Who Made God? Ask Deepak Chopra!

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Prompted by his granddaughter, Deepak explores the questions: What is God? And who made God? He approaches the query from a cosmological perspective. Think of a cosmic Las Vegas – there is eternal inflation and eternal fluctuation in the universe. Because this is happening eternally, new universes can theoretically spin out, though they would be separated by light years from other universes. Is eternal inflation a possibility, and is it the mind of God? And if it is so, then who made that?

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Adam Inspired says:

Perhaps we made that if we are Eternal Universal Conscious Beings. Eternally at some moment we would be able to recreate a universe endlessly. Therefore the possibilty of limitless big bangs all across the galaxy. We are only searching for our own consciousness that which is here, there and everywhere eternally.

stefan stoss says:


it [[[ divine energy ]]] is BLISS SATCHITANANDA it is pure unbounded conscioiusness accordin to bhagavad Gita it is ATMA verse 45 chapt2 " on the bhagavad gita" new translation and commentary MMY it is self existent eternal immortal being non physical it doe snot decay sir Roger Penrose has the right idea reality is endless succession of physical universes over trillions of years our mind can only comprehend finite things no beginning no end is not comprehensible galactic universe has beginning and disollution over whatever billions of years but existence is allways the ancient which never gets old

picture the nothing of L Krauss thatis infinity the Buddhist Nirvana references it

i dont want to mention a living person because university is full of prejudice [[[ inquisition must not exist at university there is notion and hypothesis and theory but no heresy to established fact not withstanding craziness ]]] but in weekly world press conferences the president of miu.edu detailed this infinity as Einstein's unified field which today is E8XE8 heterotic superstring field Maharishi mahesh Yogi [[[ had a physics degree ]]] says ATMA is approximately this unified field which has the property of self-interaction and spontaneous dynamical symetry breaking so when it the oneness becomes duality and diversity it the unified field is still oneness and allways oneness so duality and diversity does not limit it so it remains infinity containing no boundaries but containing structures and functions

stefan stoss says:

who made god " god made everything who made god god made everything who made god god made everything " maharishi mahesh Yogi in a weekly world press conference
Dr Chopra MD might give more credit mor eoften to maharishi mahesh Yogi deepak was a TM teacher for a while and beyond and before maharishi there is the ancient vedic knowledge " rik veda is constitution of the universe ": maharishi " veda in the body " this is verbum caro factum est " human physiology expression of VEDA and vedic literature ": Tony Nader MD PHD MARR

stefan stoss says:

gaia.com maya is real
Einstein intuited his scientific papers expressed his intuition in mathematics of physics years later it was proven in research some still ongoing this means we know before research is done in proper method meditation practice that deep field is contacted in transcendence no words for its beyond numbers too a golfer doesnt need a scientific study in order to hit the ball correctly its pure intuition this is cogent to all mothers

who made god " god made everything who made god god made everything who made god god made everything " maharishi mahesh Yogi in a weekly world press conference
Dr Chopra MD might give more credit mor eoften to maharishi mahesh Yogi deepak was a TM teacher for a while and beyond and before maharishi there is the ancient vedic knowledge " rik veda is constitution of the universe ": maharishi " veda in the body " this is verbum caro factum est " human physiology expression of VEDA and vedic literature ": Tony Nader MD PHD MARR

Dragon Lion says:

Not really a satisfying answer, I think that no man one on earth can give an answer to this. Maybe some gurus come close to it but then it stops.

Daniel Griffiths says:

Who made God?
Well, first you have to define what you mean by the term God.
If God is existence God wasn’t made.

The universe is a mental construct of experience and experience is a manifestation of formless, infinite, eternal knowing.
Raw experience is more fundamental than the universe.
If you say experience is an aspect of God then God creates the appearance of God within God.

God then creates mental constructs such as symbols to try to figure out that appearance which is labeled as science or mathematics.

God forgot to put God into the equation.

So then God came up with 20 different theories about how the universe was made. The symbols all fit but God has come no closer to understanding God because God forgot about God and has gotten lost in Gods symbols and assumptions. God’s assumptions are not truth.

Until God has the realization of who or what God is, God will only know God without understanding.

Pastor JC says:

I takes a lot of Faith to believe that the whole universe was as small as a dot. God Exists, Deepak… You just dont want to see him.

Lighteningthedark says:

The obvious question comming out of a childs mouth. But it always comes back to the first act. What and Who? Only God knows.
But maybe we are him?
We have a lot to answer for.

Veena Srinivasaperumal says:

Respected sir, Thank you.

Jen McCollum says:

I appreciate how you use evidenevidentiary support for your ideas from other scientists. This is a fascinating perspective Dr.

Julie Loader says:

I don't believe in the big bang theory, never have. Even as a kid when the science teacher told us about it, I thought it was a joke.
My question is : IF the big bang were true, what was there before it? And where did that tiny dot the of matter come FROM?

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