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African Traditional Religion is an emerging topic, being explored by Black Millennials and Gen Zs that hasn’t been embraced by prior generations. On this episode, The Grapevine cast explores their experiences with African Traditional religions compared to the western, more popular traditions of religions like Christianity and Islam. Which serves us better? Check out what the panelists have to say & be sure to keep the conversation going by leaving us comments here on YouTube and on twitter at @thegrapevinetv! Use the hashtags, #hearitfresh & #thegrapevinetv!!!

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Creator / Executive Producer – Ashley Akunna
Producer – Amanda Scott
Producer – William Stallings
Executive Producer – Donovan Thompson



Diaspora A Fortiori says:

Can you do a video on European Africans and their views on slavery

Terryl Mclorn says:

One problem I’ve noticed when it comes to the black community and Christianity, is that most don’t even read the bible or understand it. Churches have become places where they gather for self aggrandizement and trying hope for a better life in forms of materialism instead of actually teaching the most high’s word. There wouldn’t be this much confusion and misconception when it comes to Christianity if that were the case. But this is of now shock for me, Christianity will be demonized in these last days and so will the followers of the most high increasingly as this society begins to circle the drain.

Millions Of Power says:

26:25 Most important statement in this video. We acknowledge that “God” or the spiritual or metaphysical realm of existence is beyond our level of comprehension YET we define all of the above based on our level of comprehension. We put all of the above in a box so we can then feel as though we know when in actuality we know nothing and that’s the point, we need to stop practicing religion and stop practicing spirituality and we need to start practicing ACTUALITY! What we can prove or uncover is all we’ll ever know to actually be truth or rather within the scope of our comprehension, beyond that? We’re limited… that’s humbling, but we don’t wanna be humble, we want to be arrogant and profess that we know when we don’t and never have!

Millions Of Power says:

23:45 Exactly… you and your fam just want to reject your ancestral culture and practice of spirituality and conform to Christianity without being condemned for doing so! You went to a Priestess who practiced Spirituality to get answers yet you’re attributing your salvation to Christianity? Stop! Old girl almost always says some goofy shit!

Millions Of Power says:

19:20 I love when Rockyatu speaks! She’s so damn wise and she gets to the root (no pun intended because she actually said the word “rooted” in her statement). That’s what we need.

Millions Of Power says:

Old boy said that Christianity wasn’t formed outside of Africa; wtf is he talking about? Ethiopia 🇪🇹 was Christianized in the expansion of the Roman Empire! No form of Christianity or Islam existed in Africa before Europeans and Arabs gained influence in Africa. The systems of belief in Africa were based on Spirituality and interconnectionality of all things, not just human beings or even just living beings.

Deon Knott says:

If the institutions that destroy our community take no days off, the church shouldn't either. The public education system that often does more harm than good with teachers who are underpaid and overworked with classrooms that are oversized filled with students who are often underfed. Liquor stores who are open 24/7 365 on every corner. The strip clubs you only find in our communities. Police who often are overworked, under paid and not properly trained. Etc. I don't blame these institutions solely but they do act as a catalyst to make bad situations worse. The church must be then be the same catalyst for positive movement. Feeding, sheltering, clothing, educating, healing, training, and most of all loving. Being a part of the church I'm just as guilty of this. Jesus always ministered to the needs of the people. He didn't just give them scriptures. He lived the scriptures by giving them what they needed in the moment and using that as a conduit to build relationship with Him and His Father.

Leeartis Mccoy says:

Way too much spookism in this conversation. The mind can create whatever it wants to. Some of These people are out of their mind

Jerry Jordan says:

There's nothing wrong with African period what's wrong is European world dominance…. and imposing poison called religion especially christianity which is Sun worship not Son but Sun if you're black and Christian you definitely have a short memory historically christianity during slavery and other world dominance by far has killed billions of people in the name of christianity or jesus African spirituality does not have bloodstain hands historically in like Christianity.

MrHambone404 says:

I love that this conversation is being had but it is still limited on this panel. History would show more than Yoruba of the Igbo or Cubans. So many African spiritual teachings out there and Christianity came after all of them. Nobody talked about the Egyptian stories that hatched Christianity after Rome invaded Egypt. I wish they had people that believe Jesus is not real on the panel.

TherealNtokozo says:

Hey I live in South Africa and the reason why y'all speak that way is you don't have any clue about the witchcraft that ppl engage calling it african spirituality…i wish you can meet some of my ppl who've been set free from what is so called African Spirituality

loverboyjmac says:

There are only 2 extremes in the life and we are all either for one or the other whether we realize it or not. Christ Jesus the Lord God Almighty or Satan and his fallen angels period!

Beauty With Timeless says:

I’m sorry , not sorry but these “Christians” are blind and getting on my nerves!!!!!!!

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