Neale Donald Walsch on There is Nothing We Have To Do

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Full 30 minute interview at
Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God (Book I) sold more than 7.5 million copies and stayed on the New York Times best sellers list for a phenomenon 137 weeks. His latest project, The Global Conversation, poses 7 questions that Walsch hopes will change our cultural story to create a reality much closer to a type of heaven here on earth. “Food, water and energy will become major crisis points unless we wake up and change the way we are doing life here on earth,” he says. “Seek thee first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you.” Check out Eloise’s conversation with Neale Donald Walsch at

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Michael Young says:

I think that this is guy that said that God told him, "Hitler is in heaven." Need I say more.

Brandon Stradling says:

its cool that hes saying that he wont leave his family because of regret. you love the people around you. once they are gone you will miss them. so he says to help the people around you grow as people. grant them wishes be the god that you are. we are. his idea to manage ourselves is to realize we don't have any enemies. So love and give all you have in your heart. what are you waiting for? a sign from god? a sign from yourself?

Carola Adolf says:

Well – I don't chose to pay my taxes, or my grocery bill… but guess what happens if I don't?

Maria Moura says:

INDIGO with Neale Walsh – great movie 😀

Dave Furgess says:

This guy would make P.T. Barnum proud!

Michiel v. Tienhoven says:

Men don't have to be saved. Explain what there is to be saved of?
I do find some merit in "faith" rather than knowledge though, but rather I'd put it to: Experience and believe in the part of God who you are, rather than taking something outside yourself, mere words, and believing those.

John Trollson says:

Men are saved by faith, not by knowledge

Michiel v. Tienhoven says:

To believe Christ was real, doesn't mean you have to be a Christian and believe the Bible. I think we can find many partial truths in the Bible, but I think we can all agree that to really find any truth you would've had to talk with the man himself.

Betty Hernandez says:

God speaks from the heart, not the verse! Man wrote the verse. God speaks through our hearts.

Michiel v. Tienhoven says:

What… Why would you incline you need a verse to back up statements?

Creatrix13 says:

Exactly. We all have freedom of choice, and all choice have consequences – especially the choice we don't make. We are here to develope, and if people would understand that reincarnation is a fact then many would realise that there is nothing to strive for really, since we are only here to learn and grow – why stress a Whole Life after Things that are not very important?

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