thank you Lord

Leihla Vollebregt says:

My definition of GOD is: the nothingness from which all comes and it's possibility to become all. It's like the nothingness within each atom that exists in all we see, sense and feel.

Ashton Colby says:

Using “He” to describe God doesn’t resonate with me much. No one has yet to explain why God needs a “He” pronoun when God is beyond human limitations of bodies and gender and all that. If anything the problem with the world is we have lost touch with the Divine feminine and the Divine Mother of Creation.

Jessica Coogle says:

An all-encompassing love that is the source of all that is the reality of all and that is the very being through which I am

susan kenneally says:

" I am that I am" Exodus 3:14 this is the name God gave himself to moses when moses asked, which God shall I tell them sent me.

Jeff Reynolds says:

The "spiritual leaders" featured in this short video are unable to name or identify God because knowing Him is not a matter of really smart people figuring him out–it is a matter of direct revelation. God has already revealed Himself in a very robust and fully sufficient manner for all people to come to a deep, intimate and accurate knowledge of Him: JHVH (the Father), Jesus Christ (the Son, the Savior of the world), and the Holy Spirit (who gives us all necessary understanding and knowledge of God), ALL of which is 100% consistent with God's written revelation, the Bible. It is as simple as that. May God bless you all with accurate and saving knowledge of Him.

Kkay Barb says:


Carol Handy says:

God is an Unknowable Essence, that He/She is perfect Truth, perfect Love and Perfect Justice is only a beginning. To actually define God is impossible, just as trying to put the ocean into a cup is impossible. So, you will not be able to put God in your small human brain. No matter how much your understanding of the nature of God grows, it will always fall short, because if you can understand it, it is too small to be God.

Izel Ayala says:

2:24 chills all over!!!

Marc Miller says:

Asking "if there is no god, what is the purpose of life?" is like asking "if there is no master, whose slave shall I be?

Norah Ali says:

Ask spiritual muslims …why not !

April Smith says:

God is my everything & more with Jesus Christ make it better with holy spirit AMEN

Jon Neiss says:

Mahatma Gandhi's writings on God:

Korro says:

For Christians, God's name is Jehovah .
Jesus is the son of God who was born to a physical parent (Joseph and Mary).

So God indicated a channel of worshipping him and that shows how great he is… The son of God, Jesus said…..I am the way the truth and the Life…. if anyone wants to see my father needs to come through me….

This is a process in itself which shows the respect Jesus had for his father….He respected his fathers Godly position by doing that….

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