Ram Dass – be an impeccable warrior for truth

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Ram Dass – be an impeccable warrior for truth

Finding Freedom in Acceptance and Wisdom in Suffering

Have you ever found yourself stewing about an unpleasant encounter or event you experienced?

Have you tried to “let the experience go” so you could find peace again, only to be frustrated by your inability to do so?

Therein lies the tug of war between attachment and acceptance. Attachment to desires and outcomes typically produces anxiety and anguish along the way, no matter how things work out.

The only way to transcend your attachment to “what should have happened” or “how you should have been treated” is to accept what happened, unplug from it emotionally, and view it as a conscious, impartial witness.

That does not mean that you should be apathetic and disinterested in what you experience. You may still care deeply about results, but from an objective, enlightened perspective.

The better you can observe your life from this witness consciousness, the less you will suffer. Why? As the Buddha noted, attachment to desires is the origin of suffering.

What if you could overcome difficult emotions and the suffering they generate by becoming, in spiritual icon Ram Dass’ words, “ an impeccable warrior for truth, ” someone who is deeply involved in every moment of life but unattached to the outcome of their efforts?

In the following 13-minute audio, Ram Dass shares vital spiritual wisdom about how to find meaning in suffering and live with “eyes unclouded by longing.”

Don’t miss these highlights that Ram Dass covers in this powerful talk:
(2:20) — How to be an impeccable warrior
(3:14) — Understanding the relationship between form and formlessness
(4:28) — The distinction between heaven and hell
(6:25) — The importance of allowing whatever happens
(9:26) — How to create whatever you please
(10:24) — The purifying effect of suffering

Ultimately, Ram Dass affirms, no matter how lost, scared, vulnerable, or powerless you feel, you can treat this very moment as a portal to understanding, acceptance, and healing.

Have you experienced the freedom of non-attachment? Has finding meaning in your suffering helped you to deal with hardship? We’d love to hear from you!

New Zealand
Oren Lyons Native American Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy
Ram Dass

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laa45j laa45j says:

you say "let it be"; however you contradict yourself when you also say "you have to do this…"

Steven Forman says:

So lovely. Ram Dass is really beautiful. 💙
I've also really liked watching a bit of Master Sri Avinash myself at the moment for my spiritual path. #SriAvinashDo
I feel like my life has changed for the best just from hearing Sri Avinash's peace videos.

Timothy Durpos says:

Yea we could learn alot about living in harmony with nature from the native American Indian

Stuart Walker says:

Heaven is so beautiful yet so underrated in america , let love right the ship once and for All.

Spiritual Sky says:

Letting go and knowing that all is well, life changing tips, Thanks

Krishna Konsciousness says:

Thank you brother Ram

Cynthia Lenyard says:

i feel like you talk to me thank you!

World Peace says:

Ram Dass Finding Freedom in Acceptance and Wisdom in Suffering…

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