Refuge and Talking with the Dalai Lama ◦ Full Movie (2006)

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~ ♥ ~


Recognize who you truly are!

Sacred Sangha of Earth,
Beloved Beings of Presence,
Being One, we liberate Humanity

Be present! Be joyful! Be free!

~ Blessings to You ~

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Supreme Illuminator says:

focusing on the spirit is great but in a world were the universe that god
created is constantly trying to kill us….without western Apollonian
order……there will be trouble….I dont know, I think i like technology
instead of just meditating for ever. on the other hand the asians did not
invent the atom bomb ….LOL, but they didnt invent medicine
either….maybe the best is to mix west and east philosophies to get a new

Ramon Carballo says:

Refuting the believe that the Dalai Lama is a sincere and pure buddhist
practitioner and teacher by using his words and comparing it with Buddhas

We must admit that sometimes the Dalai Lama tells the truth. Some days ago
a friend of mine showed me a magazine with a Dalai Lama interview, in it
the Dalai Lama says the following and I quote:
There is no much sense in me speaking about myself. It is better that other
people do it. What I know is that when I was a child I was a character, but
I have changed. Nowadays, I get angry from time to time, like for example
not long ago in Madrid. It was in the hotel waiting for my luggage to
arrive to the hotel, and it was not arriving. No one knew anything about
it. How silly! It should be somewhere. So I lost my temper. But it was for
a good reason: in my luggage there was my Tibetan medicine and I have
stomach pain, so I need it. In general I think that emotions and
intelligence come together. The emotions are part of our life but
intelligence must control them. In my case, when emotions come out my
wisdom and experience help me. However sometimes they appear in my dreams.
I see myself fighting with people. I hold something in my hand and I try to
hit them, but then I remember in my dream that I am a monk and I should not
fight. Sometimes I also dream with women. Yes attractive women… The Dalai
Lama laughs and speaks in Tibetan that Thetong translates: . The Dalai Lama keeps laughing: ,
that is a very low comment, Can you imagine Shantideva, Milarepa, Atisha o
Yhe Tsonkhapa stating such a low , insulting and ordinary comment?
Is this the persona appointed to represent the Buddhist path in this world?
For me is just a clown, a show man and a very, very ordinary person full of
delusions and with no capacity or will to overcome them.
PD- The interview was in the Spanish magazine “El semanal” 9 of July 2005
Nº 923.

Dear Dalai Lama followers we are not pointing out to Dalai Lama’s faults
out of hatred. Also it seems that everyone can be wrong less him. His
Spiritual Guide can be wrong, his tutors can be wrong, all the great
masters (past, present and future) that worship Dorje Shugden can be wrong,
we, the ones that worship Dorje Shugden, can be wrong even Buddha
Shakyamuni can be wrong. Everyone in the past, present and future can be
wrong less him. It is a bit weird do not you think? Just for a moment,
think the other way around and let’s see what would happen. It is not more
likely that the one wrong is him and the great masters, teachers, Spiritual
Guide and Buddha Shakyamuni are right?
For me it is clear that he is the one that is making the mistake (big one).
Look even it is easy to prove that the Dalai Lama is not interested in
Buddhism anymore if it is not that it gives him power, fame etc. Now he is
saying that if science proves that some of the principles of Buddhism are
wrong Buddhism should be adapted to science. I ask to you how is possible
that someone with Dharma realizations make this statement? He is saying
that Buddha can be wrong. To me is showing very clearly, using his own
words that he does not have any Dharma realizations so there is no basis or
right for him to ban the practice of Dorje Shugden. Also, he shows that he
does not understand what Buddhism is really about. He does not understand
that Buddhism is an inner science, the science of the mind. And that has
already been tested for many years for great practitioners and has been
passed down from generation to generation, from teacher to disciple. I
think that he is mixing ordinary science and the inner science of Buddhism.
Any great master with Dharma realizations would not make a statement like
that. So look, if we put it the other way around everything makes a lot of
sense. The Dalai Lama has made a mistake banning the practice of Dorje
Shugden, and this mistake is bringing a lot of suffering as stated by
Kelsang Anara. He has made this mistake because he is more concerned about
ordinary and mundane thinks, reputation, fame, etc. than for Dharma. For
that reason he is already able to sacrifice Buddha’s teachings for the sake
of ordinary science. It is not mi intention to make angry anyone with this,
just trying to make you think about Dalai Lama’s actions and words. Also I
can recognise my father as a kind person if he helps me materially, but I
also can recognise if my father is making a big mistake, even to protect
him. So when you really love someone you do not want that person to damage
others neither himself by performing non virtuous actions. I feel you
should be less selfish and see the damage that the Dalai Lama is bringing
to himself and try to protect him.

