Can you embrace the ‘darkness’? The things we feel resistant to, or that feel unpleasant and wrong. How do we reconcile with these things.
In this video, Neale talks about the three different realms – Physical, Spiritual, and the realm of Pure Being. He explains how the physical realm works, and the purpose of existing her. His explanation gives us a way to see the purpose and gift of the darkness of life.
10:15 "and when a man asks you to f**k you, offer him to f**k your wife…" Thats a BS in my opinion, not the way to "know yourself", because, as he says, we ARE NOT THE SAME (since we have a duty to knowourselves, that wouldnt make sense if we are all the same) so we are OBLIGATED to react in certan way…Besides, moral does not mean for you to be a trash can!
Moral is partly a dignity and its part of humanity, that differs us from animals…but all religions have an agenda to keep poor people down, so they wouldnt question the authority of rich ppl…now THATS WHAT I CALL a purpose in "physicality and relativity" blah blah
The human intellect, is not the realm of the spiritual forces, we're here to shed the human nature, for a replacement spirit nature, choice of free will and cosmic cleansing, must be given the space, to enter and do what the human and this world can never perform! Cosmic wholeness arrives, when we as we imagine ourselves now, disappears!
Well add least spiritual and realitive
Can you become so self aware and be able to be in all 3 at the same time
This is not scripture! We are not reincarnated
love is something i dont have, and never had it….this physical realm is something that i dont need anymore
This great man is my lord and light. To whom do I send the blank check too? Righteous.
I was fine until he said Kingdom of God. You can describe death anyway you choose but dead is dead… the end.
Not true, you need to stop drinking and smoking weed, false teacher!.
Wonderful excerpt. So much truth and a lifetime challenge.
I'm having difficulty understand love as an energy, is it like anti matter or vibration frequency and if so what is causing the vibration?
It is youtube reality where the sheeple flock together to clap for talking head gurus with white beards and white shirts
That makes little to no sense at all
Imagine all the people living life in peace…..
It is never a matter of "how" but rather a matter of "why." Because once you have identified why you must do something/anything the "how" becomes irrelevant.
Does Neale believe in reincarnation ?
I cant accept this idea as it is inlogical and doesnt come with what god said in the Torah and Bible and quraan . Once you leave this life .. you dont return … you wish to return to do good to learn to help to love but you wont … we have chance now to show god we are good kind peaceful accepting others as they are … god is testing us here .
you have to be pretty naive to think that god communicated over and over with this guy in order that he could turn it into a business. I wonder what Christ charged as admission for the sermon on the mount
There is no different "realms" There are just reality.
Our energy might be passed on into different beings, but there is absolutely no sense of "self" That would be ludacris.
Imagine the mentally insane people, or those with learning difficulty- or even those that aren't able to think. Do you doom them to an eternity of handicap?
Stop assuming these things to make you feel better about yourself, it makes no sense.
All these people come up with these spiritual comment on afterlife but nobody had the same view it's all different I don't know who to believe
Every sane person knows, that the oppertunity to experience being perverse is not sane. So the opportunity of pain is presented always and forever. Who chose to take craps, and have bad hygein? I'm allergic to this cannibalistic environment and existence. Who the heck said its perfectly OK to access pornagraphy and filth? Only you, and and filthy, twisted and cursed existence. I'm not existence. Vote to destroy existence to be more like God, instead of existence being your God. You won't be around anymore, but I can't say "nothing itself wasn't God first". Godly potential awaits, suicide is Godly. Oh my gosh