Eckhart Tolle: Emotions

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Eckhart talks about expressing emotions.


SuperObamaladen says:

I have trouble feeling my emotions. Most of the time my emotional state is neutral (i can only feel some bodily functions like the hearth beating etc). What can i do to feel them and dissolve my pain body?

MC Infliction says:

+Sak Yant Foundation, he is not speaking to an audience of Buddhists. The way he is teaching, is a concession to the human mind's level of understanding, and not a mirrored reflection of the Absolute. They wouldn't understand, if one was to speak solely from the Absolute level without coming down the mountain a little. You're correct, this is worldly teaching, but it is to to worldly people, who are not yet aware of their true reality and True Nature, and who are still in the infancy of Truth, and still very deeply in the adulthood of illusion. 

Noel Adams says:

I like so much how freely he expresses his laughter. Many of us would hold back that natural reaction to laugh at something we ourselves expressed.

osla 2057 says:

Pranam gurudev

Sak Yant Foundation says:

Teaching people to punch pillows shows that Eckhart has not yet mastered all 4 of the Sathipatanas. The Buddha never smiled, nor did he teach to engage with emotion.  Body, Emotions, Mind, and lastly, all other inner and outer phenomena, are the four aspects of existence as a Human Being which must be seen through and conquered to rise above animal instinct, and become a celestial mind…   080704 Independence Day
Anger is part of fight or flight animal instinct. The process of enlightenment is to rise above nature into supernature (leave animal instinct, and self coveting, and embrace the superhuman mind that is no longer conditioned by worldly phenomena. I believed in the teachings of Eckhart until i heard this dangerous false teaching. This is still worldly teaching, not unworldly.

Debra Dosch says:


Guz535 says:

I live in finland and its horrible when people dont express emotions here. Its like seeing zombies everywhere, and it will eventually numb you, I think thats one of the reasons the depression rates are trough the roof here.

optizap says:

Anger comes from liver, liver can be be like a barking dog. Tame the dog- easy boy. Belly massage then. Mantak Chia shows classic Tao method for emotional transformation in the book called Fusion of the Five Elements.

James Carian says:

Being present with your emotions: @EckhartTolle#leadership #wisdom #energy

Elizabeth Long says:

..thank you Eckhart 

Metoroid0 says:

Wow, so clear talk. i understood everything 🙂 thank you!

Krystle Champagne says:

lol he is absolutely wonderful 🙂 xxx

John Waugh says:

We do not "express emotion" What we express are thoughts and feelings arising from stress or excitation induced by experiencing what we perceive as threat or promise from our interaction with the environment.. We may keep associated thoughts to ourselves and/or attempt to supress expression of stress or excitation. Emotion is the signalling process  leading to physiological changes enabling us to cope .

kerry smith says:

i personally believe jesus was another character in the bible that had good wisdom and insight on things as other characters in the bible did..but i don't believe he was any saviour. people who hate..have not found their place in themselves and in God and in life

Abhy Sunny says:

The idea is to accept great ideas. It makes no diff if it comes from Jesus or from Eckhart. Humans are always busy labeling it and destroying beauty of those ideas.

steve s says:

The profound changes that have come about in my life and that continue to manifest on a spiritual level since following Eckhart Tolle's teaching are simply beyond words. I've suffered with depression all of my life and for the first time, I can truly say I'm free. This man, with his knowledge and wisdom is building a bridge to a higher level of consciousness, one soul at a time. God Bless You Sir……….

tomojulitaiga says:

Hello Kether (^^) Molecules are matter. Presence moves threw matter with only a shift of atention. Wich, is not Mind but Presence. (^^)

doramaso says:

This Man is a master!.

zuwig says:

choose for yourself what you believe.

FlorenceGrin says:

i love this man

guyoflife says:

this my last reply. let me just ask you this. Even if people awakened naturally through suffering and pain over time do you really think that it's better for their to be massive amounts of suffering and desruction to the planet/people waiting for them to wake up. Or would it be better that people who know the truth help other people awaken to stop all the sufffering before it's too late. No need to answer. And as far as money goes, Eckhart and his crew need to make a living too. Made my point

guyoflife says:

Actually Eckhart's teaching allow people to see the workings of the ego and help them to awaken faster or initiate the awakening. I read his books and I know it's true because I actually have awakened a lot. I'm going beyond the mind. He's not scamming people out of their money he's giving people truth. If you can't understand this then you just aren't ready to get it. It hasn't happened for you yet. You're mind is simply threatened by it. And you're "awakening" is just a concept in your head.

Koen Vissers says:

aren't you then, the same as them?!

clearskies33 says:

Let me tell you one thing, I saw him the same exact way before I knew a thing about him. I've seen people going 'yes this is how you activate your so and so so you can do so and so and not ever be unhappy'. That's bullshit. There is truth in eckhart tolle's teachings. I can say this with every fiber of my being because I believe it. Once you remove the veil of your frustrations, angers, sadnesses that block your judgement, you will see what the ego is. He taught me how to remove it.

Jane Stewart says:

I will borrow this book from the library. Is like emotions are like the energy in clouds; colorful, ever changing. One day was feeling upset about something when the telephone rang. After a pleasant conversation, realized that the distraction itself showed how quickly a shift can happen. 'Without injuring anybody, or yourself.' Learning more about how thoughts feed emotions and to express (or not), while respecting others at the same time. Thankyou.

Karen Bashley says:

Profound frustration is a living nightmare.
It would be too easy to get emotional about it.

yusuf oksan says:

very cool…

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