Stuart Wilde Affirmation on Abundance: POWERFUL | Mary Morrissey

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How to Use One of the Most Powerful Laws of Abundance from “The Little Money Bible” to Turn Your Dreams Into Results.

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Stuart Wilde wrote a famous book about the Law of Attraction titled: “The Little Money Bible.” In this book, there’s a very powerful (but little understood) quote at the end of chapter five, which says:

“Via action, opportunities go from possibilities to probabilities, and into reality, and then you can haul them to the bank, clunk them down on the counter and say, ‘Hey. This used to be a hazy wave, now it’s a check-styled solid particle. Please be so good as to credit it to my account. Thanks.'”

It may not appear obvious at first, but hidden inside this quote is the key to abundance and a way to create the results you desire in your life.

If you would truly love more abundance in your life, the first step is to become clear on what that abundance would look like. Remember, if you can think of it, you’re absolutely deserving of it!

Then, take action. Do whatever you can do with what you have that you believe will move you in the direction of your dreams. Take at least a five-minute baby step every day.

If this way of living is completely new to you, then commit to this practice for 30 consecutive days. Know that the idea of abundance that is in you really comes from the power breathing you. It’s seeking a freer, fuller, expanded version of life by means of you. It’s sending you signals of what greater life would look like for you. Lean into and trust your desire for more abundance.

Via action, you have the power to turn a possibility into a probability and then into a reality. Your idea will start out as a little wavelength, but pretty soon, it will turn into a crystallized particle that you can cash at the nearest bank!

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Big hugs 🤗
Mary Morrissey


Marilyn Roe says:

Thank you for sharing your knowledge to me. I am learning something knew in my life that I couldn't even imagine this is for real. I am grateful to meet you!

Sandra Weggeman says:

abundance for me would me less worry and more joy!

Zach Herrington says:

love this, thank you!

Shane o Flaherty says:

Mary I love all of you're videos do you do coaching I would love to pay for you're teachings have you got email address do I can contact you ? Have a great day


Abundance of freedom and Money

Yoshimi Miyazaki says:

God’s abundance flows from me easily, effortlessly and elegantly. I am grateful for my soaring blessings.

douglas mallo says:

Mary i want financial freedom so that i can be able to take good Care of my family and help those in need of help,thanks really appreciate!!!

Colin Sansom says:

Thank you Mary, once again for sharing your wisdom…….P.S..Interesting that your video was recorded on 1 May 2019…… Stuart died on 1 May 2013 and my birthday is also on 1 May………P.S. I loved Stuart's teachings too…..:)

Ana Hereu says:

I wonder why we are all drawn to financial freedom….? After all, we feel that without money we can accomplish nothing. The American Indians were wealthy beyond measure yet that is not what we view as wealth. I am tired of "Keeping up with the Jones" idea. What I mean by financial freedom is have something that is all paid for and not have to worry about payments. Have the time for ministry work and family reunions. But bottom line that all requires $$. Help me understand what wealth means to you? Thank you in advance for your feedback.

h ashley says:

Relationship and good health abundance these are the most important things to have attained in this life for me. Money doesn't buy happiness . Love does . Thanks for the wonderful videos

Fatoum Cocking says:

Marry, I'd love to have a nice kind soul partner, a love of my live.
Thanks for the videos.

Greg Lloyd says:

Financial & relationship abundance. I have lost so much money in my life and I'm afraid that I'll never succeed by trusting in myself. Having a large sum of money on my own would be nice, but having it to share with someone who loves and adores me for whom I am would be so much better.

Tamara Petersson says:

Five years ago, I decided to serve the community as an EMT. I am a retired firefighter/EMT, having worked for a major department. A shoulder injury in my 18th year of work had sidelined my career. So had severe depression. I am a warrior, so I had to fight. I almost lost my life a few times, but I have persevered. It took nine inpatient hospitalizations and several outpatient programs. It took 180 electroconvulsive therapy treatments (usually 12-36 ECT sessions are necessary). The change came when I had 36 transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments (TMS). Those treatments worked. I have now been in remission for seven years, having had NO major depressive episodes since then. The ECT treatments greatly affected my memory, especially memory retrieval. I learned to talk around a word I wanted to say. By association I could find the specific word hidden in my brain. For example, if I wanted to say "apple" I thought of other fruit, like banana, orange, lime, etc. After some time, I often could find the word I wanted to communicate. So, back to becoming an EMT. I took the EMT course in Spring of 2014. I did well with the didactic studies, but severe anxiety stopped me from learning the skills. The skills had to be in a specific order, using precise words. I failed miserably! But the dream to help people stayed in my mind. In the fall of 2015, I retook the EMT course. Still terrified of performing the skills correctly, I studied the skills as much as the anxiety would allow. I passed! The next step was to work for an ambulance company, running calls with a paramedic. I still haven't achieved that. Yet. I went through the process to get hired by the company I really wanted to work for. So much anxiety! I was offered a position, the one I had been working toward for the previous several years. But, I turned it down. I knew I couldn't pass the portion of the physical test where I had to carry 75 pounds of weight- backwards, up and down stairs. I believed it would take two months to be ready. That was in April of 2017. I have made several attempts to achieve that level of fitness, but I haven't reached it. Yet.
A few days ago, I met a retired firefighter, that I'd worked with two decades ago. He is now a supervisor with the ambulance company I want to work with. I asked him for a letter of recommendation. He said, "Of course!" So, that's how my story has progressed. I am determined to get that specific EMT job, the one I have dreamed about since 2013. Here's to my success!

Asma' Hannani Ahmad Daud says:

Hi Mary, thank you so much for this video. I love it! The abundance that I could think of at this moment is financial and time freedom. To serve our families and people around. And also would love to travel the world 😍💛

Shiloh Meisler says:

When I think "Abundance" I think / feel 'horder' (I live with it) I need / have to think / feel "Financial' Abundance"

David Stanley says:

Loved the video finance

Amanda Permann says:

Thank you Mary! I would love financial freedom. To help my family and others better. To be able to go and serve and learn more abundantly. To have a larger beautiful home and not worry about bills. An abundant consistent flow of income.

Joe White says:

Loved. It Mary. Love your videos.

Manish Syal says:

I want money, freedom and love in my life

Lucille Walton says:

Thank you Mary money to pay bills

bonnie dixon says:

family plain life . our children baby first there the intel. better then most grown children . god first children are gone save the adalts .

Manyang Deng Nhail says:

Thank you so much mama for inspiring me and i love you, you know

Alma Martinez says:

Mary, I would like more abundance in the area of love and relationships. I would love more love iin my environment and better and loving relationships with my children. Also, my clock is ticking in I would love to have soulmate show up.Thank you for the feeling of hope that you give me every time I watch your videos.In trying to do anything that I can think that can move me in the direction of my dreams.I choose to beleive in your belief that this dreams that I wrote in the letter you gave me will come into reality.THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

Ivana Hodak says:

I would love abundance of intuitive messages.

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