How To Deal With Death By Understanding The Soul

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In this video, Neale Donald Walsch answers the questions of a woman who has recently lost her father and helps her come to terms with that sense of loss.
The grief that comes when a loved one has passed can be painful, especially for those who want them to have stayed.
Neale explains how the soul’s agenda and nature mean we never pass away at a time that isn’t of our higher choosing.

Join us in this ground-breaking Free Masterclass with Latin America’s leading shaman, healer & wellness expert, Juan Pablo Barahona to instantly activate your quantum health here 👉

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Soulvana says:

Join us in this ground-breaking Free Masterclass with Latin America’s leading shaman, healer & wellness expert, Juan Pablo Barahona to instantly activate your quantum health here 👉

Sharon Saunders says:

Something about this and what he says makes me very uncomfortable

Elane Horhi says:

I don’t believe that we choose when and how to die, sorry! My precious husband died; he did not want to die, he was struggling not to die, he was scared! But, he died anyway and I miss him so much

Lin T. says:

Neale is an angel in human form.

annie mkhungo says:

It’s true so true my mom will ask me and my siblings if she should let go , and we kept saying no the day she wanted to go , she waited for everyone to sleep and hired a driver to take her to my uncle house and let’s go on the the last step of my uncles door , my uncle opened the door and found my mom and he saw her soul coming out from her feet 🦶 she was gone …so she didn’t wanna disappoint us 🙏🙏🙏🙏 💜💜💜💜

Jodiᴇ says:

Nobody truly dies alone.

Jodiᴇ says:

God created and put you here for a purpose.
He alone has a divine plan for you and your future.

Jodiᴇ says:

The pure Joy in Heaven is when we are reunited
with loved ones and pets we have known ok so you are
A friend family yes when we do meet I will remember you
The pure JOY! to see you again.

Jodiᴇ says:

I am a soul living in a human body don’t grieve
for me I will always be around in a different form.
We are the clay God is the potter we are his creation.
I believe there is a continuation after death. We are
Going somewhere.

Tatjana I says:

We come here / we have been born inside this part of the All Might Creators Mind = Earthly world to get as soul/spirit the entire pallet of emotional experiences and to figure out how through these emotional states / feelings by simply observing them we could get the reverse = gradual (accumulative/ unlocking ) access back to our natural state of being / soul / divinity in here and in now. The most painful emotions or pain in the body if we develop habit when we feel them to just observe them … just sit, close our eyes, stop our breathing, pull our stomach in, and direct our attention on them without interfering, then start to breath as our body (which is All Mighty Creator's highly organized peace of truth sense = All Mighty Creators mind) is dictating us to breath, we will very soon find out that these tensed locations within our self are actually energy doors of our emotional self-labyrinth via which we can go gradually (as more we do it faster and faster ) back into our awareness /divinity in here and in now.

Kelly O. Ivey says:

I'm scared to death to die!😫

Pee Dee says:

Thank you for enriching our souls on earth 🙏🙏

K J says:

Wow, that was powerful. I felt that.

Viviana Rose says:

I believe that of course the foremost "agenda" of our soul is to evolve, but I also believe that we have a commission of a work to do; a gift, a knack, a propensity given by the Universe that will be optimally useful for our lives while in this life. I used to wonder if anyone was meant to be accountant, and then I met several people who love to crunch numbers. So yes, I believe there is an occupation for us, in different stages of our lives, that will fulfill us and make us more optimally useful for the whole. <3

Angela Lackey says:

She wouldn't have chosen this. I just know she wouldn't. I just know.

God Father 7 says:

MY AGENDA, IS TO TELL YOU, THAT YOU ARE A CHARLATAN, (PHONY) THIEF, AND LIAR. Anyone listening to you is being lulled to sleep and feeding your glutenous ego.

Dreama Kennon says:

Do you have to come back if you don't want to

Sean Barbara says:

'no one dies without his or her choosing' – what about very young children and babies who die out of their own fault? do they choose it? what was their purpose?

Adam Connell says:

Do other animals have the same agenda as people?

Scott Nyseth says:

If everyone chooses the time of their death then why do we not see people who are 150 or even 200 years old? Surely there must be someone who wants to stay past 120 y/o (which is possible but rare for someone to attain to)? Interesting but not totally convincing for me.

Sagittarius 52 says:

i love Donald Walsch teachings. very profound .

Peter Turley says:

I cannot wait to depart- which will be soon.

Buch Autor says:

is neal god on earth? often i think that

Christine Ramirez says:

I lost the love of my life like 8 days ago I'm having a hard time with it I'm ok sometimes other times I'm not ok ppl say time heals & it will get easier I so hope so bcuz I really don't kno how much more I can handle

anuraag sharma says:

Lovely video. Terrific guy..god bless him..

dd. says:

what is he asking for this cheap talk? thousands of dollars? …………. he is talking bullshit

JM says:

It is rather amazing to see how much Neal has changed since the beginning. In the end he is smiling from the joy within, because he is allowing his knowing to flow.

Jill Fox says:

Beautiful, just beautiful ♡

Danuta R. says:

C'est difficile de faire face à la mort !!! Thank You !!!

tatiana al rahbany says:

@5:05 "you cannot choose not to be six feet talk, you cannot choose not to have blue eyes, you can pretend not to have them, you can pretend not to be 6 feet tall, but that doesnt mean it's true". Make me think about gender identity issues and trans people

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