The 6 Life-Changing Stages Of Spiritual Awakening [Which One ARE YOU In?]

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Discover the 6 life-changing stages of spiritual awakening and learn 3 simple but proven strategies to help you work through each stage, even the harder ones.

[timestamp below]

You may be having a spiritual awakening right now and chances are, you don’t even know what the heck is happening behind the scenes!

But it turns out that spiritual awakenings tend to follow certain patterns or stages that you can easily identify to help make sense of what’s happening to you. And once you learn these stages and how to work with them, you’ll notice your spiritual awakening becomes easier and more peaceful.

Here’s what you’ll learn In this video:

💥 The 6 life-changing stages of spiritual awakening, so you can pinpoint right away what stage you’re at. [2:09]
💥 The 3 actionable tips to help you get through each stage of your spiritual awakening, especially the harder ones. [31:58]
💥 The pro technique I use with clients to help them see the bigger picture! [44:30]


💥 Dark Night of the Soul –
💥Advanced Spiritual Awakening Playlist –


💥 Head over to the full blog post for comments, questions, and to download the audio version of this video.




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Christina Lopes says:

NEXT UP: 💥 How to Let Go of the Past for Good

alain elsen says:

Can you have a spiritual awakening when you are schizophrenic it's really annoying because i have kriyas and everything

Lara Turner says:

God is on control I surrender to Jesus

Flow So Amazzyn says:

I'm committed to following my soul path 🥰

Depressed Chicken says:

I think this video stopped me from suicide. One important question can purge happen with ayahuasca?

Sarah Boyd says:

I feel like I have gone through this several times in my life. I have always told myself that these are life stages. I.e. adolescence into teen into young adult etc… because I feel like I’m awake then back to phase 1. But it’s only looking back can I see though. I’m conscious of sequences etc. most all the time. So I’m so confused about where I am at at one given point. Guess I need to learn how to heal past wounds and be more aware of self and stages. 🤷🏽‍♀️ not sure how many more I can handle. I think I’m at the end of my void. I think I will do a time line of my life to see what was going on when this flipped back happens.
Thank you for sharing this. You are very knowledgeable and well spoken. Aho can’t wait for what my future holds.

Bl00dy lollypop5 says:

I feel like I've gona through a half great purge.. so, I feel like there will be a second one, but I'm kind of excited for it 😬😬😶😂💖

Dodo says:

Nothing is fixed in time and in my experience you can 'awaken' (go through all six stages) multiple times in one lifetime <3 "The space between two heartbeats, embraces the whole universe" Namasté

Bl00dy lollypop5 says:

I am 100% in the bliss stage atm hah! ♡

Patricia Johnson says:

Thank you so much for assisting me along my journey.

Karen Lea says:

Could I be going thru these stages weekly? I feel blissful or high vibration for like 5 days and then 2 days I'm like depressed or heavy exhausted. I dont understand

Clint Hodo says:

By 1:42 you said "spiritual awakening" ten times. Is there a point to that? This seems like you're using some formula for a sales pitch.

K Suryanarayanan says:

I(*t is for the very first time I am watching your video . This video was very very very useful to me I feel
iam in grounded stage Thank you very very much Christina Lopes Wishing you a very HEALTHY WEALTHY PROSPEROUS

Sandi Rodman says:

So, wow! What a video. I had to break it up and do it in sections. I feel very lucky to have found you. My awakening started a long time ago, but there were just incidents that now that I know what was happening, I guess I could’ve been awakened a long time ago. I think I’m currently in the great rest. I am committed to getting on with this. I love it. I feel at home.

Nasim Reihani says:

I went through the dark night first… for months then stage 1 then bliss started. In Stage 5 now

pheotonia says:

Your video just showed up, I wasn't looking for it. I clicked to watch it because of your last name. I am Portuguese as well. Already went through a lot of those phases and I'm in the grounded phase at the moment.

