Live Webcast of Celebrations in Honor of the Dalai Lama’s 80th Birthday

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Live webcast of long life prayer and celebrations in Honor of the Dalai Lama’s 80th Birthday at main temple, Tsuglag Khang, Dharamsala on June 21, 2015

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William 857 says:

Please read this article down below: the Truth about Dalai Lama. An really interesting read.

Nyssila Indigo says:


Elzbieta Korycka says:

Dziekuje za wszystko

Kon Jirjo Jotham says:


The  Hon’ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Shri Nabam Tuki attended the 80th Birthday Anniversary of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama at Dharamsala on 21-06-2015 alongwith large delegates from Arunachal Pradesh comprises of some Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Advisers, MLAs and his Official team.

Read the actual text of speech of HCM Nabam Tuki which was recorded and heard by millions internally through various Print and Elecronic Medias as well as in the Internet Social Networks.

Following text of speech of HCM Nabam Tuki is extracted from the Tibetonline TV:
“Your Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, Reverend Rinpoche and Lama, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangey, Members of Central Tibetan Administrations, Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the people of Arunachal Pradesh including thousands of followers of His Holiness, I extend our heartfelt wishes to Your Holiness on the completion of an important milestone in your inspiring journey of life. 

I am deeply honored to be a part of the 80th Birthday celebrations with all the devotees and people from various walks of life present here today. I pray for the long life of His Holiness who is one of the most towering spiritual leaders of our times. 
His Holiness strongly believes that all religions have essentially the same goal of happiness and kindness for all human beings. As a science enthusiast, His Holiness has taught us that both science and teachings of the Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things and this understanding is crucial for taking positive and decisive action in the global stage. 

At a time when the world around is filled with conflict and strife, His Holiness transcends this world and inspires us with hope. His teachings resonate across religions, cultures and ethnic lines and his message of peace and non violence has become all the more relevant in today’s world. 

Today, I take this opportunity to apprise his Holiness about the various measures taken by my Government for safeguarding our Tibetan heritage and also about our Tibetan Guests in Arunachal Pradesh. We are taking steps to strengthen the scope of the Department of Karmik and Adhyatmik Affairs (Chosrig) which was created to oversee the promotion and preservation of the ancient Buddhist heritage in our state. Along with other major works, we are also making efforts on the Bhoti language by initiating several training and awareness programmes for teachers and common people. I am glad to inform Your Holiness that this years’ allocation for the Department will be increased to Rs. 10 crore to furthering the activities of the Buddhist Culture. 
As regards to our Tibetan guests in Arunachal Pradesh, I would like to inform Your Holiness that I have personally visited all the settlement areas and I deem it my solemn duty on humanitarian grounds to provide all facilities to them in our state. We have been creating settlements as per the Government of India’s Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy of 2014 and taking necessary measures to create a conducive environment for their stay. Recently, Ms. Gyari Dolma, Hon’ble Home Minister of Tibetan Government had visited our state and I had the opportunity to interact with her regarding some important issues. There were some grievances related to basic minimum services and utilities which are being solved by my Government. 

As per our commitment, I take this opportunity to declare today that we will have a Minister incharge for Tibetan Affairs in my Government as a Nodal Minister for Tibetan issues in the State. 

In conclusion, I once again convey my wishes to His Holiness on behalf of the people of Arunachal Pradesh. I would like to mention that lacs of people were preparing to welcome His Holiness to our state planned in the later part of this year as part of the 80th Birthday Celebrations. However, I have learnt that the programme has been called off now. I take this opportunity to invite His Holiness once again to Arunachal Pradesh at any later date as per convenience of Your Holiness so as to enable the people to receive you and your blessings. 

Your Holiness, as we pray for your long life today, we hope that the lessons of your life will inspire us to make our World a better and kinder place.

Thank you very much".

Only one King says:

Love live his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama 

Dmytro Zinkiv says:

Long Live His Holiness!!!!

Thamary Abecasis says:

Health and Long Life H.H. Dalai Lama.

all gratitude,
from heart.

Mamo Soulsinger says:

What is the mantra they are chaning at the beginning of the video?

Donna Black says:

<3 སྐྱེས་སྐར་ཉིན་བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས།

Tashi Lamo says:

Long live His Holiness
the Dalai Lama!!!!!

dolma bill says:

Long live his holiness Dalai Lama, tibetans in Nepal suffering earthquake need your help.

thee refuge says:

Long Live!

Ling Tong Chin Tsu says:

大開眼界 !殊聖稀有 !
連 空行母 都來祝壽 !🌺🌸

1: 00 ~ 1:12 影片部分段落
示現了 兩位慈悲護法的虔敬

請有緣聞法者 仔細看護清楚
如能觀看現場 更是不虛此生

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