Wayne Dyer – How to Be a No-Limit Person

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Los Angels says:

If I had a few million dollars …I would not waste a single minute
watching douche bags like him…its all about the money….he made a lot of
it…and bet he won’t let you have it

Max Padilla says:

*Want to know the fundamental truth about the things that Wayne dyer is
saying, and the real truth behind his words (he don’t understand it
completely), which goes along with mind, ego, karma and thoughts?*

*If you are, take a look at **”The Present”** at TruthContest♦Com. It’s an
amazing book. Take a look. It’s free for **everyone** to read. :)*

Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis says:

wow so this is what Dr. Dyer looks like with hair, wish full filled.

Crotchet says:

His early books are great, ”pulling your own strings” You erroneous
zones” Pity he disappeared up his own ass and became the ego maniac that
he now constantly preaches how not to become.

Pedro Silva says:

i painted his ex wife house in boca raton…, yeah… in 2008…

timepeace3 says:

Any clues as to when this was filmed? 

SteveHoweJeffBerlin says:

But people LOVE money too much.
Lots of people are selfish and greedy because of this.
He’s right in what he says, but is not reality though.

Michael Cole says:

Just what I needed to get over myself today. I’ll be ready to help again
when the time comes. Made me laugh :)

inbredagogo says:

I like this better than his much later works such as “Excuses Be Gone”. I
wasn’t really impressed with that. This program looks like it was filmed in
the early 1980’s.

Viviane Farah Ferreira Nehemy says:

Confira este vídeo no YouTube: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer speaks. Very nice!!

John Brochet says:

Good stuff!!! :)

Brian Linville says:

I like a lot of this guys stuff,
I take inspiration from all over,
(your essense/spirit, is consciousness eh? subsets of the ALL
from Source. (whatever name /synonym you wanna name it).

Mark ONeill says:

I like this. Better than some of the mystical, woo-woo stuff out there.

cygnus455 says:

Look at the size of that fuckin head, tho!!
Aye! Look at the size of the cranium on that one!!

garvoi says:

I don’t feel he gives a step by step strategy on how to achieve those
things he endorses. People have been trying not to be anxious throughout
history….but people have anixiety attacks… Many of these things are not
easily controlled. They are sometimes not as controllable for many people
because of their brain wiring. Yes, conscious thought process can help, but
to a point. So easy just to say don’t feel stress because you don’t have
to. If i point a gun to your face, can you easily not feel stressed???

Lynette Cardona says:

Love to hear this

C Brown says:

There are a few limits as far as your hairdo but other than that, I like
what I hear

Arch D says:

beautiful and perfect video.

Lynette Cardona says:

Love to hear this

Stratocastermark says:

thanks for uploading. really enjoyed this and saw Wayne Dyer in a new
light. Humorous but still with a great message ;-)

James Preston says:

Who I Am.

Arch D says:

beautiful , thank you very much .

Frank C says:

Sociopaths are “no limit” person’s, now aren’t they?

jayne kennedy-ellis says:

Thank You for this blessing of hearing everything you have said here. And,
for sharing this with me. 

Lena Forsell says:


Robin Lilfelt says:

What an eye opener! I would recommend this to everyone I know (=

Jim Jardine says:


KyReem Butler says:

Dr. Wayne for president!!

murilyn123 says:
Aliki Giakas says:
jcreamx23 says:

this is where Master P learned to be a No-Limit Soldier

true story.

Rene' Pike says:

Always inspired. Thank you

chase short says:

So I think I should be more calm and not care as much with my life and
everything will fall into place if I focus on my dream .

Clinton Dredge says:

Thank you

Jolanta Poland says:

Funny. Witty. Theoretically perfect… IKAR was a no limit person, I

Solo Steez says:
Élan Wallace says:

Great great stuff!! Thank you for sharing!

95045Irma says:


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