David Hawkins ~ Connecting With Your Higher Self

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David Hawkins explains in this video how to reach higher states of consciousness by going directly within, Interested in the lecture follow the link below.

“Transcending Barriers” June 2005

#DavidHawkins #Spirituality #Buddhism

Dr. Hawkins begins this “Transcending Barriers” June 2005 video by stating he is presenting spiritual truth within a new context for the modern world in order to validate it. He asks of what relevance to today’s world is what happened 2,000 years ago when people’s lives were quite different from those of today. He shares how consciousness research creates a context that is comprehensible to modern man.

Next, Dr. Hawkins explains where Truth lies, how it is not subject to error, and why it is the Absolute. He reveals that it was mind boggling to discover that everything that ever was, anything from the past or present, can be accessed at this moment in time – all exists completely everywhere all the time. He then presents the concepts of content and context. With this and more, he explains how the book Power vs. Force came into existence.

He then describes how consciousness is independent of the body; the differences between near-death and out-of-body experiences; and how Truth appears differently at each level of conscious awareness. He further describes the Map of Consciousness and the characteristics of its various levels. He talks about karma, the “meaning” of something, consequences, and how to use the method of kinesiology to find out what is for one’s highest good in any situation.

He explains why the world did not self-destruct eons ago, and why it is not doing so now; why this is a world of maximum karmic opportunity and how we can benefit; and about being responsible for our actions and how to evolve beyond them. He tells us that the animal kingdom is a wonderful example of evolution and why.

Dr. Hawkins then discusses spiritual commitment, intention, and their relationship to enlightenment; love versus logic; and the development and existence of an etheric brain. He introduces the concept of the payoff (the “juice”) that keeps us stuck at a certain level of consciousness. The only reason we stick with something negative is due to the “juice,” and our addiction to it. He reveals the way out in detail.


Ina 888 says:

I see purple circles one from another arising when closing the eyes and being aware of the Presence.)

geechi suede says:

In my view the meditative technique described in this video corresponds with the Jhana´s: meditative states of absoprtion. Core practise in achieving enlightnment within certian schools of Buddhism. Practising Jhana's enables meditators to reach elavated states of conciousness. With practise, various stages of Jhana's are 'unlocked' (although some experience Jhana's accidentaly). Jhana practise feels distinct, liberating, magical. The first stage of Jhana's is accompanied by full blown physical and emotional joy and happiness (piti and suka). Moving deeper into Jhana's / meditation, things get non-dualistic. Awareness of infinate space and conciousness arises: a mystical state devoid of pain, pleasure, time. Knowledge of ' the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Sati (mindfullness), and the Four Right Exertions' greatly assist in reaching Jhana's. Leigh Brasington's book 'Right Concentration: A Practical Guide to the Jhanas' is often recommended to beginners. Meditation master Culadasa (John Yates, author of 'The mind illuminated: a complete guide using Buddhist wisdom and brain science') spoke extensively on the subject of Jhana's. His lectures are found on his YouTube channe 'Dharma Treasure Audio Archive', free of charge. Highly recommend it. Wikipedia 'Dhyāna in Buddhism', is another excellent starting point.

Terror Botje says:

Ultraviolet with specs and collors of light. These specs look like molecules

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Ludoslaw Kozlowski says:

Gloria In Excelsis Deo ❤

Falcon Britt says:

Seeing no specks. Waiting. Still no specks… ??? Eckhart Tolle suggests waiting expectantly like a cat watching a mouse hole, watching for a thought to arrive. That seems to work. Waiting and watching like a cat for something to arrive, I don't think.

Todd Sloan says:

I wish many times in a week I would have taken the time to be one with the light more often. I would have become reset me.

J D says:

Any experience of meditativeness implies a calibration above 400’s?

Thom says:

When I first saw this video I realized those tiny lights have no name in my mother tongue. 😀
Interesting stuff, thanks for the upload dear Willie.

Geoffrey De Rose says:

I Love Thee!!! Thank thee willie!!

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