Ram Dass – Spiritual Awakening

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“When ye look at me I am an idle, idle man; when I look at myself I am a busy, busy man. Since upon the plain of uncreated infinity I am building, building the tower of ecstasy, I have no time for building houses. Since upon the steppe of the void of truth I am breaking, breaking the savage fetter of suffering, I have no time for ploughing family land. Since at the bourn of unity ineffable I am subduing, subduing the demon-foe of self, I have no time for subduing angry foe-men. Since in the palace of mind which transcends duality I am waiting, waiting for spiritual experience as my bride, I have no time for setting up house. Since in the circle of the Buddhas of my body I am fostering, fostering the child of wisdom, I have no time for fostering snivelling children. Since in the frame of the body, the seat of all delight, I am saving, saving precious instruction and reflection, I have no time for saving wordly wealth.”
― Milarepa

Rare recording of Ram Dass

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Part 1 – 0:01
Part 2 – 32:46
Part 3 – 47:31
Part 4 – 1:24:59
Part 5 – 1:53:30
Part 6 – 2:28:51
Part 7 – 3:02:38
Part 8 – 3:33:33

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  • Categories: Ram Dass


Ram says:

Part 1 – 0:01
Part 2 – 32:46
Part 3 – 47:31
Part 4 – 1:24:59
Part 5 – 1:53:30
Part 6 – 2:28:51
Part 7 – 3:02:38
Part 8 – 3:33:33

Godsk Complex says:

❤️ ❤️❤️❤️✌️👁️👌❤️❤️❤️❤️

Spiritual but Not Religious:

Panic at Babylon:

Rise, Wake, Remember –
Apex Twins and Siblings 🗝️

Here comes the Sun:


Help me lose my mind (let go✌️👁️👌)

The Joker(Jester ✌️👁️👌)

Love Everyone (and Speak Truth ✌️👁️👌)

santamonicatraining says:

I just found your channel thanks so much for all the amazing ram dass videos you post🙏

TomTom says:

am I the only one or does the video really turn into a conversation?

Kanthaka the white says:

Excellent thank you so much

Ram says:

For those who might be wondering. The music in this talk was present in the original audio files.

Ethan Oakes says:

thank you, you're on a roll with all this content!

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