David R Hawkins ~ How To Become Successful In This Lifetime

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The Human Condition. All of the negative feelings are essentially forms of fear: fear of loss of esteem by ourselves or others, or fear of not surviving and a loss of security. Because most of the negative feelings are accompanied by a negative value judgment, they are suppressed, repressed, or projected. Suppression, repression, and projection are all destructive dynamics and result in a progressive stress on and decline of our relationships. We like to pretend that our innermost feelings are unknown to others, but are they? We are all connected to each other on the psychic, intuitive level; so, our feelings are read and known by others. We may not be consciously aware of it, but their behavior toward us reveals that they know our inner attitude and feelings toward them. For example, let’s say that our external behavior on the job is exemplary. Why is it, we ask, that the other person gets the promotion or the recognition, and we do not? The answer is to look at our hidden inner feelings about the boss and the job. Do we really think that he hasn’t registered our inner envy, criticalness, and resentment? It is a safe bet to assume that others know our inner feelings and the thoughts that go with those feelings. The kind of thoughts we are having about them is very likely matched with similar thoughts they are having about us. If we realize this principle, a lot of things that happen in our life will start to make sense. We can ask ourselves, “How would I react if I were the other person and knew exactly what my personal inner feelings and thoughts really were?” The answer to that will usually make clear what the other person’s behavior is all about. Perhaps we didn’t get the promotion because, at the unspoken, energetic level, our boss knew that we were critical of him, resentful of our colleagues, and clamoring for approval and recognition. Before searching ourselves for negative feelings, it is best to remember that these feelings are not our real inner Self. They are learned programs we have inherited from being humans. Nobody is exempt from them; everyone from the highest to the lowest has or has had an ego. Even the few who are enlightened had an ego at one time before it was finally transcended. This is the human condition. To be able to observe our feelings honestly requires a nonjudgmental attitude.

Hawkins, David


Maris Abolins says:

May someone plese tell how high does David R Hawkins himself in peak of his spiritual development calibrate? Higher than Ramana? Higher than Nisargadatta?

Johnny Tocino says:

What if your anti-america and your really successful?Or amazon, far from perfect, but better t gc an wallmart.

Deborah Haley says:

I’m so sorry you’re gone yet so thankful that you’re here

Daniel K says:

so how do i become successful?

Seambali Mogoane says:

I Love Dr David Hawkin – May his soul rest in peace

Tlaloc says:

"First comes the money, then the power then the bitches" Scarface 1983

Lynn McCabe says:

I have been watching Hawkins, he appears to be a snake oil salesman, spewing bulls**t. When he uses the example of being anti American tells you clearly he has an agenda that has nothing to do with God, but perhaps the opposite.

Pedro Zaragoza says:

God bless you Dr. Hawkins.

Deborah Marchant says:

What is the feeling I have when I am thinking levelheadedly about how the capitalist Walmart company is paying their employees low wages to the point that their employees sign up for socialist welfare to pay for their food? Is that envy and hostility? No. I feel compassion.

blessedandres says:

What lecture is this video from?

God is Love says:

Robert Smalley helped me with a calibration of my consciousness and personally mentored me to get to over 500.

YouR1nvited says:

Surrender? Check out Islam. 
Hint: Islam is an Arabic word. 

Wesley Peters says:

thanks for sharing with us and uplifting us and helping it all make sense,blessings to all

Mel Jones says:

Success comes first, the money comes after-BEAST

Marcus Servantes says:

thanks for the vid

MovingNoWhereInLove says:

Great, he looks really happy in this vid. Good lesson learnt from what he said.

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