Oprah Winfrey’s guru Eckhart Tolle is a satanic lying demon leading people to hell.

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Book review of Eckart Tolle’s “A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose”

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Amey Pakhare says:

I respect ur religion bro but tolle has helped me stay alive

Paul Seekerman says:

Dear brother, you do have some serious issues. Bless you. Tolle is a very
wise man and has given support to many people, that’s why millions read his


Maybe someone can enlighten me.

I don’t mean to hurt any feelings or cause any upsets amongst staunch
Christians, but here is my question, naïve as it may seem.

I find it hard to believe that for some people on this earth, without any
means of knowing about Jesus and the Bible, are destined to go to Hell
because they didn’t have access to this knowledge, therefore they
are eternally doomed?

Therefore, my point is, surely the Bible is a great guide to spiritual
enlightenment, but there are other ways of achieving enlightenment. Such as
teachings from men like Eckhart Tolle etc.

My own personal belief is in happiness. If anything vexes my spirit, I
choose not to focus on it and rather spend time focusing on what I do want.
Simple yet effective :)

weugh54 says:

Tolle is a fake guru. Christ Jesus not Jesus Christ. only brainwashed
Christians say Jesus first. You are the Christ. Jesus is the light of the
world, the sun. Why are people so brainwashed?


I find debates like this hilarious!

Why are we even concerned what Lonestar thinks about spiritual matters. As
with everything in life, we should avoid seeing things as right and wrong,
but instead find the things that empower us and strengthen us, and don’t
pay attention to things that make us upset and disempower us.
There will always be a difference in opinion, but what if we looked at the
end results here and ask ourselves, does Lonestar represent a spiritually
enlightened man? Or a man that is unhappy and living in fear and denial?

Eckhart Tolle is a great teacher, and so is Jesus. Again, lets use what
makes us feel more empowered, and forget the stuff that disempowers us.

To think of it, Lonestar is probably just doing this to be controversial,
so he gets more hits on his YouTube channel, and so he can make a few extra
dollars to buy himself a newer timer(that chicken timer of his is a little
out dated)

Peace and love to you all ;)

jann1180 says:

another thumbs down, yeeha!

MrBazinthenow says:

Actually he,s right lol .. I know !!! not the most elegant way of putting
it , should never call anyone ” fag ” and I,m against his homophobic
approach . But he,s correct ..I followed Eckhart Tolle for 10 years , until
I realised its the same” New Age ” message . the same theme is in all !!!
new age techniques , princeples and ideas .. I thought even Eckhart Tolle
was different , but its ” old spirituality ” re packaged ..everyone thinks
” bad ” wouldn’t be alluring and feel good BIG MISTAKE …Its tapping into
a different source , yes it feels amazing and of course seemingly positive
results but its deception , I believe Eckhart is sincere but like many
people there seduced by the ” Peace ” and ” serenity ” buts its satanic to
the core , don’t be decieved

Canis Aureus says:

Guys you don’t get it… he’s messing with you. Eckhart would not want you
all to respond with such ill conceived thoughts, and you know it. 

Donny Namasté says:

Man you have serious issues…

Cesar Jake says:

Actually, it doesn’t sound like you’ve evolved very much . . . Anyway if
Eckhart doesn’t appeal to you, no big deal. Live your life, and let us
live ours. I love Eckhart; his message is positive; yours is negative and
very judgmental (you might consider re-reading the New Testament–“judge
not, least . . . etc.”

Brendan Thomas says:

I’m an electrician and this book has helped me through my darkest hours. It
doesn’t matter what you do for a living, just because your a male and work
with your hands for a living doesn’t mean you cannot be spiritual. Jesus
was a carpenter. 

jimmy roberson says:

You call your self a Christian and u call him a fag? Your a closed minded
biget. And if u ever read the whole thing….maybe your hick ass would have
learned something, the universe is less then 7thousand yrs old? 

Aron Sjöberg says:

I just watched this clip, just listening to your thoughts about this. I
admit I have hard to know what is the truth. But I just want to add, as you
talked about Jesus didn’t say we are the light of the world, that Jesus
himself only is(8.47). I looked this up in Matthew 5:14 (mountain
preaching) and Jesus says “you are the light of the world” to the pepole
listening. So I think, you have the right to critizise ideas apart from the
Bible, but then you must make sure that it is really in conflict with the

Aridhas Mahamudra says:

LoneStar believes that all of us are sons of Adam And Eva. Believes also in
Satan in the digital Age and all the bible nonsense which never works as
Satan does not allow yhem to work!

