Profound Psilocybin Experience by Harvard Professor, Ram Dass aka Richard Alpert

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This is an explanation of a psilocybin experience by former Harvard Professor, Ram Dass aka Richard Alpert –a former close associate of former Harvard Professor, Timothy Leary.

This is re-uploaded from Omega Point.

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Muay Thai'er says:

omg that is mind blowing

PsychedSubstance says:

"Just collecting more and more badges." Made me think of pokemon… the never ending saga of playing the same game over and over again but with the illusion it's different by altering the look of the badges and monsters slightly with each new release.

Johnny Threefour says:

Sounds like a cool insight into the ways our human minds are structured. Doesn't mean there was any significant insight into how the universe itself works.

Binge Bammer says:

yea go to bali and watch all the fucked up bogans doing mushrooms and driving motobikes, sounds like a great world to live in. Screaming in the halls? oh just another bogan having a bad trip and fighting the gnomes in the walls… Sure a lot of people can have a great time, but you probably havent seen the backsides then.

Fraser Orr says:

It's important to note that drugs were not the final answer Ram Dass was looking for. While they did break him out of his shell, he found getting high then coming down wasn't doing it for him and stopped after a few years.

Reyengine says:

an elite academic who ends up with mushrooms and hinduism … how ordinary

Valerie Howard says:

I read be Now Here back in the late 70's when I was in college, and mushrooms were still pretty easy to find. Lost the book years later. Would like to read it again, still absent of the mushrooms. Is it still for sale?

222JJJKKK1 says:

mushrooms arent the solution to all the worlds problems….. just most of em

Gabriel Freitas says:

"…then i left the drugs and started working to Jacob."

Sanchez9531 says:

one mushroom can literally save the world

SuperStargazer666 says:

I want to find the 'me' inside me. 

Deadalus DX says:

What is the background song?

Rovert Meis says:

Damn isnt he articulate 

Patrick David says:

Hum, I dont know how to feel about this.  Maybe we should lock people up in nuclear missile silos and see how they react when they choose to do these kinds of drugs.  I would love to see someone drugged and taken advantage of for my personal pleasure.  Thats what these drugs do.  Very rarely does something good come as a result of these drugs and if you were to do your homework you would know that these kinds of drugs are very very illegal anywhere in the world.

Adam K. says:

I personally believe that meditation is the only true way to attain permanent relief from suffering, but that doesn't mean that psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca, ibogaine etc… cannot be used for psychotherapy.

There has been a lot of positive scientific studies about the effects of psilocybin on deactivating the default mode network and even growing brain cells.

I personally do not believe meditation and psychedelic therapy are mutually exclusive, because meditation as well also deactivates the DMN during and BETWEEN meditation sessions as well.

Within the right set and setting psychedelics can be used to rend the barrier to between the conscious and unconscious mind, allowing for awareness to integrate and digest previously suppressed experiences.  I believe this process can be used as a direct method for clearing thought forms related to negative emotions and limiting beliefs that trouble so many.

But like all things, they can be abused, even though ayahuasca and ibogaine rarely are.

TheJonsalazar says:

Happy tripping, I too am beginning to embark on this journey. I've been on it but never really listened. Now my ears are open

sean m (mustangdude1995) says:

Try thinking of a color you have never seen before. This is the equivalent of someone trying to describe psychedelics to you. 

chrisisagoodname2 says:

Hes lucky he got it on trip #1 lol he probly took a shit ton

mer abu says:

So i don't even know how i got here but this was like the best accidental click i've ever done.haha just what I needed!

Guido Fox says:

Ram Dass wasn't the only one who popped Acid with Tim Leary in Harvard experiments
R.A.describes his powerful experience : Richard Alan Miller : Popping Acid with Timothy Leary

thickneck says:


walter sobchack says:

The def of a drug is a chem manufactured substance, mushrooms, maryjane,ayahuasca, dmt etc.. are substances found in nature just like strawberries and to label them as drugs is incorrect.

Argot May says:

Metzner still helps people do journeys properly. Ram Dass has live monthly web casts after his stroke. We are blessed to have these pioneers around.

ditto says:

Need subtitles in spanish! Thankyou!
A Big Hug for all!

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