David Hawkins on the Discovery of the Presence of God

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Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer, joins Eldon to discuss his work and book, “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality.” Listen in and you will discover why Sir David Hawkins work was acclaimed by Mother Teresa.


sasquatch brett says:

Good & Bad are value systems; just like asking someone what they do for a living to calculate a level of respect. Whether something is the Truth or Not is not a value system.

Rick Roberts says:

Does anyone know what year this interview took place? Hawkins isn't sounding too good here, IMHO.

Falcon Britt says:

This biography of Hawkins – Power Versus TRUTH – might be of interest. Hawkins asked this man to write a biography of him, but the writer was pretty upset by what he found – the facts he uncovered differed from the stories put forward by David Hawkins about his life. Worse, Hawkins's biggest claim to fame – a way to know truth – doesn't work. Hawkins thought Fox News calibrated highest in truth of the major channels at that time, and his political opinions colored many of his other "calibrations" as well. How he didn't recognize the power of the mind (and unconscious mind in particular!) in influencing the body is quite odd for a psychiatrist. Hawkins calibrated the first U.S. President Bush at 460 (with only 20% of the world's population over 200, it meant he saw Bush as a highly evolved being). Most people without a strong Republican political bias – and certainly the majority of the world's population – regarded Bush as having compromised integrity. When his students got different outcomes, Hawkins told them they were doing it wrong because they themselves were out of integrity. Since that time, a lot of double blind studies have examined kinesiology's accuracy. The body can accurately tell you through kinesiology if a supplement or food is good for it. Kinesiology is not reliable, however, in double blind studies for any other purpose. You can't tell truth from falsehood with it. You can't calibrate goodness or ethics with it. And if you want a real eye-opener, read this: http://realitymaps.com/2007/09-davidhawkins.html

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

abuse to enlightenment says:

Was it necessary to read out all your letters of thanks … sharing people's gratitude is one thing but so much personal accolade is not necessary at the level that Dr Hawkins and other guests are reaching out at.

Pat ##### says:

Why didnt you cut out the commercials

God is Love says:

Robert Smalley helped me by calibrating my level of consciousness and personally mentored me and helped me raise my consciousness level over 500

Bohemian Wrecks says:

indeed we are stuck if "wrong"

*The World Teacher - Jagadguru Svāmī Vegānanda* says:

Sir David? He was knighted by which king?

kevinmartin6 says:

That's an interesting interview, thanks. Glad to hear a calibration of the "Affordable Care Act" by the way…  As per the discussion on value judgments around minute 33 or so, one of the important aspects of the Scale of Consciousness is that it's not measuring truth vs. falsehood, or power vs. force as pairs of opposites.  It's more like measuring the temperature of H2O, where a decrease in temperature changes the quality of H2O from vapor, to water, to ice. On Dr. Hawkins' scale, the 200 mark would be like water at 32º.  Saying that anything that calibrates below 200 is 'bad' is just a convenience of speech.  What it's really saying is that something calibrating below 200 is spiritually week, and lacks consciousness, power, and love.  The scale isn't measuring two things, its only measuring one thing: the degree of the absence of love/consciousness. The highest end of the scale shows a high number (1000), but represents the lowest degree of love's absence; an allowing of the highest amount of energy the human body is known to withstand.

Eldon Taylor says:

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