The Balance Between Doing and Being

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.



Barry long spoke of you in his tapes clinging on to the masters shirt tails! He spoke of you being the clones of him self sitting quietly at his meetings copying him right down to his tank top & scarf! You couldn't create your own style could you! Barry long didint sell out to the new world order for billion £€ book deals, he remaind original, he wasn't your personal friend as you claimed, you wasn't even a committed student you wanted big bucks & you jumped the gun & sold out! your words are empty you pig face parasite, Jim Carey is a satanist! you are still a lost soul who has to still read a pocket book Barry long manual from time to time without really living it 😖👎🏼

sami sba says:

I love his essence. His voice helps summons the God for with in 😌

Vannyaniclefy says:

But he didn't say what is the danger with Being, did he?

Dhiru Parmar says:

Theories explaining the present moment is good it is a pointer to the experience of the present moment.
BUT you must EXPERIENCE the Truth for yourself. You need a,
CORRECT TECHNIQUE (Meditation) to experience the present moment. You don't need someone to tell you what it is you have to EXPERIENCE the TRUTH for your self.

Patricia Williams says:

Thank you for reminding me to just be.

Nimbleful says:

the beginning was so endearing ^_^

Mishko Frydrysek says:

Thank you Eck. It’s been over a year since I’ve been engaging in this work, primarily Eckhart but other beautiful, timeless and ancient teachings. It’s made a tremendous impact.. the practical simplicity of this stuff.. that’s all

Sabir Shaikh says:

Ekhart Tolle Sir
Thank you very much
God bless you
Your Students
Sabir Yaqoob Shaikh and family Mumbai India

Mary Ann Knox says:

Namaste 🙏 Thank You 🙏

Mary Ann Knox says:

Too funny…lol ….sitting mindfully

Jordan Texas Brewster says:


NeverTalkToCops1 says:

Globblesporck. Fluff and Puff. Of course, I didn't watch. The comments section indicates people who lack critical thinking skills.

K. Campbell says:

Can we be sure that a tree is conscious? Or is it a projection of consciousness? If no sentient being is observing the tree, can it exist?

Sonja K. says:

I also feel like naming and labeling things and beings is creating the illusion of separateness. There already have been moments when I felt so still and just WAS with the present moment and everything around. Oneness feels gorgeous.

anarcho-autism says:

Always has the best sweater vests

Lee Davis says:

Guess that's why I love to be in the forest everyday…

Sandy Lunden says:

I love trees, especially in the autumn months, so beautiful 🍂🍁🍂

NicknackNinja says:

Why is Tolles eyes always blinking 10000 times a second

John Cohen says:

A tree aint still when a cat 4 hurricane comes and rips its branches from its roots. Think deeply about that.

GuppyG says:

there is no balance. you anxiety and then you die

Eric wong says:

Initially a person pretends that he is awake. Because he thinks that ,he knows more, he talks more , he struggles more he ask more, he does more. Then one day he sits deeply engrossed into him , Then suddenly he found that he is actually sleeping but not awake. Once someone in reality found that he is sleeping , then sound of wind, then sound of word, then small action , then small gesture make him awake. This sleep is very near to awakening.

Paul Black says:

As a Christian my spirit is saved by Christ. My future is secure . I don't need worldly wisdom based on Buddhist teachings that are flawed and are really are valueless when we each stand before God.

D N Wiggins Real Estate Svcs, LLC says:

So goofy but so endearing!

Sandra Friend says:

When my mind gets overly active….Echarts is just the most calming.

Artur Hulboj says:

I still don't know what's the danger of doing 🤔🧐, I feel he realise that
Impossible to discrybe it so he move away from this subject 😁🤗

Donnie Merritt says:

Why do people waste time with this type of foolishness this guy looks decrepit and just speaking nice sounding words that doesn't make sense. There is no everlasting life no real peace that is found in a relationship with JESUS. What good is this when you're fixing to die or get cancer or your marriage is going down the tubes. A deep relationship with JESUS the inventor of Love will satisfy all your longing and bring peace that passes understanding.

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