8 Unusual Things That Happen Only To Spiritually Gifted People

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8 Unusual Things That Happen Only To Spiritually Gifted People.

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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You know, every one of us is gifted one way or another, and while some people may be able to do what we do, sometimes we also have something unique only to ourselves. Some people may be gifted spiritually, others are physically, and the rest maybe somewhere between.

So, guys, a spiritual gift is actually the most extraordinary and uncommon one. For a start, social admiration is one thing since people tend to think of a spiritually gifted person as an extraordinary being. Their wisdom is worth mentioning, and people often seek them out for guidance. However, it is worth to note that no special abilities ever come without consequence or cost. Without training their abilities to its fullest, the burden will be too much to handle.

Naturally, a spiritually gifted person is more spiritually sensitive than other people. And honestly, this sensitivity will affect much into their life; how they feel, how they react to certain situations, and how they influence others. Therefore, we’ve put together some common yet subtle signs that help you determine if you’re spiritually gifted. If you are affected by most, if not all of these things, more likely you’re a spiritually gifted one.


Candace Gunning says:

I was born during an eclipse 7-11-1991. My mom always told me this but I never believed her. Finally looked it up and she was right. Most of these do apply to me but I have been feeling very lost. I lost my faith this year along with everything I care about most. Trying my hardest to build myself back up but I find myself afraid to face the world..

JT Prasadi says:

They said you will be awaken between 3-4am when you’re in the awakening phase. My question is how long is that process lasts? Do we have to be awake at that time for the rest of our live now?

Adivine Blessing says:

Thank you 😊

Michael Hayes says:

When I'm sleeping I will have three different voices talking women asking me if I'm okay

Toni__couture says:

I’m spiritual gifted too 😌

Joseph Tombs says:

Ok it's like this I wake up in the morning and the first thing I see is some one is setting on the foot of my bed asking me for help. Then I rub my eyes and now the person disappears. And now I see people that have died and they even talk to me. They wanted me to contact their loved ones. Now is this normal?

Lindsey Corley says:

Well I've realized i cant hold a hotel key for more than 2 mins or else it gets deactive!

pamela perry says:

Cats pee in my yard they speak in my house when I catch him know that I get out they just leave then they come right that bird squirrels a lot of what you said be going on and I feel a lot of energy surging through my body in I feel like sometimes like so much has hit my mind but it's like a driven forth that keep me going

Bindazz Uma says:

All the things happen with me

Paul Becera says:

But Everytime I get hurt.. I just force my pain to be squished by some sord of no fear what will happen, when any body parts of mine are bleeding. My brain tell's me, that if I see one I'll permanently squish it with clothes and water since nothing will happen to me if that doesn't lead to death.

sagi says:

Ok but this is Paris Hilton doing the video or what

HEER 💖 says:

The secured Heart | Beautiful spiritual Explanation | https://youtu.be/taDo4bkux6E

Tinker Heartz says:

I have all except 8 and even like that some bugs approach me and feel safe (IE: crickets, ladybugs, a butterfly, the butterfly only happened twice so yeah, fireflies, ants, and some other bugs) I’m only 12-13 so this is big that at such a young age I’m showing many signs. At a concert once a lady came up to me and said “IDK who you are but your energy or aura or whatever it is is SO strong and so beautiful” I’ve met another spiritually gifted person so now I have a friend that understands me

Lm TV says:

The background music is so creepy…

Never Tame says:

Ooooof this resonates! 🙏🏼

Ritesh Chawla says:

How do you know?🧐
Are you suggesting you are spiritually gifted?

Twinflame couple❤️ says:

My relationship is a spiritual i dont know… Bt only one thing something plan god by my relation….. 🥰🥰

Nathou Love Touaz says:

I get almost all of them🤔

Jellybean Monroe says:

I experience All of the above….but I guess I kinda knew that.

Witness Love says:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.Yehushua loves you and is coming soon. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. I love you all.

Barbara Ordonez says:

I have always felt these things ever since I was little and I still do.

kushcloud says:

When my dad died I'd get nightmares he'd walk though the door as if he wasn't ever dead for the nightmare to happen over again

Lois jones says:

i can feel when something is about to happen before it actually happens.

Lois jones says:

i can feel peoples energy when i enter a room, or if someome speaking to me wether by phone or in person i can feel their energy.

rita pompa says:

Ty so much, well that explains 💫🦋🌟

You Already Know says:

Is attracting mosquitos part of it? 😝

Arya Choubey says:

No special ability comes out without the consequences of past. True that!

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