Video of the day | Tibetans Mark Dalai Lama

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Tibetans around the world are marking the 50th anniversary of an uprising against Chinese rule that prompted the Dalai Lama’s flight into exile. China invaded Tibet in 1950,forcing the Tibetan leadership of the time to sign an agreement which allowed Beijing to assert control over the region.

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Aduha Dx says:

Lesser of the two evils right here..

Bobby Chang says:

A bit one sided.

Shashank Singh says:

Free Tibbet

Irina Arkhipyk says:

я не люблю китайцев

Irina A says:

они как тараканы….и плодятся как мухи..фу..вроде свиду по интернету все приличные….русская поговорка не работает..хм откуда пришло-туда бы….да жду когда там новая культурная..не начнется?мечтаю…не начиналась еще? видно опять в кусты засели..тоже ожидают..кто кому первый америка или россия рожу набьет..я не дипломатка извините.. зато я правду матку

Irina A says:

в какой стране можно увидеть как избивают палками монахов?

Firefly says:

These lamas are poisonous. The Chinese authorities were not hurting ordinary Tibetans, only these lamas who lost their privileges and power from old theocratic serfdom times and craved to get them back.

Dorji Lew says:

In short the thieves, looters entertained a foreign land Tibet in 1959, and continue to live there with cover ups.

Raj Bodepudi says:

Maoist Dogs!

Raj Bodepudi says:

Free Tibet!

tenzin woiser says:

fake news. those were prisoners not slaves lmao. slaves are mobile prisoners are not. eyes gouged lmao thats not even real picture no relative to tibetans. this is a poor attempt again. slaves were banned by ghenghis khan and Buddhism wont allow slaves. no slave franchise lmao wtf is this same bull shit. look and pause the video. tibetans do not have that hair style lmao

Asian Guy says:

The history in this video is over simplified. Some key events : After Tibet liberated by PLA in 1950, The central govt give times to Dalai Lama to reform Tibet but Dalai did so little, in 1958, Dalai Lama and Choekyi Gyaltsen, 10th Panchen Lama visited India for religious purpose, the Panchen Lama came back to China alone before Dalai Lama did, informing the Beijing that Dalai Lama has plan to uprise Tibet with the support of India. This was why China knew Dalai’s plan and ready to arrest him, but his supporters in Tibet informed him that was why he escaped successfully. This incident also has caused the distrust from China toward India, which also caused the 1962 border war. Despite China won the war, the Chinese still treating the wounded Indian army (search 1962 China India border war) Footage clearly show Chinese nurse feeding Indian army on site.

BekarAdami says:

India with HH Dalai Lama. He is the guru of all Indians. Tibetans can live in India till they achieve freedom from Chinese oppression.

It may take 100 years or 1000, but India will support Tibetans.

Gyalpo Tsering says:

Haha u don't know what is real

zhmz888 says:

before 19 century, there is never a claim of tibet independant, why?? because british is trying to open another door in the west of china to sell opiums…, in the begining ,they send troops in and then they started to brainwash and …

Calvin Klein says:


Hugabongga Bong says:

@davkaaa Don't. Hatred will obstruct your spiritual path.

eastern2western says:

hard choices in here. one side is a horrible feudal system that gouges peoples eyes and lock people up in chains. the other side is a totalitarian system that watches peoples everymove. however, the commies at least allow people to keep their eyes and limbs. which is better, no eyes or no freedom.

Davaadorj Purevsuren says:

Free Tibet !!! so sad that in the earth still no freedom, and no human rights 🙁 hate Chinese government

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