Michelle Hayton says:

There is nothing evil about what Eckhart is doing, ego is the root cause of
all the bad things that happen, when people become disconnected from
reality and know not what they do. You are very judgmental and hateful,
calling him bad names. Not even Eckhart knows the complete truth of
existence and you cannot claim to either. The devil only exists in the
sense that it is a collective fear created by ego. You are not at all
convincing in your arguments and you are also denying very conclusive
scientific fact. Pretty much all religions stem from ancient myths and
legends, the Christian religion is actually plagiarized from many ancient
religions, look it up. The earth is alive and it has been proven that
collective thought actually affects the magnetic field. Sadly it seems that
you are deeply in the grip of ego with your, we are right, you are wrong
mentality. We all share in this existence together. All you seem to be
doing is parroting words in the bible without opening you mind or you heart
to any other viewpoints. That is very ignorant.

Chunkylover213 says:

Religion is a pointer to God. There is more than one pointer. Stop staring
at your finger dude.

RingofRae RoR says:

E.T has no clue of what christianity is, E.T obviously does not know the
Lord Jesus, E.T is lost and pulling others into the sme deception that he
is in… Jesus is alive, and if you reading this lines do not know Him
yet…. All you need is a willing sincere heart… 

Casey Boren says:

Jesus also said not to cast your pearls before the swine

profanatio says:

Sir,may I respectfully say that if you spent any time at all trying to
incorporate Tolles teachings into your life you would be a happier and less
judgmental man? Using words like “fag”? C’mon are you a child? And why
make an assumption that ditch diggers or construction workers are too
stupid to understand what Tolle is saying? “Lie’s from the pit of Hell”?
why are you parroting terms that you’ve heard your pastors say a million
times. Sadly, you live your life in fear. I won’t bother explaining to you
how obvious that is because judging by the way you express yourself, you
just wouldn’t get it. You’re not a good example of a bible believing
Christian. Jesus clearly has not transformed you. Take the best and leave
the rest. You can’t possibly think that Tolle has nothing worthwhile to say
that can lead any one to some peace in their lives.

Jimmy Garland says:

What an asshole you are… and on such full display for all to see. Grandma
was slow but Grandma was old, you’re just sad and rather laughable at best.

ut00bington says:


kissmiss629 says:

Thumbs up.

Jani Pontus Toivanen says:

I’m an electrician and I love me some Tolle. What you call “faggotry” is
simply spirituality and philosophy. 

RingofRae RoR says:

About the Roman Catholic Inquisition : it does not matter if it was one or
millions of people. Dont you understand that they did it in the name of
their idea of christianity ? And what was the goal ? To discredit the work
and teachings of Lord Jesus! They did not even understood what they where
doing ! Most of them inquisitors where just puppets not knowng they where
sellng their souls to hell beleiving they where doing the right thing ! But
the goal was to fight against Jesus, so that today, many many years later,
you have a hard time trying to bring to the Lord an atheist that has as
well a hard time understanding since all those lies and bad seeds have been
sewed in their hearts! This Tolle, by bringing it again as an agument,
shows the deep wickedness rooted in his heart ! All 

Antonio Cuadrado says:

Fanatic as you make me sad.

TheIceyeddy says:

And please people, respond to LoneStart with love and compassion, not hate
and anger. Eckhart has taught us to live in the present moment, free from
the mind and ego. The place where true peace, true consciousness true love
and God arises. I feel nothing but compassion towards this man, who is
clearly an unconscious being, but being kind and compassionate to him will
hopefully start to awaken him. Love and peace my brothers, we are all one.

j podgurski says:

i will pray for you it’s needed you are so fucked up. get a life asshole.

brad genereux says:

If I had to find one person to explain to someone what a close minded Jesus
freak is like I would choose this video. Use your brain, you read the first
line and instantly disregarded all his other points 

Carmine Louis says:

My heart goes out to you. I’m sorry you are having such a difficult time
with your life. I’m also sorry that you have bought in to the idea that
there is a being called “Satan”….honestly. I’m not trying to be cruel. I
just feel so bad for you. Something really stirred up your pain-body while
reading Eckhart’s book. You are loved, despite the hatred you are
pretending to spew.

Gore Batoor says:

Normally every word is too much for you but I really have to write some
honest words to you. I thought that we Turks have one of the best high
quality trashy rednecks around but after I saw this video this price goes
to Texas. He is really a victim of his environment, too freighten to get
out of the line (because the other people in his redneck village will
probably shot him :))) . He really try hard to use his brain but after a
short time his mind goes “bllllrrrpp, no sir, you are a Texas-Cowboy,
thinking not allowed in this state. “. If Jesus would stand in front of you
you would 100% call him a “fag” and throw him in a Texas Jail for ever. Btw
I really laugh my ass off by watching the glass chicken on your table and
how it looks into the camera :-))))))))))))))))) I wish that you can laugh
about yourself after you grow up someday.

Liz Piazza says:

This guy is funny and sad,talk about unconscious,but maybe someday…

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