David R. Hawkins on relationships

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Mattstadon says:

This is extremely eye opening and so clear!

PowerOf One says:

I absolutely love this man, he is/was a God send to all.

Iggy Barrato says:

Chemistry being the essential factor to turn on each the Vibers! . Very few are lucky to find it and if you do watch out for that serpent or serpents.

Julián Bailot says:

I contacted Robert Smalley, he helped me heal my relationship.

He can calibrate your compatibility with your partner, the levels of consciousness and the percentage of ego resolution of each individual.

This information is empowering and liberating. It helps to understand why you’re having problems.

Where there’s ego, there’re problems; where there’s love, everything goes well.

Reach out to him, he is the real deal.

Blessings to all.

Francis Van Oijen says:

It was the problem with all my past relationships. My exes were below 200 on the scale of consciousness.
While I was working for and investing in the relationship with love and care (and I thought they were doing the same), they were covertly only busy with what they could get out of it for themselves (and they thought I was doing the same). So, not alligned.

Now I've learned more from dr. Hawkins, I won't make the same naive mistake again.

It's a misunderstanding of intentions. Their intention was to get as much as possible for themselves, out of a feeling of lack and trying desperately to control me. And in their level of perception they thought that I was doing the same.

For me, I was about building the relationship, taking care of each other and investing in building a loving future together. And in my perception they were doing the same.

I guess the statement "People can only understand from their level of perception" is true. We assume that the other is at the same level, but then find out they are not.

At the time I didn't know about this chart with levels of consciousness. It brings a lot of clarity.
At the time I felt deceived, and felt like a victim (lost quite some money), but now I understand more about the different levels and how it works. I can love them where they are.

The trap is that people below 200 pretend that they are on a higher level through boasting, grandiosity, or "fake it till you make it", and some (sociopaths) are extremely good at their game, therefore it's sometimes difficult to know. At first I think it's observe before getting involved (and absolutely not getting involved in any drama) is the best. Actions speak louder than words.

Ash 123 says:

Its about cooking,housekeeping and looking after me while i put my feet up

n says:

What a great video! Thank you 🙂

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Penelope Ryder says:

It is about resonance we either resonate or not.

Robert Moffat says:

I shall preface by saying I'm a massive admirer of Hawkins. He is so far ahead of the common pack of western spiritual teachers that it boggles my mind that they all didn't choose to sit at the master's feet while the opportunity was available(a nod of acknowledgement to Wayne Dyer, without whom nobody would of heard of Dr.David). However, and it's A Big However, The Doc's glaring fault lies not in what he calibrated, but what he failed to. I find his take on relationships personally abhorrent. Serving your partner as Christ served The Church? Are you kidding me? Haven't we had at least 2000 years of this infantilism? I heartily endorse Hawkins' opinion on everything Except Committed Relationships. For a more mature/better thought through perspective on the topic, please refer to Harville Hendrix(Getting The Love You Want). You can thank me later. 🙂


@Oliviayf Olivia – if both people have the same "mission" then they are aligned.. if one person is 'spiritual' and the other person hasn't had that realization yet then it doesn't matter if she is cute and "attractive" in the looks department – that relationship will not last because they are not in the same path, not going the same way/direction, not in the same mission.  Like let's say one person wants to be a doctor and go to college… and the other person in the relationship wants to do "drugs and party" = those 2 people are in very different paths, their values, believes, wants are very different.  they are not Aligned with the same principles.  So that relationship will not last. No matter how she or he looks, physical attraction etc..

Kathleen says:

i am not aligned to this country anymore. 🙂

bbarbosa1 says:

I so love this! It goes to the heart of the matter. "Involvement" vs. "alignment" is bang-on! Thank you for posting 🙂

Daniel Hall says:

@PerSpiriCal "Alignment" – I took it as the goal of putting the relationship before the self, or sharing the same intention of "making it work". Asking for a partner to share the same values goes into that dangerous territory of wanting to change someone else. Additionally, it is inevitable that people change over time. Does it seem possible to have an alignment of values?

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