Audiobook: Wayne Dyer – 101 Ways to Transform Your Life

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101 ways to Transform your life by Wayne Dyer

On this inspirational audiobook, best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers you 101 ways to make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. You’ll love listening to Dr. Dyer’s transformational thoughts, including these:
Forgive yourself for your transgressions. See that mistakes are lessons for you to transcend. Release yourself from the tyranny of self-recrimination. Make the decision to be free.
Become aware that there are no accidents in our intelligent universe. Realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you. Appreciate everyone and everything in your life.


Reeta Desai says:

Background music is so loud that it's hard to listen to Dr Dyer, it's very annoying, hope you can read record this with softer sound of music, thank you for making this recording available.

Vforvisuals says:

Nice job. Thank you 🌺

Amanda Boyd says:

Thank you for sharing. It's just perfect timing for me. Thank you Universe. Sending you Infinite Love and Rainbow Light 💖 🌈 XXX

Polycode Freemen says:

Time code
#1 2:14 Know in your heart that there is invisible intelligence in everything
#2 3:08 Begin to look inward rather than outward
#3 3:45 Realize that everything that happens in your life has something to teach you
#4 4:35 Draw your inner energy from the beauty that surrounds you
#5 5:05 Be peaceful, experience silence and meditate
#6 5:50 Forgive yourself for your transgressions
#7 6:40 When you seek happiness for yourself it will always elude you, when you seek happiness for others you will find it yourself
#8 7:00 Attempt to remove all enemies from your thoughts
#9 7:55 Be open and release everything that you hate
#10 8:25 Keep in mind that grievances bring turmoil while communication brings peace
#11 9:20 The less attracted you are with your possessions and the more you are able to share them with others unconditionally
#12 10:08 Work at being content with who you are rather than pleasing others by being unauthentic
#13 10:55 Your thoughts create your reality
#14 11:27 There is no peace in "more is better"
#15 12:05 Try to get back to nature
#16 12:45 Your life is the product of all of the choices that you have made up until now
#17 13:18 I will love my neighbor as I love myself
#18 13:40 Make an attempt to think globally rather than locally
#19 14:05 Relax about the future
#20 14:47 Learn to allow others to work out their difficulties without feeling that you are the only one who can fix things
#21 15:15 In my world nothing ever goes wrong
#22 16:30 Be conscious of your thoughts
#23 16:50 Make an attempt to tame your ego
#24 17:25 Remember that you are not your country, you are not your race, you are not your religion, you are an eternal spirit
#25 17:52 If you are engaging an addictive behavior ask God
#26 18:35 Practice releasing the emotions of fear and guilt and replace them with love and forgiveness and kindness
#27 19:25 Accept this seeming contradiction the fact that your body will die and that you are eternal
#28 20:15 Make a daily effort to look upon others without condamnation every judgement take you away from your goal of peace
#29 20:47 Give yourself the gift of a silent retreat every day
#30 21:39 When you have the choice to be right or to be kind always choose kind
#31 22:19 Avoid exaggerating or changing facts for the purpose of impressing others today
#32 22:42 Being peaceful is what your higher self wants
#33 23:27 Judge not
#34 24:20 Begin to change the vocabulary you use to describe yourself and your expectations
#35 25:00 If there are someone in your life that you love tell him or tell her how you feel even if you're afraid to do so
#36 25:27 You cannot have a better past
#37 26:07 Let go all the beliefs that convinced you of your inadequacies and short comings
#38 26:27 Spend a day silently reciting the word love whenever you encounter another human being
#39 26:58 Use your talents and your special interest to fulfill your service
#40 27:35 Practice giving without receiving
#41 27:55 Be still and know
#42 28:21 In the midst of a tumultuous meeting or a frantic encounter with your children get up and excuse yourself just for a moment, give yourself 5 minutes to get centered and then ask God this question what is my purpose here and how may I serve you in the midst of all this confusion
#43 28:55 Spend special moments in ah of the miracle that life truly is
#44 29:13 Curb your need to be right
#45 29:37 Notice the acts of kindness that other people do rather than their wrong doing
#46 30:00 Keep a journal
#47 31:18 Give more of yourself and ask less in return
