Deepak Chopra debate science vs spirituality

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Deepak Chopra debate- science vs spirituality Deepak Chopra is the Founder and Chairman of the Chopra Foundation, and Founder and Co-Chairman of the Chopra C.

Try to imagine this debate without Sam Harris being there to correct Deepak. It would have seemed like Deepak was making good points. Thank you SAM HARRIS! D.

These two authors jointly wrote a book on Science and Spirituality called War of the Worldviews. Deepak is known as an apologist for Religion and spiritualit.

In an interview with HuffPost Live on Tuesday, author and self-proclaimed spiritual leader Deepak Chopra attacked atheist Richard Dawkins for being an “adole.


Cappy Cross says:

Are you daft? Deepak made many good points, and also corrected Sam appropriately and accurately a few times too…it was a great discussion I thought.

Bilbo Swaggins says:

Very interesting, also that guys laugh is priceless lol.

Fred Stratton says:

Opinion is not a bona fide answer. Fact is a bona fide answer. Religion and spirituality are based on opinion. Science is based on fact. Therefore science is bona fide.

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