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This episode was first broadcast in October 2018

Dr. Joe Vitale is a spiritual teacher and author known for his appearance in the hit movie THE SECRET.

He has written 70 books that include the best sellers The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, which dives into the Hawaiian practice for wealth, health and peace.

He is best known for his ideas on the laws of attraction, abundance mentality, and hypnotic language.

Watch the FULL EPISODE here: https://londonreal.tv/vitale


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Meditation and Affirmations says:

I think the actions come as an inspiration to take action rather than FORCING actions ! When we force actions without creating what we want vibrationally first, we are met with resistance.

Alexandra M Rush says:

Part II of The Secret is needed now more than ever to inspire Taking Action.❤️

Suba Lakshmi says:

Please do part 2 sir. It's my humble request

Ethan Harvey says:

It really is true and a very real thing. I think it gets shoved into the woo woo realm too often because it’s misunderstood. But it’s very real , your mind/repeated thoughts/ energy and words / routines of those things absolutely dictate your behavior , surroundings and ultimately your destiny. Your mind dictates your energy and your energy literally creates your surrounding world and your future. It’s not Saying ‘I wanna be a millionaire’ and writing it down a hundred times and you become rich out of nowhere. But it is recognizing the negative patterns in your thinking and mind overall and altering them to positive ones along with thinking of what it is you want and where you want to be and making those your new patterns / routines. An if you can do it enough and are clear enough about what it is you want and where you want to be through repetitive thinking/affirming etc. then you will literally become directed by your sub conscious toward living that life you want and attaining those things. What most people do automatically is think negatively, dread things , stress and become anxious over things and eventually those worries/fears end up our reality and we tell ourselves ‘See , told you so!!’ But your literally making them happen. The first steps is literally just getting out of the routine negative thoughts and starting a routine of repetitive positive ones and affirmations/ thinking/speaking about the life you WANT to have and can have and all the things you want and can have also. Just start doing it and you will see things start to happen and change just like working out. You don’t get jacked overnight but you’ll start to see undeniable changes which should inspire you to keep up the work and go further with it until eventually you will have the life you want.

Jay Money says:

Why doesnt he manifest a full head of hair?

Lucky Charm says:

Buddha was a prince and was going to be a king but eventually renounced life because of the burning desire searching the answer for life . After 6 years of asceticism he awakened to understand the mechanism which keeps people trapped in the cycle of rebirth.

Cambridge Breaths says:

Reticular activating system:)

Charlotte Smith says:

FYI this starts at 5:52
Thank me later 😀

Diva says:

Play the glad game 👌

Play- On says:

Your brain is a sending and receiving station. It emits frequencies and also receives frequencies. Your mind is the remote controler for this device. You are not your brain, the brain is simply a tool used by your consciousness. It is Like a CPU in a computer, it is fragile and can be hacked. Be careful how you feed your brain.

Rohit Chauhan says:

Please provide to hindi

Steve Mallinson says:

Wrong way around.. Follow your heart,being and integrity (mission ) and then if a private jet shows up as being necessary to the mission, that is in alignment. Objects in service to being. Focus on objects can't create integrity, but integrity can guide decisions and pull in what is needed for its accomplishment.

yuri lardieri says:

I love Danny Devito, I don't get why they can't manifest a flat belly 🤔

Bryan Slankster says:

The more thought you put into something the better your action.

A person that thinks 1 time to write a book will write a shitty book. Someone that thinks a lot about writing a book will inevitably write a better book.

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