Briar Rose says:

I came across your video as I was attempting to figure out why I felt the way I do. As I was watching your video and heard you use the term “void” I got an instant chill. It resonated with me on such a level. I feel so much better now having a better grasp on what is going on with me. Thank you so much for posting this video. You have helped me more than you know.

Fanny Garcia says:

Stage 3 killed me. I definetly died.
I'm in stage 4….

Marcia Jones says:

I'm in the void now! The dark night was horrible.

Laurie Norman says:

It’s strange that you never had a culture and we even spoken but you caught a spiritual awakening but in my culture we Khalid crossing over for then we are initiated into men or women.

you have only the basic knowledge you have a lot to learn of becoming a spiritual person that is connected to life but you are correct you are a tree that is growing in bearing good fruit for others to see but gaining that good fruit is a learning process there’s no difference anything else in life by going through the process is no different going for the healing process to truly to gain that experience becomes knowledge and then understanding of the reasons why for the new were no life questions why everything needs to be at a balance because without the balance it upsets life nature can teach you these lessons no different than my fucking two to these lessons because it is all about life teaching you lessons and the reasons why we must keep the balance in life is no different than what’s in you that has the key of the kingdom in you the world does not teach you all of these things but in life it does because everything in life has a purpose no different then a job because without each other they cannot survive is no different than humans cannot survive we went to chela no different and everything else in life that I cannot survive.

Find your purpose in life is what you receive in life it stinks inside yourself because the kingdom is in you but there’s a process to become who you are and if you are spiritual awakening and a teacher you should already have these knowledge if not then you are not her teacher you are a follower because there is a difference between a teacher and a follower is no different than anything else in life as a leader leading the people that has the right knowledge and understanding of many things in life.

so choose wisely are you the solution in life or the opposite

Angela Carrier says:

I have been purging for 3 and half years, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now :D. thank you for the video Christina very helpful. 🙂

JoJoZep ofthejungle says:

The essence of knowledge, knowing that everything that happens to us is our choice and we are responsible for everything we do and has been done to us. Our responsibility is to ensure that we only send love and not bitterness back out into the world. You must give to receive back good vibes for the next incarnation. I must get along with my family so I am not in a negative family again next time. My purpose is to spread the word of spiritual love and healing to those family members, friends and even strangers. I watch small 10min videos where you absorb everything. This woman is right but too many details and personal information. Get clear cut spirit education watch HANS WILHELM, YouTube

JRG says:

Have bounced through all stages for 65 years but haven't made it to stag 6 yet.

Brenda Rose says:

when I was a child I saw a man standing next to my bed, I was scared and yelled for my mom, I told her what I saw and I said can't you see him and she told me I was scaring her. When i was a pre teen I was at church at a youth event and I felt the Grace of God on me, it was such a happy peaceful event. As I grew up,I met my husband and we just fit! I was going on a business trip and I was really excited about, but as the day became closer I had a feeling that something was off and I grew anxious trying to figure out what I was feeling. We arrived at our destination, the next morning I was awoken by my boss saying my co-worker Jessica got news that her fiance had fallen off a 50 foot impass and had died and then I knew why I had been so anxious. I still get emotions that I get and have to search for what it is.

Grace Sanity says:

You cant bare to be around fake, noise, crowds, you can instantly spot nastyness in others. You need to move from the familiar. Solitary ness is wanted/needed. You are shocked at the cruelty of what we do to animals, children, the earth, and the dark parts of ourselves that we acted out. Depression, bitterness, rage stage. It's a long process. Socializing ends cause it's pointless. Life as l knew it blew up. You become more principled, values/morals all is questioned. You can't be with others who lack them. You stand up to bullies cause cruelty you cant tolerate. Honesty, truth telling to toxic, selfish friends who you delete from your life. It's very empty time – empty is needed for realness to come up through the void. Extroverts become introverts and vice a versa. You can never go back, nor want too.

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