Testing Spirituality with Science | Mastin Kipp on Impact Theory

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Mastin Kipp went from the rock and roll lifestyle to becoming one of the most sought-after thought leaders today. In this episode, he’ll share how you can transform your life through Functional Life Coaching, a scientific approach to helping people work through trauma and find their real purpose in life.


1.“We pursue external goals to hit an internal emotional target.”[7:03]
2.“Failure only leads to more lessons.” [18:02]
3.“Negative emotion is a call for awareness, just like pain is.” [30:09]
4.“Once you pick a meaning, which is always your choice, then you can start to build a great life.”[33:53]
5.“You are the hero of your own life.” [37:28]
6.“Most of the time, you’re going to be afraid right before the biggest breakthrough of your life.” [43:37]
7.“Do the thing you’re most afraid of and then do it until you’re not afraid anymore.”[44:33]


Mastin shares his passion for simplifying complicated principles to help you achieve success. [3:27]
Mastin walks through the importance of understanding your emotional drivers. [6:46]
Mastingive a practical explanation for a God algorithm and how to apply it to your daily life. [14:27]
Tom and Mastin dive into survival patterns on how they get you into trouble. [19:23]
Mastin gives actionable steps to help you break out of unhealthy emotional patterns. [21:38
]Mastin talks about the connection between functional medicine and functional life coaching. [25:30]
Mastin explains why choice is your superpower and how your interpretation determines your outcome. [30:58]
Tom and Mastin go deep on the hero’s journey, storytelling, and why being terrified is good for you. [35:28]
Mastin talks about creating systems and leveraging motivation to build forward momentum. [39:11]
Mastin dives into different types of fear and why you should use fear as your compass. [42:50]
Mastin tells how to use constant reminders as a way to overcome setbacks. [45:45]
Tom and Mastin discuss the characteristics of mastery and why it is a mindset. [48:37]
Mastin defines the impact that he wants to have on the world. [52:06]

Please watch: “How to Make Yourself Immune to Pain | David Goggins on Impact Theory”


ASimp07 says:

Best channel on YouTube!

Elizabeth Olohan says:

Loved this interview.

Marcos Rissi says:

Refreshingly truly special. 😉 thanks

OnDemand PowerWashing says:

A great host!

Charlie Jackson says:

I love that by what you are saying, you confirm emotional abuse is just as destructive and trauma producing as physical.
Obviously there is emotional trauma that goes hand and hand with anything physical – but when you have had your heart torn into fragments by your parents simply through they way they treated you – it is really hard to show scars on a heart V's a visible one. Thank you Mastin – you make me feel like I can legitimized what I experienced as a child – that then brings admission – and admission is the first step to know there is a problem – and by seeing a problem you can at least find help to work it out.

Mitch Dee-Zee says:

Could anybody please help me with the info on the book they mentioned by Joseph Campbell: The Hero’s Journey. Is this it?: The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work

Mitch Dee-Zee says:

He’s spot on!
Absolutely fascinating & perfectly aplicable. 🤯

Tanya G Davies says:

He needs to meet Dr. Gabor Mate. He is a doctor who talks about trauma and trying to change the medical field's outlook on recovery and dealing with illness by working on alleviating emotional trauma.

Whiskey Anne says:

umm that's not what psychologists believe/think

Chris says:

32:23 "In school, you study and then you take the test, but in life, you take the test and then you study" -Mastin Kipp

Chris says:

NOTES (typical doctor vs functional doctor): When you have high cholesterol or have pre-diabetes (very common), most doctors will just give you insulin or Metformin for diabetes / Statin for cholesterol and tell you you're good.

Functional doctors would instead say:

Why do you have high cholesterol?

Why do you have pre-diabetes?

….and would start to look at:

-Sugar levels

-A1C levels

-Fatty liver


-How much are you producing neurotransmitters?

-Do you even have good bacteria in your gut?

-Do you have heavy metals?

-Are you eating enough fat to fuel the hormones that are necessary to live a healthy body?

There's Integrative medicine, functional medicine, these are sort of the same names for the same idea and what they do is find out why is your body having this chronic issue and then they give you a prescriptive method that will help you identify and heal the root cause rather than just suppress the actual symptoms

Chris says:

What produces great sales? Presentation.
What produces a great Presentation? A "pitch" that triggers the emotion (hence "impulse buying")
So then, in other words…. a great story makes a great sale….. and "the emotion is what produces the story" 0:20
…..Thus it's completely counter productive when one says "In business, separate emotions from logic" whereas we should indeed involve and understand emotions within a logical format. We should calculate our decisions thinking "outside the box"…. If your back hurts it might not necessarily be your posture and might be your GUT (what you're eating, how you're stressing, etc). If your eyes are blurry it's not time to get laser eye surgery, it might just be that the crap you put in your body has now caused your gut to have a type of "cork" in it that's causing improper blood flow, etc… Just a thought!

David Hudson says:

Keep it up man! Much love

Asia Acuna says:

damn this guy is really smart with the way he interprets things, very insightful. the only thing is with him saying "don't take a pill", i've learnt that some people really do need medication and aren't able to reach their full potential without it

Rebecca Reiki says:

Great interview. Bought the book. He should have a gazillion thumbs up!!!

Julio Velez says:

Really enjoyed this one 🤘🏼

Ray okeedoki says:

His last words said it all… 50:45 of what would be if we all grew with emotional mastery for joy and motivation. Heaven on earth. Paradise. He's got my vote, I will have to check him out. As one of many on a similar theme to change the world. 😀

O A says:

This dude’ s energy does not vibe with me. He comes across to me like he has some unresolved issues. I think he learned this information but does not live it. He comes across very insecure. Maybe it is just me. I could be wrong.

Groovism.org says:

Scientific research is to be done on community crime, health, contentment levels. Communities that Groove will undoubtedly show a positive feedback in thee areas. By having documented visitation to our site from common areas, to large stadium gatherings within communities, we'll be able to document these various community levels!

jakestirful says:

How'd I miss this one!? Amazing…

Erik Marchese Jr says:

Tom Bilyeu You’re The Man! Wow this was a great one I love Mastins Ideology.

Judy Lee says:

Good to hear laughing coming from Tom. I hadn't noticed it in any other vids, although I'm sure it must have been there.

Amy Holland says:

Thank you for this! I needed it so much!

Alexandra Milos says:

Love it. Wow!!!!

adrielleroyale says:

This was amazing <3

Jay Montana says:

Finally! Some true practical advice for personal growth. There aren't many that provide this. Great interview.

Lauren L says:

I really enjoyed this episode, but after following Mastin on social media for a year I had to unfollow him – being a bystander to his arrogance and seeing him attacking his followers who would even marginally question him was really deflating, however, this episode is still fantastic. I wish the Mastin we got here was the same guy we got all the time.

Andy Vantreese says:

Hey #mastinkipp! In what world is it okay to put your hands on and physically assault a woman? And, no less, cause her emotional trauma all while at a conference in which you’re profiting from selling your CYP program hocking your approach to resolving trauma to help people break through their Original Injury, put themselves first and have the courage to claim their power and achieve their dreams.
I feel sick for buying your hypocritical load of crap. ACTIONS always speak louder than words and I am gonna make sure people know what a POS you are. Please pass along that Maston Kipp is a fraud, a hypocrite and used violence against a woman at his Claim Your Power workshop in Atlanta.
#CYPAtlanta #Abuser #Assault #Criminal #WWJD #NeverPutYourHandsOnAWoman #NotARealMan

Tina Smith says:

That was so awesome! I love your work and so want to be part of the movement to heal and end emotional trauma. 🙂

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