PT 1 3 Neale Donald Walsch Conversations with God Book I

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  • Categories: Neal Walsch


vlmdvm says:

Stop fooling around and get serious and right with the true living God. This is not God in this video, but the Devil himself. Please seek Jesus Christ because time is running out because he is coming! Give your life to Jesus Christ! Don't be left behind.

clifton winn says:

You cant mix the words of the bible which are from the one true living god with words of man or satan and call it good and from god when most of what this nut is saying goes against what god as already said ok now go read your bibles and pray for discernment from your father in heaven so that you may know him and know where your going when you die because you only get one shot so you better know your right and not following a lie …amen 

clifton winn says:

True peace comes from knowing the true prince of peace which is jesus christ knowing you have eternal life with the creator of all life god the father this book produces a fake sence of peace to people who dont know the truth this kook was either talking to satan or he just made it up to make money your pick all i need do is warn people of snake sales men like this guy misleading people from the truth but you know what people will believe anything that makes them feel good 

clifton winn says:

Are you people listening to what your saying or what this kook job is writing what he says does not line up with the bible ok which proves by its self its from because of the accurate prophecy over 1000's of years rhat could only come from rhe creator himself if your a christian you couldnt possibly believe this phony 

clifton winn says:

This guy is a quack any person truely seeking god should turn to the bible jesus is the truth not this hog wash this book is a joke and fruad and no christian should except this baloney 

defxxx says:

great book,,,these thoughts iv also had,,mankind needs to wake up now. but.greed and ignorance is stopping us.,,we are shitting in our own nest ,,creating a big mess ,,if there is reincarnation it will be you,,or us who will have the BIG job of fixing things,,imho,,i just cant believe we don't know these things any way.

glenn johnson says:

Thank you Neal.

kim davidson says:

I truelly hear whats being said by Mr Welches experiance with god…I must listen carefully and be greatfull that for Ive asked…great father that have already blessed me in so many ways. Thankfull truelly I am. Im hunting one more true blessing for myself so I can go forward marry and bless others. Thank you for hearing my spirit my true sence of deepness my goodness and drive..amen

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