How I Evolved Spiritually | My Entire Journey (with footage)

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These are the ups and downs of my journey of awakening. For a while, it was riddled with both so much truth and so much sadness. My consistent yoga practice and strengthening of neuropathways to choose love in moments of fear really changed everything for me and finally anchored my beliefs.
The past few years have felt so much more still, stable, and discerning.
It’s not that I don’t have bad days now, its that I know how to cope with them and I know not to create from an energetic place of fear. I used to think of ending my life anytime I was overwhelmed in the slightest, I now know things do not need to escalate that far. I use those moments to show myself the most love. I revere and celebrate the tiny gifts life brings me every single day. I feel my spirits, guides, and ancestors watching over me, sending me omens and intuitions. The more still I become, the more I forget who I am, the more an entirely new world opens up to me, all my potential realities revealing themselves. Stillness brings me to the deepest level of expansion.

Wherever you are in your journey is beautiful, you are worthy in all moments.

I was so focused on hitting every main point so I definitely come off a little more serious and focused in this video, and my timeline jumped around at different points as I went on tangents. But honestly I’m so proud of this progress and happy to share that growth is truly not linear. I feel like my future self was always beckoning and guiding me along through my sadness, reminding me of all the wisdom I carried. We all carry wisdom within us. The more we clear and empty our minds and energetic field, the more we will receive.

P.S. On the right side of the thumbnail it says “worthy” I was always worthy, but now I am fully aware of it and that changes everything.

Book Recommendations in the order I read them:
The amount of stars is how life-changing they were heh
The Secret ***
Gems of Buddhist Wisdom **
The 4 Noble Truths *
The Power of Now ***
The Alchemist & The Zahir ***
Hatha Yoga Pradipika *
The Baghavaad Gita as interpreted by Paramahamsa Yogananda ****
Autobiography of a Yogi ***
A Return to Love ****
Becoming Supernatural ****
The Sophia Code ****
There’s a lot I’m forgetting but I’ll come back and update as I remember!

🌿 If you want to support me & learn Yoga, Meditation & Tantra practices.. DOWNLOAD MY APP ! – 🌿

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– Hitomi Mochizuki –
Hey I’m Hitomi! I love taking deep mindful breaths and honoring every side of myself.. All the light, dark and shadow. Subscribe for fashion inspiration, self love practices, long rambles on spiritual truths and wholesome stuff all around!





What are your spiritual beliefs?
I currently resonate deeply with Tantra and Hinduism. Buddhism will always play a part in my life as well! 

Thank you for being just who are you.
With so much love,



Alex Hallifax says:

Through this video and all the work you have put in, to yourself and your videos, you have made yourself powerful and in extension, given me the tools to make myself powerful. That is why our universe will always support you. Your roots wrap endlessly underground into the lives of others. We are all flourishing together thanks to your journey. Thank you x

jackeline garcia says:

Hitomi be my frienddddd

Be Do says:

You are such a beautiful soul

EnneSicksTeaPhore says:

Baby. I had to pause this because I almost got teary eyed with some of the stuff you said. Whew. Overwhelming. Thank you.

Kenneth Van Duzen says:

yes sister,

Sharlie Cullen says:

Thank you for sharing so honestly <3 what an inspiration you are! x

a.s.ferrarini says:

Beautiful light✨

Onyeka says:

this is so beautiful 🤍

Sydney Peifer says:

So beautiful and inspiring. I really resonate with aspects of your story and this gives me so much faith in myself and the universe. Thank you for sharing your truth!

aprilll says:

It’s so crazy watched you back then and still watching now. ❤️🙌🏽

Anastasia Slabzhennikova says:

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experience! I literally have a page full of notes of things you`ve said that really resonated with me. I don`t feel crazy anymore for being trying all these practices and working on being happy but also feeling deeply sad at the same time. This video has given me so much hope and I now believe there is a way to heal. Thank you, so much love

Kirstin Spence-Silva says:

This was such a beautiful video to watch, I have been really struggling recently with self love and my own spiritual journey and this was so grounding. A calming beam of light in a dark day, thank you🌙

Alyssa B. says:

I like you. Frfr you dope. Thank you.

Kaden Nguyen says:


Jane Chen says:

Hitomi, I came across this video when I was going through a rough patch in my life and honestly it was the biggest blessing I’ve received this year. You radiated so much love and light when I was at my darkest that I just can’t help to have faith that there will be better days ahead. And so four months later here I am.. I’ve pushed through and I’m at peace with myself so for that I want to sincerely thank you.

UNA says:

you are absolutely beautiful hitomi

Laura Blu Sandía says:

thank you so much for sharing your journey so honestly – that is so much appreciated especially in those times of social media overstimulation and fakeness 🙏🏼

J J says:

Never a dull moment with you.

Amber Rowland says:

your outlook on life has been helping me so much. your videos have been easing my mind in a way I never knew was possible. I feel like being told I have depression, anxiety, and ptsd, although it validated my experiences, left me feeling stuck in that victim reality. I've felt that my depression was truly who I was because how comforting it can feel but you've made me realize I don't have to exist like that. Thank you for your openness and the energy you're putting out into the world because the reach is beautiful.

thesunmoonandskye says:

im so blessed to have stumbled upon this side of YouTube’s algorithm 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Danny Keane says:

Does anyone want me to read aloud to them each morning?? (FaceTime, Skype, whatever). Wisdom based books/philosophy etc 😊
I suffer with social anxiety & feeling comfortable connecting… & think this would massively help.
I read aloud everyday anyway to improve my ability to express – so am used to doing this anywaysss. Also am quite wise/have good insight/counselling/spiritual knowledge 😜 so could always chat about some stuff after too.
Hmu if this is of interest to youuu
Peacee & loads of love x

Swift Retro says:

What a story im halfway in! Also i love your channel i had to subscribe.

xxxilva says:

Do you have any books you recommend for beginners for spirituality or healing?

Clara Osterfrau says:

This was the first video I saw on your channel and I was just blown away by how you were the first person to really get what I was feeling deep inside and what I've always been trying to communicate to others. This video really nurished me and send me so much positivity and hope and love and I'm so grateful that there's people out there who are finding themselves and the deeper truth in the way I do. I really hope that I will be able to surround myself with people who are just as balanced and enlightened as this version of you.
Keep inspiring people and showing them the deeper truth behind everything ❤

a; says:

I resonate with this so much. I feel like I'm about to begin my spiritual journey.

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