Dealing With Loneliness | Eckhart Tolle

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In this video, Eckhart answers a question about relationship and loneliness, and how presence and consciousness can help you to transcend who you are on the level of form.
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christina broadhead says:

I love how he laughs at his own jokes, very cool. I can shed so much stress and also physical pain, as I watch and listen to E.T. To quote a friend of mine, upon hearing another spiritual teacher, equally healing, "It's a chiropractic adjustment of the soul" I for one need, yes need this more than ever, as our collective makes so many adjustments. May you have a beautiful day

humancumalien humancumalien says:

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

IS says:

Prayer is the absence of desire in the recognition of

IS says:

To pray is to become aware of the harmony
without a mental effort on your part.

IS says:

Prayer is an awareness of that which IS
by "seeing" it–not making it so.

IS says:

Never seek anything or any condition in prayer.
Let harmony define and
reveal itself. Let your prayer be letting the IS appear.

vinay joseph says:

Give this man a Medal 🙂

IS says:

Prayer is the inner vision of harmony. This vision is attained by giving up the desire to change or improve anyone
or anything

_ musique says:

I don't mean that in a negative way, but little by little he's turning into a standup comedian 🙂

Elizabeth Long says:

☼ ..thank you ''';'

Daphventurer Daph says:

I need friends who are also on this journey of becoming more present. The deeper I go into this, the less people I can genuinely interact with because they don't understand it.

AuroraVioletLight says:

I used to think it was strange that longing seemed absent..until the time that thoughts about it also became absent. Now? …it just is now all the time and all is well. Others question and tell me what and how things ought to be🤔…hmm…ok then, (if they must). Anyway, all is well.
At times lies appear, sometimes I trip or bump into them, and I know it is fear that longs for a following. Anyway, no.
Just no.
All is well. Be still🙏✨

Deborah Danielson says:

Oh my! Collective conditioning! So true for me and my generation, both male and female. “You are only as valuable as you are sexy, pretty, financially well off, useful”. Powerful messaging; now to let that go. YIKES!

galgor says:

This is exactly what I needed to see.

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