Awakening Through Adversity | Special Teaching from Eckhart Tolle

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“Encountering adversity ultimately deepens us and gives us access to inner strength,” explains Eckhart. May the teachings in this new series serve to deepen your awakening and orient you toward what Eckhart calls “the transcendent dimension,” where we can find an abiding sense of peace and rootedness even in the midst of turmoil. “Staying Conscious In The Face of Adversity” is a free teaching series on how crisis propels awakening with Eckhart Tolle. Sign up for free here:

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In our first video, “Awakening Through Adversity,” Eckhart discusses:
-How the ego perceives challenges and obstacles
-The three kinds of adversity—personal, collective, and mind-made
-Step one in finding freedom from unnecessary suffering: becoming aware of your mind
-How the collective mind finds expression in social and mainstream media
-The realization that changes everything: you are not your thoughts
-The vital relationship between spiritual awakening, human development, and adversity
-Finding peace amid turmoil

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Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author, born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At the age of 29 a profound inner transformation radically changed the course of his life. He devoted the next several years to understanding, integrating, and deepening that transformation. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into over 52 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States”, and Watkins Review has named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound, yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on awakening consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking, and can be seen as the next step in human evolution. In the awakened state of presence, we discover what Eckhart describes as our essential identity—who we are beneath the surface—and its power for transforming our selves and our world.


Leah Justyce Artist says:

Bless you all, life is a challenging time! This pandemic has knocked about many egos and so many people are born into very ego driven societies. This is a beautiful time in the world atm as the masses are waking up to what actually is important in life. The mass controlling billion dollar industries are crumbling which the human race has grown accustomed to living their brainwashed lives. Humans are being reminded that we only need the basics to live a happy and healthy life. Love for all is what is important, the world is so full of hatered and anger towards other living things something had to happen. The world is coming out of Lockdown, trust me lessons how not been learned as they are still complaining about the frivolous things……many humans are still sleeping and this pandemic will be around for a while as changes need to happen.

Carlinmarie Power says:


jen amirgholi says:

Does sabatage happen because of the primitive and or reptilian brain in order to get recodnition and strengthened. It goes back to Cain and abel too-ruthless competition. mr. Tolle this has got to b reconditioned , their are many people who need to unlearn behaviors that are dysfunctional connected to ego that are the cause of toxicity. Brain technology. Smart people using their brain for harm. people don't even understand how to be peaceful in their own skin. So how do we cure fear. There is a saying in dc. Everyone wants to be chief and nobody wants to be an indian. There is nothing wrong with being an indian. A good indian at that. Indians are also very much needed too. I think indians are very important in their own rite. I guess that proves how vacuous some people are. mental viruses, thats coming down the pike. Their are people working on this bullying disease.

Angelica Brierley Speer says:

If you can't get to sleep at night, play some of Eckhart's teachings – it's guaranteed to send you off into a deep sleep very quickly – the ego doesn't want to hear, so switches off – and then whilst you are sleeping, it goes in anyway through your subconscious.

Angelica Brierley Speer says:

ET phone home!

Sophia Voumvakis says:

Thank you so much for this. I began reading a A New Earth just before the pandemic and physical distancing began in my province. I have found joy during this period of physical distancing. The need to constantly “do” has diminished for me. I’m enjoying simple pleasures – planning and cooking meals, gardening, spring cleaning, reading, exercising, yoga, meditation. The pandemic has given me more space to find joy in these pursuits. My compulsive need to shop, to attain the latest fashion has diminished. It’s true that shops are shut, but I did most of my shopping on-line, and that is still available. I’ve unsubscribed to all the emails from these retailers. I feel like I’m connecting to my self in a deeper way. I am happy!

susana susana says:

Fantastic discussion about fear and actual problem!!

mitra parsi says:

Sehr sehr schade, dass so ein Kanal nicht auf Deutsch ist . Denn seit dem ich nach Deutschland gekommen bin , hat mein Englisch sich verschlechtert.

Marjorie Sanchez says:

I love this great teacher ❤ he makes the world more beautiful 💐

Birna Dís Vegan because I'm being the change says:

“The subtle energies of your food become your mind.”
~The Upanishads
"The Upanishads are part of the ancient Sanskrit texts from India, also known as Vedanta. The Upanishads had an important impact on the spiritual development in ancient India. Yogic tradition teaches the direct link between the mind and food." And it also impacts your physical health… Ahimsa and namaste. <3

Star Belly says:

This teaching has changed my existence in this world. I'm better to myself & everyone i come in contact with.
There are times i hear my mind conjuring up crazy scenarios or just telling me i'm going to fail. Now that i'm Awake, conscious, I actually have to laugh at my minds thoughts & ego. His Teaching taught me to stop analyzing the past & living for the future. Eckhart Tolle is a Master Teacher. A wise man.

