Dealing with Subconscious Sabotage

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An audience member asks “My subconscious need for superiority sabotages me pretty often. What can I do about it?” Awareness is a sign of growth, explains Eckhart Tolle, but the mind can be cunning in its response to higher consciousness. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life:

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.


Linette Sue Crall says:

I learned to listen more in the last few years and instead of feeling superior or better than, I actually feel sad for asleep or stuck people that complain constantly or talk about the past constantly.
I do not judge them because I’ve been there too!

When I talk to a person that’s stuck complaining or stuck talking about their negative past > I keep trying to pull them in the now by saying positive words
Yet their powerful thoughts to stay stuck usually prevails and I must detach from the conversation

Silence and listening are powerful tools too

Aurora Diamond Rainbow Morning-Star says:

It’s boredom really .

Chavan Uday says:

Simply be non judgmental including self and be aware ! Simply be in acceptance including self and be aware ! Simply be unconditional forgiveness including self and be aware ! Repeat and u will soon shift to peace

2 MD says:

I sabotaged my self,because I will never be somebody in their worlds.

I'm very glad I did it,I would do it again.

I'm glad I'm a nobody and I won't change.

I would never go into their abusive world again where my role was "the punished" because I didn't stand next to the abuse and because I knew more than them.

Freedom for a woman is without the world,too much knowledge victimeses women.

Candise Pearce says:

"To be a nobody in this world of 'wanna be' somebodys is an aspiration worthy of the highest student." A quote from the book Cha Dao by Solala Towler. Read this just before watching this video.

SeinoPie Gracia says:

I know this is not relative to the subject at hand, but the stare of the lady who is behind the questioner on the left is terrifying.

Kelly Snow says:

Isn’t he darling, I just love his little giggle and crooked tooth

TheJooberjones says:

Sometimes.. when we’re meditating..


Ben Bishop says:

ASMR God on dealing with sub sab

Level Up Your Life says:

Such an interesting topic. We have to be aware that we are really ALL ONE in the grand scheme of things, and just because our personal identity feels like we are higher frequency and more enlightened, doesn't mean that we should hold on to this state of thinking because that creates an EGO all in itself, which is not what are true self really is!

Kombucha Baby says:

Wow! Nailed.

Juls Orion says:


Maria Lane says:

I’m so grateful to her for asking a question that resonates with the majority of us at some point. That took courage! 🙏

maria G says:

How about when we can recognize others’ thought patterns, not all of them of course but somewhat verifiably and reliably? Does that make us really special ?? Im being facetious and I’m aware of the negative connotation of “special”, but there are people who are perhaps the ones called “highly sensitive person” who actually do read others’ subtle motivations and reactions (that might not even be conscious to the other person.) Living with that sort of mind is perhaps another level of consciousness that’s not to be envied but it’s a gift nonetheless. (And I’ll not talking about being paranoid or schizophrenic…😐
I’m sure there are other takes on this…

Gratitude 2 says:

I dont mean to offend her, but she'd make a great comedian. Shes doing great in her practice here.

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