The Big Picture Something Deeply Hidden Conversation with Deepak Chopra & Sean Carroll

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The Big Picture Something Deeply Hidden Conversation with Deepak Chopra & Sean Carroll”

Sean Carroll is a Research Professor of theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology and External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He received his Ph.D. in 1993 from Harvard University. His research focuses on fundamental physics and cosmology, quantum gravity and spacetime, and the evolution of entropy and complexity. He is the author of several books, most recently Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime. He has been awarded prizes and fellowships by the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Sloan Foundation, the Packard Foundation, the American Physical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of London, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the host of the weekly Mindscape podcast.

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E A says:

Awesome, thank you both!

Carolyn long says:

So interesting thank you

Hugo Thales says:

Thank you for this interesting serious of talks Deepak. Just step back a little and give your guests some more time to express their ideas. 🙏

Georg T. says:

I enjoy Deepak as well as Sean Carroll very much since a long time … very profound and important exchange …. please continue soon 👍👍

Christian Villabona says:

Simply great stuff!!!
We are lucky to have the opportunity to listen to this conversation.
Thanks to both Deepak and Sean for helping to further our knowledge and understanding of reality.

Gary Greffe says:

Wonderful, thank you, will be getting Sean Carroll's books for sure.
Much love and many blessings to you both🙏🔥

PokeDreadHead says:

Is that bob dole

JMarie Flowers {Artist} says:

Many Moons ago.. 😊

Dr.Satish Sharma says:

Excellent…. nice to see two together , previously Distinguished Dr. Deepak Chopra taking book of Distinguishd Dr. Sean Carroll in his hand , used to quote alone …. beautiful combination of two Great from Science and spirtual , thus helping viewers to understand better & in depth the existence (TRUTH)…… best collective approach to solve various challenges faced by humanity like hard problem of consciousness etc….. thanks 🙏.

Ehsan Javadi says:

Amazing! been waiting for this for some time. Wish for many more!

John Smith says:

Shame on Sean Carrol for speaking with Chopra and giving him any respect.
His spa offers Auruvedic astrology which like all Astrology posits the false claim that ones fate and temperament are stamped on us at the moment of birth by the position of stars and planets. Further Chopra in a recent discussion with the author of the Secret claimed he by force of will had lengthened the telomeres at the end of all the chromosomes in his body.
Unless he is claiming to have special superhuman powers that claim means he thinks we all can stop our telomeres shortening and live exceptionally long. It is irresponsible for a real physicist to grant legitimacy to one who makes false medical claims like the telomere claim.
Sean should not have given Chopra this appearance of legitimacy for this just to sell his book.

Dr.Keshavamurthy says:

Thank you Deepak sir. Thank you Sean Caroll sir


Oh wow, I loved Sean Carroll's book, "Something deeply hidden"

freedommascot says:

Great analogy using the sphere to show the correlation between a widening field of knowledge (the area within the expanding sphere) to a widening field of uncertainty (the enlarged circumference on the outside). But I cannot subscribe to the Many Worlds interpretation—it only tells me that we’ve got something really wrong about quantum mechanics. Great interview though from Depak and I love Sean Carroll!

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