Neale Donald Walsch | Conversations with God – Book 2

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Neale Donald Walsch | Converstions with God – Book 2

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Peter Perfect says:

This guy must be a nutter! Asylums are full of people who think they can
talk to God, are Jesus, have been abducted by aliens 

Maddie M.K says:

Can someone elaborate on what God said about not hiding sex from your
children? Also, why does it feel wrong to me, for a couple to make love in
front of their children? Is God condoning or discouraging pedophilia? I
most definitely hate pedophilia, if that is the connotation. Is that what
God meant? Or is it simply not shaming sex and acting like it doesn’t
exist, to your children? Not actually engaging in sex with them, right?

Dan Long says:

Here are my 10 suggestions. 1. Live and let live. 2. Don’t stick your nose
in other peoples affairs. 3. Don’t steal. 4. Don’t kill unless it is in
self defense. 5. Take a day off and do whatever you want. 6. Save at least
10% of your income for a rainy day. 7. Don’t text and drive. 8. Pay your
taxes. 9. See through all the bullshit. 10. Practice critical thinking. 

dmcarden says:

what evidence is there that he actually heard the voice of God? To me, this
is a charlatan, pure and simple. Can simply imagine a two-way conversation
and then write a few books and get rich.. what a joke

Don Baaska says:

F**cking brilliant. Blowing what little mind I have left. Thanks Neale,
thanks Alexandria. I can only take about 40 min of this before starting to
nod out and I get up for a cup of coffee. Taking notes helps.
It’s like a very “rich” meal.
Familiar and yet new–a fresh viewpoint.

Love, B

Dan Long says:

George Carlin on religion makes more sense to me.

Jayy Perri says:

So Jihadi John is not a bad person? 

Bathe Faith says:

570 ( circle ) 44 ( master number )

Durelene Francois says:

This is so liberating, I didn’t realize how uptight I was about life. This
is a breath of fresh air

Inocuchino says:

I love this book series, it’s pure genius 

Chill528Heavens says:

Its SO Amazing that this Books are online <3

Jose Manuel Marquez says:

Good morning to all

Bill Andrews says:

Something went horribly wrong with this narrative around 4:30, Walsch
displays himself as a state indoctrinated pleb, and God responds with a
bizarre call for world government, really? Even more of what hasn’t work at
all, ever (the USA is no example of a case for anything remotely positive
for centralized government control, sure it work while there was land to
steal and resources to pillage, the well is going dry and things are
falling apart now). Where is the discussion of the sovereignty of the
individual? The individual as the basis for non-agression, co-operation
(love) and self ownership. It seems God is OK with the “state” being the
start and end of sovereignty, utterly unbelievable. I am lost on this
entire point…hoping this has just been colored by Walsch’s
interpretation, otherwise the entire conversation is becoming suspect, a
pity if so. 

Daniel Ngoy says:

This is weird. Anyone know if it’s true?

J.A. Jones says:

Faith is the evidence. ..

Gangula Gangulic says:

What is the cure for cancer and HIV? Please ask god next time. Thank you?

TheVariableConstant says:

This is interesting and I agree with some of it BUT personally I do not
believe all of it is true. As this book has said and the same thing said by
other masters “do not believe everything just because someone with
authority says so, but make your own decision based on how you think and
feel about it”! Peace.

P. Annie Coleman says:

None are so blind as those who will NOT see.

Aardvark O'Shame says:

2:2:30 is just…wow. 

Denise Michaud says:

I keep listening to these messages morning, noon if I can and evening I
really want to get this yet I am still unable to capture enough. I still
have so many blocks yet my heart yearns to know myself as God knows me and
be able to share this much more than I can explain. Oh God please help me
see, hear and vibrate our Love as one with all. I really really want this
yet feel I am not ready completely, I still want to play and have fun. I
love you so much! 

likfrikbik says:

This books are amazing!it confirms and explains in more details what
every,guru,master,teacher has said.You don’t have to die to see what
freedom is,practice meditation and find out your self.Browse for Thomas
Champbell on you tube,if you want to know more,he is a very good teacher.

John Simpson says:

I love this Book. Thank you Neale x

Vanessa Klinger says:

I think the quote that Neale asked who the source was is Gertrude Stein

Anthony Turner says:

Richardjay00 – “Cant you see that no one is Listening to you? You sound
very discombobulated….

Jose Manuel Marquez says:
Mary Sue Beth says:

Complete and utter rubbish… you had me going there for a few minutes
though. “There’s a way of life that looks harmless enough; look again – it
leads straight to hell.” Proverbs 14:12

Jesse Lloyd says:

We are spirits in the material world. What would love do now?

Ohkapi says:

Thank you so much for sharing these with us… It’s really touching and
full of wisdom. I have the Traditional Chinese version of this book at my
home. Love it very much to hear this in English.

Jery Jeshua says:

Begin telling yourself to always seek for where you can hear more of God’s
word than any other. Your tomorrow’s result, is determined by the decision
you make today. Seek God first and all other things, will be added unto
you. This is one of the healthy keys towards a better success in life.

Michael Hays says:



anastasia kyriakidou says:


Denise Michaud says:

This is how I feel today! I am sure I miss so much..
I believe we are all here to have an experience in divine love and the only
way to experience our divinity and perfection is by experiencing that which
is not love, then it is up to us to choose what we want. Many masters are
available to show us the way, it is our free will that chooses love or
fear. I have had my share of being afraid and now I choose to remember who
I really am. Who I really am is nothing but magnificent love I am one with
God. We are all one having an experience in the flesh. I used to believe
that life happened to me now I know the truth and the truth is I am
creating everything in my own life through my thoughts words and deeds, I
am 100% responsible for what I am now creating. If I believe I can then I
can and the opposite is also true. There is no hell except the hell that we
create if that is what we choose, all we need do is remember from where we
come and the truth will set us free. We really can be have and do whatever
we want, we need only believe in who we really are. A good way to do this
is to give to each other what we want for ourselves and ultimately we all
want love. If you love what you do you will be successful at it no matter
what. Believe in yourself and do not judge others for we all have our own
divine path to take. Instead help another to see their own perfection. What
we give out we get back always!

smcx66 says:

evidently there’s a lot of fuzzy thinkers when there’s addiction involved.
Doing crack or Jesus is the same god damn thing. it needs contras to know
itself to know it’s own existence. Live and let die.

wiggsplit says:

+NegiMudkip and you are free to make that decision.

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