Tsering Bawa says:

Thukje che Rinpo chen.

Jean-Jacques HUGAND says:

Bonjour à vous tous,
Mon cher Dalaï lama si tu étais un vrai maître spirituel, tu n’aurais
besoin d’aucune médecine pour te soigner ton estomac, car tu ne serais
jamais malade, la force seule dans le bien être de ton esprit sain et saint
te suffirait à prévenir toute maladie. Mais tu ne peux tromper que toi-même
et ceux qui se font à ton sujet des illusions.
Être éclairé, c’est ne pas être illusionné ! Lire ce livre intitulé VOIR
DIEU des frères JANKO ET LIVIN DE WIRSBERG publié sous format ebook à
télécharger gratuitement sur internet. Bien cordialement à vous tous !

ZERO XX77 says:

its v hard to begin with ….but over time,it becomes easier
etc……s.l,o,w,l,y ……I still cant understand the concept of emptiness
etc,and a lot of the ceremonies …can be traced back to {bon}.
mandalas are pretty powerful images,as well as being beautiful ………all
in all theres more pros than cons. SANDINISTA 1

enny sen says:

dalai lama he is’ ocean of love n compassion’ 

enny sen says:

buddhism is one n only religion which teaches us to love n live in

Tashi Madison says:
Subash virgo says:

Ooppsss, don’t compare him with Vatican ! He he he

dorje168 says:

DHARAMSHALA, November 4 – The Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama
met with nuns from eight different nunneries who have gathered at the
Dolmaling nunnery for this year’s Jang-Gun-Chö, the Great Winter Debate.
The debate festival was held between last month. 

ZERO XX77 says:

ummmmm…..ive found its mainly middle class westerners , going on month
long retreats etc……and finding it v hard to follow etc, bit sad really
, and meditation is v hard to do … take from it what helps u and
combine it with other beleifs and the main thing compassion and ethical
living [ no meat 1 etc] and connect with the universe and u might gain
insights …..or u might not , at least give it a try.

peter košut says:

Buddhism, Cults are very large bullshit.
buhisti believe in 18 hells buddhist samsara says
Hell realm: hell beings endure unimaginable suffering for eons of time.
There are actually eighteen different types of hells, each inflicting a
different kind of torment. In the hot hells, beings suffer from unbearable
heat and continual Torments of various kinds. In the cold hells, beings
suffer from unbearable cold and other Torments.
Generally Scholars agree that most Buddhist literature holds That buddha
mother goddess Maya died seven days after the birth of Buddha, and was
then reborn in the Tavatimsa Heaven, where the Buddha preached the later
Abhidharma to her. Her sister Prajapati (Pali: Pajāpatī or Mahāpajāpatī
Gota) Became the child’s foster mother. [1]
After Siddhartha had attained Enlightenment and become the Buddha, he
visited his mother in heaven for three months to pay RESPECTS and to teach
the Dharma. LOL
Allah is truth..

Amanda Steckel says:


Ming Chen says:

Your entire account spams messages like this, you know nothing of Buddhism
and you are almost certainly a chinese shill being paid for this nonsense.
Look up Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, oh wait you can’t.

boodistGeek says:

This film is well-intentioned but somewhat scattered. The editing is
uneven, and while seeking to shed light on Buddhist subjects it makes use
of a number of uninformed non-Buddhists.

Yazhou meng says:

Learn Buddhism from The Dalai Lama? A twisted monk with his twisted
Buddhist teachings? Are you kidding me?

Andre Valdestilhas says:

Refuge and Talking with the Dalai Lama ◦ Full Movie (2006)

Christian Anders Learning Channel says:

Hes a monster. KARMA will teach the Lama.

Oṁ Mani Padme Hūṁ says:

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