Kushagra Casper says:

Damn! The last part about having a longing for the world to end or a collective suffering hit me hard. I tend to derive a strange pleasure from those scenarios.

stlouisJAS says:

When your significant other says, "what are you thinking?" and you say, "nothing"..and they understand.

You are not truly free until you are free of your thoughts.

Hani Guello says:

I love listening to his words of wisdom and his calming slow speech voice. Thank you ❤️

sistaschin says:

Thank you for being a voice of sanity & for addressing the fear-mongering that is consuming the mainstream media. People are living in so much fear they are forgetting to think rationally not to mention to be in their bodies. Stay curious everyone 💗

Julie Street says:

Don't know what I would do without Eckhart ♥️

Jacqueline Cadalig says:

Thank you Echart!

Ten Minute Tokyo 2 says:

If you are a US tech worker this moment of challenge and crisis is always here, now, in the present, continuously, forever. Nuclear war would be a real catastrophe.

Jiri Keronen says:

Eckhart Tolle is a horrible person who abuses ignorant and gullible people and takes their money.

Ms Seasailor says:

Thank you so much for the gifts of wisdom you so generously provide for us with your valuable time. I appreciate the uplifted energy I feel from listening to you. My love, peace and joy are amplified

Danelle Kerry says:

I need others to be present in my life. I just want there presence nothing more nothing less. I am terribly lonely. Sick of tv sick of my smartphone. I need human interaction, intelligent & goofy conversation. I like to laugh. It makes me feel good & well.

Danelle Kerry says:


Anthony Edward Vaughn says:

Thank you master Eckhart for making a conscious effort to help heal and enlighten, especially during these times. Forever thankful for your teachings

Gary Adamson says:

Eckhart, we await for you to tell us we are in all an awakening as of this now, fear dismay we go beyond as we dream of a better world, even tho it seems impossible, we all need courage, we need a new world were we wake up, so much the same but very different, we become as one, as you have mentioned to us

We can never go back to what was, wars, hate ruling evil govt's the pandemic, etc: 

I feel the wakening, and I'd like to know how you feel too, source 1 consciousness, I hold in my heart to help each other, we all have the same vision feeling within us, you have shown taught us, and all we await for is the change, this is the new awakening, this is the now you speak about, let us not be bored upset feared, angry, a change is coming for mankind lets all be stronger within us right now,
The world will not go back to how it was, it will be completely different, but that is entirely up to all of us, rid the fear, and to help each other encourage all

I am stronger than ever and I know now not to fear death, we are all capable of creating a world of love and peace, as one once we are free, then we can flourish from the things that been held back from us, you feel fear anxiety, then that's ok, but you know your not that at all, but now, rid yourself of it, and feel as most of us now do at this moment, you are much more within you ,one people one Mother Earth, conscious whole and free, this is truly the moment of awakening, for each and everyone of us, we know what is truly happening

if you know the Lords Prayer
then every word is much more clear as it is, with this situation going on now
and I am not religious!! more spiritual

Thank you Eckhart, I felt you have been put on this Earth to guide mankind in life and onwards forever and for always

We are all fortunate to be alive and witness this change, let us drop the media, drop the Hollywood, the pop stars, drop the fear fed to you, we all know in our gut feeling, the truth, and that's what the elite are afraid of, as we are in the awakening, the world is still, and we will surely awaken to a new life, for our children's children

Mother Earth is recovering, and so shall we

Maiki Ling says:

If we want to let go of something, we have to let it be and offer no resistance towards it.
The resistance towards something is the only thing that keeps it in your experience, whether it is a negative emotion or circumstance.
When you decide to accept whatever currently is. When you decide to fully experience what is and offer no resistance.
When you do that, the ''negative'' emotions you are experiencing start to dissipate, because you are not offering any resistance to them anymore. And it is the same with circumstances. When you truly accept your current situation, this opens you up to learning the greatest lesson that this circumstance has for you and that allows this circumstance to pass and give rise to new circumstances that reflect your inner state of balance. ❤

Tamar Kobaliya says:

Love E.T. ❤️

Kyle Noe says:

Eckhart will be finishing his first sentence when the sun burns out.

389nico983 says:

The simile with the bear killed me😂

PS: No really, it killed me. I‘m awaken now 🌼

jenny taylor says:

Robert Downey Junior said "Worrying is like praying for something you don't want to happen". On reflection I agree.
When you were talking, I was just thinking how it's as if the brain will run with anything – good or negative – that you give it, and grow and expand on that thing! My therapist used to warn me that what you focus on grows! And it's true, regardless of whether it's for your benefit or not.
The funny thing is that we are not even fully present when bad things do happen. We project our way through that too!

rabbitlover says:

"People mey seem happy on Instagram or Facebook posts to feel better about themselves" So true..

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