#48 31:37 If your first inclination is to have a judgemental thought about the physical appearances of someone else notice what you are doing and redirect your thought to consider the fullness of God within that person
#49 31:52 Entertain the thought that you remove habits from your life by coaxing them down stairs one step at a time
#50 32:15 Develop the sense that anything that is destructive to one human being is destructive to all
#51 32:36 As you think so shall you be
#52 33:10 Be aware of your thoughts
#53 33:50 Have conversation with God in private
#54 34:09 Develop your inner faith
#55 34:25 Let go about any repetitions inner dialogue about the horrors and tragedies of world
#56 35:26 Consider the possibility of totally eradicating your personal history from your consciousness and simply living completely in the present moment
#57 35:59 Slow yourself down with moments of contemplative silence
#58 36:18 Know that you are a soul with a body rather than the reverse
#59 36:47 Release the idea that a failed relationship makes you a failure
#60 37:24 Know that you are an eternal purposeful being
#61 38:20 Make love the focus of your life
#62 38:37 Simplify your life
#63 39:06 Take full responsibility for all of the events in your life
#64 39:25 Trust your intuition
#65 39:50 It's not paying so much attention to the superficial pursuits of your life
#66 40:11 Release the false idea that you need to prove to anyone that you have acquired the necessary credentials to be considered a success
#67 40:35 Remind yourself that every negative thought that you have about another is something you're thinking about yourself
#68 40:54 Be aware of the fact that everyone who comes into your life in any capacity is valuable
#69 41:30 Know you don't really have to do your best at everything you do
#70 41:59 Try on the concept that beliefs restrict you while knowings empower you
#71 42:30 Release your fear of disapproval you do not need it
#72 42:50 Appreciate the beauty around
#73 43:16 If you doubt your ability to know God then know that if you are alive you have the life force of God within you it's as simple as that your aliveness confirms the existence of the highest awareness within you
#74 43:40 Drop the notion that you are what you do
#75 43:58 When you find yourself troubled by anything say out loud "I am more than what bothers me"
#76 44:28 Remember that you are here on Earth for one purpose to love and to be loved
#77 44:44 Practice listening to others
#78 45:11 Remind yourself every day that the highest worship of God is service to mankind and that it is through those acts that your spiritual quest will be realized
#79 45:33 Try not to compare yourself to others
#80 46:13 Examining everything that offends you and see if you get your ego out of the picture
#81 46:42 Resists the need to be boastful
#82 47:02 Practice generosity
#83 47:25 Know that love is the least threatening experience there is
#84 47:44 Avoid dictating to those who are smaller or younger or less educated
#85 48:02 Allow your higher self to guide you when you have problems
#86 48:27 Remind yourself that God created you in perfect love that is changeless eternal
#87 49:16 Free yourself from addictions
#88 49:42 Begin keeping track of the judgemental thoughts that you allow on your thoughts
#89 50:00 Rather than continually making an issue of things with your immediate family and friends try letting go of your ego
#90 50:36 Instead of cursing the past blessing and forgive yourself entirely
#91 50:53 Try not to judge God
#92 51:34 Develop the ability to witness your thoughts by stopping back and watching them enter and exit your mind
#93 51:58 When you feel an inclination to blame someone else for your circumstances take an instant to say a prayer of thanks
#94 52:17 Remember that whatever you want to know or accomplish in your life is possible if you are truly ready to trust in your divine powers to manifest it
#95 52:39 Remember that love is the best antidote to fear and doubt
#96 52:59 Know that objects cannot give you freedom
#97 53:31 Free yourself of prejudice
#98 54:00 Be aware that nothing will bring about an inner feeling of turmoil faster than allowing yourself to be seduced into fighting or arguing
#99 54:21 Look into a mirror and say out loud "I love you I value you"
#100 54:56 Demonstrate tolerance and love by ignoring what may have transpired in the past
#101 55:20 Knowing that you're not your name, your occupation or your social security number, you are eternally light and divine regardless of what you have done or have failed to do

Sunlight crusader says:

Thanks for posting this my guy

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