David Hawkins letting go technique explained.

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Elisa Xavier says:

I breath into that part of the body where I feel the emotion (eg belly) until it 'dissolves'.

Celeste Newton says:

It's taken me an incredibly long time to wrap my head around this too. Sometimes I find myself successfully doing it and it's made such a difference in my life 😊

Ben B says:

Wonderfully explained. Thank you!

Jane Martin says:

wow, practice denial about the meaning and never aquire a deeper, releasing meaning…boys, ya got it backward…good luck with that.

Capriya Charmaine says:

Great video

dreams of turtles says:

Im 63 years old & few men of my generation talk about proper way to deal with feelings. I believe this results in alot of alcoholism. So great to see young men doing this. It really gives me hope for the human race if they learn to process feelings instead of repress them (and have them come out in worse ways)

shiftgood says:

Awesome. Thanks.

Lucy Callaghan says:

Thank you for taking time out to help others. Thumbs up.

henry coyle says:

This might be the single most useful video on youtube ! Really

Ken Hazlin says:

Good explanation.. Check out the Wonder Method if you would like more assistance. Alain is a great teacher too.

E Jay says:

No, relaxing is effort. Letting go means "accept whats happening, as if you have chosen it, then observe without identification with the unpleasant feelings". It's about creating a "distance" between your mind based "I" (thoughts/feelings) and the real "I" ( pure consciousness).

Ed Fishburn says:

If you are doing this "SO THAT" the feeling will go away — that is resistance. "ALLOWING" means not hating the pain, and not wanting it to go away.. The feeling is present because it NEEDS you to feel it fully and understand what it is telling you. When you "get it" , it will have no further need to be present. The current-moment trigger is not the cause of the feeling, but is bringing to the surface something deeply buried in you that needs to be processed to its completion..
Teal Swan has some excellent videos on this subject.

Lauryn L. says:

Thank you for this video.🙏

Jestine Lenckus says:

good. Yoga has taught me this also

Joey Cosentino says:

Thank you very much

Ryan25 Jamerson says:

I would sleep through stomache pain

Flying Crew says:

Feel it.

Know that it's not u

Your pure awareness

Christine Mcpherson says:

I love your subject… thank you excellent

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