Become Awake Now! | Eckhart Tolle & Russell Brand – Full Episode

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Eckhart teaches that Presence is available to us in every moment, but we all know how the demands of daily life can feel distracting, chaotic, and overwhelming. Deepening Into Stillness: 7 Days of Teachings and Meditations with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng, will allow you to heighten your awareness of stillness and bring presence into every area of your life. Receive your gift here:

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Produced by Jenny May Finn (Instagram: @jennymayfinn)


Rada says:

Best interview I’ve seen with Eckhart. I remember the one he did with Oprah and that was so disrespectful and annoying the way she kept interrupting him.

Andrew Merritt says:

Two giants converge.  Surreal and full of space.  The moment at which energy vibrates with peace.  Excellent job gents.

Alejandra Tirado says:

Russell is so quiet …. me encanta 🥰 jaja oir a veces están difícil

All_is_1 says:

Concision is a wonderful thing

Full Moon says:

What is it with
the ‘microphone’ ??? 🤔🤔I find difficult to concentrate of what you are saying which mostly is very Interesting 😉

Hranush Shahnazaryan says:

“The New Earth” is the most important book I have ever read. It changed me so much. And to even hear and feel Eckhart’s voice already connects me to my deeper core ❤️

David Fuller says:

Psalms 111:10" "The fear of The LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good
understanding have all they that do His commandments: His praise
endureth for ever."
There is no other way to God, to
salvation, except through Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9-13: "That if
thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in
thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever
believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference
between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto
all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved."
Praise God, the gospel of Jesus Christ is GOOD NEWS indeed. Hallelujah.

Jess Dell says:

How cool that you two got a chance to be together. Right on!

scottyk Allday says:

AA brought me here

Um_Vs_YouTune says:

conceit is a problem with great wisdom (im going back to _ _ _ _ _ _)

Kris Kasa says:

I have never seeing any one blinking 100 times per second

Carlo Mayer says:

Jedi-master-level meditation challenge: Count how often Eckhardt blinks during the entire video without break.

Michaele Detwiler says:

You are beautiful Russell…

Duchess Of Essex says:

This was amazing. Thank you so much.

Giulian Bates says:

I thought the entheogen experinece (e.g. Acid) is what you are supposed to be experiencing, Eckart! Other teachers tell us 'yep this is what it is like'!

Penny Meyer says:

This 1 episode is a course of study in itself…so much essential information. Thank YOU for being in it to us!!!

Kimm mmiK says:

Sharing now moments in and of awareness sparking expansion. Thank you for this nudge ⚛✡♾💜🤲

John Mullins says:

Eckharte brings all the ancient teachings from india, Tibet, etc and makes it understandable for us lesser mortals.. his book “The power of now “is still on my desk after 15 years it is incomparable.. thank you Russell from 🇨🇮

M Munroe says:

👍Very nice, Russell. This was super. You did well. And, as always, thank you, Eckhart.🧡

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