Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer Discuss Consciousness, Nonduality, Spirituality

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Eckhart Tolle, author of ‘The Power of Now’ in dialogue with Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of ‘The Power of Intention’. This exceptional meeting of the two teachers was recorded at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Maui, Hawaii. The two discuss spirituality, spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness with references to many of the worlds traditions*.

*Non duality is at the core of the worlds major religions: Advaita Vedanta, the most refined philosophy in Hinduism, the Kabbalah of Judaism, Sufism within Islam and contemplative traditions within Christianity, the list goes on!

Video licence (CC-BY 4.0 International) courtesy of OMblack Channel: Video URL:

Video uploaded to YouTube by Vikas Pandey on behalf of:
Pandey Integrated Healthcare.
10 Harley Street. London. W1G 9PF. United Kingdom
#consciousness #nonduality #oneness


Rusty Covey says:

2009, I'm part of a global group called, The Human Survival Group. It was a massive think Tank. One day I got an email from a member, a doctor in India. From reading what I wrote for the group, he asked me a question. Are you a monk? This would be a turning point for me. I wanted to know more about what made him think I was a monk.
2010, I made the decision to find myself. What I was writing on our site was stuff that flowed from the thoughts that came to me. So, I started a journey that is still going on today. What if, you could keep your attention and interest on what ever is happening in the moment, not once will your mind drift off to something else. The mind is silent and for hours.
2012, one evening while taking my dog, Vica for a walk. I stopped at the corner and paused for a while and asked myself, How did I live as a kid? Our walks would last an hour, through a closed park. A really nice walk, just us and silence. As I walked along, letting her do her thing. I would go back to my childhood. Because, it was there that it all started and would last for almost 4 decades.
What did I discover? I lived a certain way.
1. Accept everything and everyone you encounter. Which means, you are free of judgment, you have an open mind, there is only silence.
2. Take a genuine interest in everything, everyone you encounter. Which means to go with the flow. What evers happening in the moment, go with it.
3. Let it go as though it never happened, there is no attachment to what just happened, it ended, its over, it can't be changed and its time to do what?
4. That's right. Move on. Move on to what ever is coming next.

When, you can live without judgement. You will discover anything is possible to achieve. There is no such thing as fear. This is a neutrality state, Neutralogy. To walk between, negative and positive is a form of meditation.

Maiki Ling says:

'' What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that. '' – Eckhart.
Something my mom said to me relates to this quote really well. So, my mom started watching Eckhart about a month ago and she is starting to become aware of her thoughts more and more and she said to me a couple of days ago: '' I have been living like a prisoner''. It truly is crazy if you look back on your spiritual journey and see how you were just a prisoner, a victim of your thoughts. A puppet of the ego. It is just a beautiful journey! Stay Consistent everybody! Spiritual work is the most important work! ❤

Sky Sky says:


Sky Sky says:


Aleksandr The Third says:

Only one thing left to say, Thank you.

Dana A'Attar says:

"The soul is miserable when you contain it" Wow I felt that

Randy says:

it was good till he started being a puppet for the "Gun Grabbers".

shellie petty says:

This came to me at exactly the right moment. Thank you for this

Ann Sparkes says:

Neccecity is the mother of invention

Sajokal Horseed says:

I think Islam will help you know more about the 7 degrees of the soul and how you can purify yourself in order to get the paradise in this life and the hereafter . God created you to worship him , not to worship the ego or consciousness . Tolle understood that the ego is deluded , but he needs to know Islam, the pure monotheism that reestablish the faith of Adam ,Abraham ,Moses and Jesus ,with the wisdom of the prophet Muhammad peace upon them all !

betty volcy says:

extraordinaire moment;;

Yael Avraham says:

Eckhart is ❤️so companionate

Claus Eriksen says:

Brilliant video in every way. Should be taught/showed in all schools. Worth much more than all the other school stuff put together. I claim that 90% of what is taught in schools are useless & manipulative indoctrination, just to create extremely active consumers, mostly of stuff no one really needs. But the advertising repeatedly showing images of stuff, simply makes people buy it eventually. It's proven to work, already during wwII in the 1940's (the nazis) did a ton of research & experiments on the subject. Ooops, a bit out of context (as usual) 😉 Thank you ET & WD.. You are real "heroes" in my book

Martha Woodworth says:

These two dear, dear people.They have given so much to us.

Paddy Jay12 says:

Ego soars here with my soul
At certain times
It takes control
I see it there
And set it straight
Until all that's left..
is ONE.

Please hit the like button if you liked this poem…
asking for a friend (my ego)

Dave S says:

WONDERFUL. 🙏🙏🙏 Thanks for sharing

Justin Bateman says:

Wayne Dyer 70% ego but his other 30% is worth hearing. Tolle = 100% present 🙏

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