Stuart Wilde ~ Purity, Perception and Love (Las Vegas lecture)

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As custodians of the Light, our goal is to go back inside our divinity. Divinity is linked to purity, so the more pure you can become, the closer you reach your own divine connection. Stuart teaches us about how to reach that aspect of ourselves in this recording.


Kotobukicho says:

Drivel. Is this what happens when you do too much ayahuasca? So after years of teaching spirituality, he teaches to run away from everything? Go to the airport, don't answer the phone, don't open the mail. Keep running and getting drunk and then die young while driving to where, the airport? The question is, does this complaining, incoherent blather make his earlier teachings wrong? I don't want to follow my teachers into a slow and painful early death. I want to find my bliss and live it. How can you give something to someone you don't like if you're offering them light and love? Contradictions that are impossible to follow–a schism in thought. So again, are his earlier teachings worth following, or do we end up on the same road to **?

Liz Eysink says:

just got to the let go and walk out line….. keep thinking, hoping and praying that's what he did in 2013…

Jessica Resendez says:

Thank you for sharing.

Cindy Safra says:

I am so thrilled to have found Stuart Wilde on you tube! He has literally changed my thought process and helped me to begin to find my true purpose to this life. Thank you for sharing all these teachings!!

Elena Mesa says:

at a brilliant perception of the world

George Parker says:

I never got to attend Stuart's last few seminars since they were so far away. This recording is the start of a 1 or 2 day seminar – did the entire event get recorded?

Janet Whyte says:

Once again loving heart foundation thank you for sharing the teachings of this way ahead of his time man.
If you find anymore of his work would you please would not only be doing me a favour but also the rest of humanity <3

Emma Pitman says:

Wow this is incredible stuff <3

TheNormallyOpen says:

Fantastic, I appreciate the effort that you have put in to share, thanks.

Alia Wilson says:

I found Stuart through a very strange coincidence one day in our local library, I liked the cover picture of one of his recordings from way back, took it home, liked the his accent and humor and because of that at first I started to listen to him,! Those were much older from the 80's and in tape format but I became quickly fascinated by the fact that everything he said then and that was 30 years ago had come true and that was in 2013, cpl of years ago, now they were more business tapes on how to succeed financially and the premonitions he had of things to come,.. and everything was spot on !!  I researched and came across Stuart in his later years, the more metaphysical ones and what keeps me listening is that it resonates with something I already know, as Stuart once said and I remember this well,  "The first time you hear the truth of something you will know because you have known it all along, buried in your subconscious waiting for someone to re awaken it, amazing,

Ruben Paolinelli says:

Thank you for this share! 

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