Stuart Wilde The Force. Meaning of life. Purpose of life. How to lead a more spiritual life.

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Meaning and purpose of life. Audio manual to life. The late Stuart Wilde’s best info (abridged). Potent. Needs many listens to ‘get it all’. Recommend saving a link to refer back to it. Much profound info’. Explains how to “not get caught up”. How to “go beyond” events in the world. Rise above them which is important these days.

Also explains why you can be “perpetually secure”. Why your here on earth. Your life’s goals and info on many other things. Don’t miss the end comments at: 1:54.00, 1:56.25, 1:59.48, 2:01.24 to name a few.

Can be enjoyed from start to finish or dive in at any point and listen to a few minutes to take away and ponder on. Spiritual (not religious). Alot of profound info in nearly every sentence in plain speak on a variety of subjects.

The Force and Silent Power are Wilde’s best, smart, brilliant, straight to the point tapes. Save a link to see when Silent Power (original version) gets posted. I am not looking for subscribers but if that is easiest way to save a link then ok.


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