The Physics of Spirituality | Nassim Haramein with Vishen Lakhiani

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In this talk from Mindvalley University in Tallinn, Nassim Haramein and Vishen Lakhiani talk about the science of the near future, delving into topics such as wormholes in space, time and space travel, and the consciousness that’s present all around us.

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Mindvalley Talks says:

What is consciousness for you? Share your thoughts, we'd love to hear them 😃
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ChaCha Solarflare says:

The field of information, akashic records, universal consciousness, is available to tap into, even in different states of consciousness of mind, alpha, beta, etc. Astral travel and remote viewing tap into this field…the human brain is way more capable than we are taught. A human in astral demensional state can leave the body and go many places then return to the body. The human body cannot leave earth and survive. Jus sayin…

Gary Bonkowski says:

It almost feels like humanity was supposed to endure this kind of sickness in society so prevalent today in order to hasten an awakening of spirituality. Very refreshing to hear such an enlightened discussion.

Jeffrey Colebrook says:

is a new word/concept we can share. A free open domain word we can use and
spread to help humanity to focus in a positive direction during this time of
radical change. Lovevolution can act as a common denominator for the interfaith
community and new models of science. Please accept this gift of this word to
connect humanity in this common purpose.

MysticalCowgirl says:

He's SO FUN to listen to. His Beliefs are INSPIRING, profound and enlightening!

Johnny Atoms says:

Perception in utterance is the foundation of every language, in expression and relationship, between everything, that, which is.
Hydrogen turning into helium, is the same as, honesty turning into esteem, from which, comes hospitality, between two or more…. they both lift up what's of worth, to the eye, from the heart of experience.
Worth = God.
MONOPOLY money is make-believe worth.
It's the well-being of one another that's TRUELY of worth!
Flesh and blood, is but the carbon copy of perception, in expression, itself, expressed Into experience that leads to further insight filling the eye with details and elements that matter in relation to experience, itself!
Rna becomes DNA and DNA becomes (messenger) Rna. It's the photon's cycle. Rna becomes the body of discretion and DNA becomes experience which is time itself, and LIFE within the body. Flesh and blood is the body of discretion. That which flows through the heart of discretion, is Life, itself! Whether it be insight or blood….
The inner life the cause for the outer experience, and the outer experience is the cause for the inner life…. The Father is in all as insight, conceived in the EYE and expressed into outer experience by the expression of the SON, Adam (Atom).
Experience, insight, perception and expression is the photon life-cycle in the Atom. It's the path of light, which is Life!
Every galaxy is an experience existing in hindsight, giving discretion, discernment, understanding, insights and perception in foresight, in the present, as council in which coarse to take in expression towards better experiences.
Just like the ingredients used to make soup. Everything is employed towards one's well-being and that of others like oneself in hospitality in the present, or in response to experience like salt and pepper added to the soup! Etc.
Every injustice (war, corruption, etc. ), is over something else being of worth, than one another…. no matter where you are from, nor the language.
Where eye-dollar-tree is of worth, everything is going to cost! (That's slavery!)
Where one another is of worth, there is no cost…. It's priceless! (That's being free!)
In my kingdom,, the eye of man freely gives, investing into his neighbor's well-being, because he sees what's of worth, to himself!
In Babylon, the eye of man taxes his neighbor, for what he sees as worth to himself, in exchange for hospitality…
– the homeless in Babylon.
HE'S US! (In the mirror, suffering the MONOPOLY of make-believe worth!)

ILLUMInation appreciation 447 416 says:

this is the truth for ascension

j mc says:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

-Nikola Tesla

Jose Mendoza says:

Mr. Nassim Haramein, please use the plasma device you have created, as a lens of a telescope and you will see the real pattern of the universe…from that, many benevolent discoveries will follow…

Kayleigh W says:

Nassim gives perfect answers to questions we've been wanting to know for years,,,, n this interviewer asks silly questions about fueter

Kayleigh W says:

Interesting fact,,,nassim surfs big waves out in Hawaii ,,,being a surfer ,skater myself I think that's cool,,,proof that not all surfers n skaters are dumbo's,,,woohoo

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